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February Freedom Fighters ~ week 2

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    February Freedom Fighters ~ week 2

    Good morning friends!

    I didn't drag my tired butt out of bed until 7:45 this morning & that is completely unheard of for me :H :H
    Having the boys here until 10:15 last night was a bit much & they were wired all evening!!!
    I make darn sure I don't let them have any sugary foods in the evening, they both had a warm bubble bath in the spa tub but nothing seemed to help settle them down, Geez!!

    Star, cyn just said what I was going to say - the MSG they sneak into prepared mixes is the likely culprit. Making everything from scratch is a bit of a pain but much safer in the long run. Thank goodness for Google - you can find instructions for making anything
    I would just use Benadryl as needed/tolerated for the swelling & drink lots of water/tea to help flush it out of your system.
    I've been interested in doing some Indian cooking lately & didn't know where to find the spice garam masala - so I Googled it. Easy Garam Masala Recipe -
    Here's a fajita seasoning recipe: Fajita Seasoning Recipe -
    Hope you feel better soon!

    Dill, your son has been through so much in his young life! He is obviously a very strong individual & is making great strides toward a healthier life for himself. He is lucky to have such a strong support system, bless you:l

    Papmom, awesome on the 20 lb weight loss, you rock!!!!!
    I feel like an idiot complaining about the 15 menopause lbs I've been dragging around for years & can't seem to budge. I never lost any weight when I stopped drinking & gained 13 lbs when I quit smoking but I lost those 13 lbs which leaves me stuck with the original 15 - if that makes any sense!!!!! I'm very happy for you!

    cyn, dealing with the young ones is tough & now you know!!!!
    Giving a young Mom a break is a nice thing to do.
    This cold weather has been hard on the aches & pain but I intend to keep pushing my way through.

    How was the BD dinner Rusty?

    OK, gotta go get some work done. Have a great AF Tuesday everyone!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      February Freedom Fighters ~ week 2

      Early good morning to all...

      Lav, cabin fever, cabin fever, that is what is going on with the grandkids! The kids next door came over on Sunday to ask if they could slide down our little hill. Of course! I watched out the window and they were rolling around in the snow, running up and down, on our deck to see how deep it was, so much energy. No wonder you needed extra sleep. I agree that I have to be so careful with what I eat. I had calamari, fried, over the weekend out to dinner and I wonder if that had something I reacted to, or flavored coffee, or the fajita mix. I had to go to the doctor, it was starting to spread and I didn't want my throat to close. Prednisone for a few days, but I need it. I can barely smile, my lips are so sore. Thanks goodness I am off work or it would be even tougher. Anyway, I will look up the sites you posted. Thanks, you are so helpful.

      Cyn, I never understand when people say a mother/domestic engineer, "doesn't work." It is so much work, neverending, multitasking, and not respected/rewarded the way it should be. So kind of you to help, it was probably fun too. I will look for the site about no processed foods for 100 days. I know I need to do that, or do something. I just don't know exactly what to do. This will be a start. Yes, the detox affected me negatively, and I tried to put up with it, but the headache was so intense, I thought it couldn't be good. I know you have made a lot of changes in the past few years, and wanted input, if you have time, about how you managed. I feel kind of lost right now, lonely, and misplaced. I think it may always feel like that with changes. Let me know. Thanks.

      OK, off to read more posts and get my day started. Have a good day.
      Formerly known as redhibiscus


        February Freedom Fighters ~ week 2

        Hello All,
        WOW! Papmom, 20 lbs! That's marvelous. Are you having to buy new clothes? I'll bet it feels good.

        Star, sorry you are not feeling well. I hope the prednisone clears things up quickly and you can get off of it. I too am feeling a bit lost these days and am fighting depression. For me I think it is due to cabin fever. I've been listening to Lav's book suggestion, Change Your Brain, Change Your Life. He strongly suggests we have the power to change our thoughts and feel happier. I know that it is true, but sometimes it's harder than others.

