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monday the thingy of Feb..the 10th

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    monday the thingy of Feb..the 10th

    right we are folks ..back to normal :wavin:so how are things today is it a monotonous, or mayhemic (is there such a word?)Monday?that is apart from the upside downey people.Well I have been out of the loop for a week so lot of catching up to do ...anyone got any scandal or gossip?
    first and foremost ,I would like to say a big thank you to all those people that helped me through tis last be honest it was a shit week and I am glad it is thank you to all those that pmd and fbd me, are a star,likewise Byrdie,Lav,Scottish Lass,Yah,PPQP,and everyone else who sent their best...your support believe me was needed..not going into masses of detail...boring,but this is scary!on theSaturday I was out and from the car I saw someone who I thought was my closest friend when I worked in the prison the extent I parked up, and followed him up the road to have a was only when I got up really close that I saw it wasnt him..Not more than 45 minutes later,I got a text from another of my friends to tell me that my friend had died the day being me,and lots of surrounding things it sent me down a very dark path,questioning my beilefs in life death purpose etc..all those questions that we put in the too hard to do box!!and then I got a phone call to ask if I would be a pall bearer this Thurs at the funeral,which I am proud to thats the road I went down..not maybe a big deal to some people ...but its not the big things that do us!plus bad back ,couldnt do any work couldnt get in the garden all adds up and gives you thinking the file is closed..the glass is half full again ...probably the wrong analogy!!even through the tears and sadness if we need any more bloody water in this country:H I only thought of booze once..but to be fair took quite a bit to say no..I remember thinking whats the point..and the intent was to go and get a bottle of scotch and get hammered..but then from nowhere the little voice got a "oi dickhead feck off!!"and that was that.Saturday ,went into the garden and moved it about a wee bit..not finished yet,so thats me no more :upset:...ok then so what have I missed?

    TT hiya wow there seems to be something going on with this poster thingy ..gotta agree does that improve what we need as skills for life ..the size of the paper???how has work been today? ok ..feet up and relax time now....

    Hiya Lav....spaghetti bridges and glue guns?not so sure that sort of creativity exists any more toilet rolls and sticky backed plastic to make things ...instead its i pads x box or are they out of fashion now?....stick with Thomas ..lifes easier!!!Large brew for you..any plans for today?

    Hiya your fave subject...ermm not for me..dont know if you got them as separate subjects ,chemistry ,physics and biology...didnt mind physics...biology ..hmm did my own experiments through life !!!but chemistry wasnt for me..nor me for it..wasnt he best behaved in that class as I fact remember pouring a large carboy of mercury down the sink and watching the chemistry teacher trying to rush downstairs to catch it all!!needless to say wasnt in that class too long!!so what have you been up to at the weekend?

    morning Sam ,how are you?is the weather letting you out? we have a sharp frost this morning ,but reckon I can do some bits n bats..Julie off work, so she hinted about going into Manchester..all those shops you love...Debenhams,Boots, Marks n poundland or tk max or primark!!or charity shops.

    Hiya Scottish are you today ? hows the science project going?did you enjoy Lincoln?glad you never had a drink ..thats another page for your diary!!!

    hiya Pauly ..yoo hoo how are you?ok I hope.....yep the bad penny is back!!!!

    right folks thats me ..once again thank you for your help and support take care....

    A man goes into hospital for a vasectomy. When he wakes up he's surrounded by several anxious looking doctors and asks nervously "Is there a problem?"

    The head surgeon says gently, with tears in his eyes "I'm afraid so...I'm sorry but your notes got mixed up and we've given you a sex change rather than a vasectomy"

    The patient is devastated and shockingly replies "Do you mean to say I'll never experience another erection"

    The surgeon pauses for a moment then says "Well, you might, but it won't be yours".......!!!

    "Is there any reason why I can't come to the pub with you?" Asked my wife.

    "No," I replied, "but your bum will look big in it."

    My wife was moaning earlier how she can, 'Never find my fecking brolly when it's raining'.

    I thought, who the feck looks for their brolly when the sun is shining?

    A friend came over one day visibly shaken. He said he had just slept with his 3rd cousin. I told him, if it upsets you that much, quit counting them.

    I just gave away my dead car battery..
    free of charge.

    I live on a houseboat.

    But you don't hear me pissing and moaning on the news, in the dry, summer months.

    I'm watching Dragons' Den.

    My wife and her mother in the front room.

    I have finally found a cure for premature ejaculation.

    It came much quicker than I expected.

    I don't understand my parents.

    I'm thirty years old and they're still living with me!

    Recent reports allege that British model and actress Liz Hurley had a year-long romance with the US ex-president Bill Clinton while he was in the White House.

    But Mr Clinton denied the reports, saying: "Let's get one thing straight. I was in the White House for a lot longer than one year."

    Valentines day is coming round again and I fecking hate it.

    "Darling, do you fancy an early night?"

    Asks my cellmate. Every fecking year.

    For someone who doesn't like gays, Putin has the most inappropriate surname.

    My friend composes ditties about sewing machines.

    She's a Singer songwriter.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    monday the thingy of Feb..the 10th

    Great to see you back you old rascal. Today's my 16th month anniversary - nothing flash compared to the likes