        Lav, it sounds like your little guys are having cabin fever, just like me. They need to be able to get outside and run some of that energy off! But it's just too darn cold!

        Cyn, that was really nice of you to help your nephew's wife out like that. It must surely be hard on her to have her hb away for such a long time.

        It's 5 below zero here this morning. This is just getting so old!! I want Spring and I want it NOW!

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


          February Freedom Fighters ~ week 2

          Good morning kids & Happy Hump day!

          3 degrees at the moment Dill
          Too cold to leave the dogs outside let alone the kids!
          We are expecting a foot of snow tonight thanks to the season's first nor'easter. I am getting seriously close to losing my !@#$%^ :H

          Star, I hope you heal quickly
          It can be tough figuring out what food or additives we react to, I know. The simplest approach is stop using all processed foods. Simple but not so simple, huh?
          I have to go to Facebook & find the allergy free living website I 'Liked' a while ago. I'll be back later with the link for you

          Dill, I want Spring too....I can almost taste it!!!!

          I ended up spending yesterday afternoon & evening with my daughter & granddaughter. She is one busy little girl too but not in the same way as the boys. She's very imaginative & draws you into her play!

          cyn, DTD, Rusty, papmom, I hope you are all well!
          Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Wednesday.
          I'm of to Curves, a stop at the supermarket then back here for some work.

          Have a great day everyone!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            February Freedom Fighters ~ week 2

            Good morning...

            Cold here again too, but hopefully up to 25 or maybe 30 degrees. That would be nice. I was out running around yesterday and if felt warm, 18 or 19 degrees. Funny huh? We'll certainly remember this winter.

            Dill, thanks for the kind thoughts about my allergies. Sorry to hear you are feeling depressed, I go up and down. Nothing that pills will cure, more existential stuff. I do find that if I am feeling really down, get aware of my thoughts and analyze exactly what I am thinking. That sounds easy but is really hard. Then start to fill your find with affirmations. I bought a Louise Hay book filled with affirmations, and have been repeating them to myself. Surprisingly enough, they DO help, plus doing something physical. However, I realize that you are in a situation where your privacy is compromised and that makes it hard to find a me place. Or me time. PM me anytime.

            Lav, my experience with boys is that they are often more physical, Hitting, rolling, punching, jumping; just physical. Little girls can be calmer and it is easier to enjoy that type of play in the house. I am really interested in the website about living allergy free. I will be looking and researching today. Thank you so much, I am really suffering and just done. I will do whatever it takes to never have another episode.

            Hello to everyone, have a good Thursday.
            Formerly known as redhibiscus


              February Freedom Fighters ~ week 2

              Good morning Friends,

              Another gift of a beautiful morning met with clarity and feeling good physically. I think people who have never experienced the daily struggle of alcoholism cannot appreciate that as deeply as we. I'm grateful for another unhung-over morning!

              Star, I agree with you that it is quite difficult to become aware of one's thoughts and analyze them when feeling depressed. Sometimes I just can't do it. But I find your suggestion of getting exercise is quite useful at those times. It's interesting, but something as simple as a walk can turn a mood around! That's why this weather has been so hard. It's too cold to even get out and walk. Today tho is supposed to get up into the thirties around here, too. That will feel great! I'll get a walk later.

              Hello Lav, Cyn, Papmom, Rusty, lurkers. Have a great AF Thursday!:h

              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                February Freedom Fighters ~ week 2

                Good morning friends,

                It seems that I'm in the middle of a blizzard right now!!
                Just heard on the news that 14 inches have been measured in a town near by & it's still coming down

                Star, one of the websites I was thinking of for you is called Completely Nourished. Here's a link to their recent article on living without additives:
                Completely Nourished | Completely Nourished

                I also have a subscription to Living Without - Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free and Other Food Allergies
                They focus on gluten & dairy free & other allergies - I get their printed magazine too.

                I am another one who is most grateful to be free of addiction today. Dealing with a day like this in the past would have been majorly stressful
                Also grateful to still have power, hope it stays on

                I'll check in later. Hang in there everyone!!!!!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  February Freedom Fighters ~ week 2

                  Good afternoon Feb Fabbers!!

                  We're in the middle of another Nor'Easter. Doesn't seem to be as much snow as predicted-maybe 6 inches instead of 12 but now the wind has picked up tremendously and it's turned to sleet. My sister left work at 1pm (as did the whole state) and it took her over 2 hours to get home. Normally a 25 min commute.

                  School was cancelled at 5:45 this morning and for that I am truly grateful. When I saw the forecast calling for the bulk of the storm to hit around 11am I decided not to go in and then I saw the cancellation. I hear a neighbor out there with the snowblower-hoping he will make his way up to my driveway!

                  I've done nothing productive all day but my 20 min on the treadmill and a little quilting. I had planned to work from home since we are on deadline but I couldn't get onto the Remote Desktop program. Oh well. I tried.

                  I'm sure we will have to go in tomorrow even tho the storm will not end until 7 am. I will just take my time.

                  Cyn-that was so nice of you to take the time to visit your nephew's family. I didn't realize you had gone all the way out to CA. there is no doubt she was extremely grateful for the "me" time and the help. You get a gold star!

                  Star-that reaction definitely sounds like MSG! I am trying to stay away from things like that now. The smaller the ingredient list the better plus those mixes are always wicked high in sodium. Hope you feel better soon! If you are on FB, there is a 28 day whole food challenge that is pretty good. Lots of great info and encouragement.

                  Lav-I give you kudos for dealing with 2 grandsons who have cabin fever!! I could never do it. Your extended sleep was well deserved! Saw you FB post about the snow and poor Maxie. Spring can't come soon enough!

                  Dill-sorry you are feeling a little lost (you too Star). I do find that exercise really helps to turn a mood around. Never tried it before the heart attack-I would always just ride it out. But now that I have to follow a "prescription" I'm seeing how great it works. If I didn't have the treadmill available, I would use a couple of walking DVDs I have. Hope you'll both find something that works for you.
                  No, new clothes yet. Although I've lost 20 lbs and about 6 inches in my waist, I don't feel like my current clothes are too big yet. What I have found is that some pants and blouses that I had stopped wearing definitely fit a little better so I guess that is like getting a new wardrobe! I figure once I hit 30 lbs I'll be due to go down a size or 2.

                  2 of my boyz are snuggled up next to me on the quilt. Its amazing how much of a magnet it is!! So warm. I hope I never have to stop making these awesome things!!

                  Thats it for now. Rusty and anyone else lurking-big hello and hope all is well!

                  :l :h
                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!


                    February Freedom Fighters ~ week 2

                    Get throught the blizzard the best you can, Lav and Pap. I hope this is the last big one of the season, as I am sick and tired of the snow. Glad to hear you two are warm, fed, and safe.

                    Dill, exercise does really help, especially out in nature, but I refuse to go out when it is this cold. One night, my husband and I were so bored we shoveled snow for something to do. It did help, our neighbors said hello, even came over and shot the breeze. So, getting out is good, but hard at this time of year and adds to the rough feelings.

                    Lav, thanks for those website, I will definitely explore them. Going out to eat for Valentine's Day, a little nervous. Will eat things I have had before to avoid anymore inflammation.

                    I got a lot done this week, and settled down, getting used to being alone and at home. I am trying to let go of the old, be peaceful, and it takes time. Just being is OK, I need this time, so lucky to get it to rediscover myself. Get back to calm and harmony. Have a great day to all. Stay warm and safe.
                    Formerly known as redhibiscus


                      February Freedom Fighters ~ week 2

                      Good morning friends & Happy Valentine's Day!

                      Don't you know the sun is shining after that huge storm yesterday?
                      At least I'll be able to see all the work I have to do out there :H

                      Star, until you can pinpoint exactly what you are reacting to I think staying away from anything with MSG would be a big help. I would avoid soy sauce, salad dressings, gravy, that sort of thing
                      For me, at least eating 'cleanly' has been a big help

                      I'm picking up my grandsons again this afternoon at 4 pm but they won't be here as late as the last time - thank goodness!
                      In the meantime I have some work stuff to do, then shovel some snow, take care of animals.....all the usual.

                      Have a great AF Friday everyone!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        February Freedom Fighters ~ week 2

                        Whew! that was nasty!! over 10 inches of heavy wet snow with ice mixed in. Yuck.

                        woke up this morning to a sore throat and 12 inches of plow concrete at the end of my drive. Neighbor shoveled herself out but not me. Probaby had to go to work. I called in. Had no desire to attempt the roads-my city was totally shut down and I live on a hill plus I'm scared to death now of getting sick. 2 other people called in so I'm sure my boss was not happy seeing as this is a long weekend. Oh well. The throat feels better but I've been tired all day. Good thing I have nothing planned all weekend except food shopping and little chores here and there. I can do them or not.
                        Nephew #2 came over and shoveled today. He had to work hard!! I baked him oatmeal cranberry cookies. They are up on my post heart attack FB page. Really good (saved six for me )

                        We have more snow coming tomorrow nite. Right now it's coastal so we should only get about 4 inches but if it changes track, it could be bad. Luckily I don't have cardiac rehab on Monday so I'll have time to get someone to shovel me out. If it's only 4 inches, I don't care.

                        Lav, saw the reports of the massive pileup on the turnpike. Yikes!! I'm telling you, it just doesn't pay to live in the Northeast anymore. I'm dreaming of FL today!! Hope your having fun with the boys tonite and glad they are going home early!!

                        Star-hope your Valentines dinner went well tonite and that you found a meal you could eat without fear.

                        Maybe if we all think of warm weather collectively spring will get here sooner!!
                        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                        KO the Beast!!


                          February Freedom Fighters ~ week 2

                          Just a quick check in from here. I'm on childcare duty while my son is at a meeting.

                          Lav and Pap, I'm glad you survived the storm. Pap, I'm glad you didn't try to move that plow snow!

                          Star, I hope you continue to feel better.

                          Sorry I don't have much time!
                          Wish you all a Happy AF Valentine's Day.:h

                          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                            February Freedom Fighters ~ week 2

                            Another 3" of snow on the way tonight/tomorrow to sit on top of the 18" from yesterday - enough!!!!
                            I did a lot of shoveling today but couldn't move that plow stuff blocking the end of my driveway.
                            YB showed up & just mowed thru it in his pickup :H
                            He also showed up with a potted rose plant & a bag of swedish fish :H
                            It's the thought that counts, right?

                            Papmom, FL sounds good right now but have you ever been there in july & August? I have, yuck.
                            And of course hurricane season is a fright. My niece was stationed there & lost her house in Homestead during hurricane Andrew. Remember that one?
                            If you do insist on going then I think some of us should go with you :H

                            Dill, hope your evening childcare duties went well. I only had the boys for 4 hours today.

                            Bedtime soon, I'm tired after all the snow removal!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              February Freedom Fighters ~ week 2

                              Lav, remember when we all talked about a MWO community house? Remember Golden Girls? Well, we could get a whopper of a house down there for way less than I owe on my underwater house!! As far as the heat goes, that's what they made AC for LOL!! It's getting real hot up here during the summers anyway. Yeah, hurricanes are a concern but so are blizzards and ice storms. See, I can rationalize anything! :H

                              Hey, at least YB brought you something!! And the rose plant will look great planted. Swedish fish, ehhh. Not my fav but you can eat more of them than chocolate!

                              Done with my TJ run and lunch. Snow is coming down hard so I have to get to S&S soon. Stocking up on baking basics. I'm becoming a baking and cooking fiend (me!!!!)-I need a bigger kitchen!
                              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                              KO the Beast!!

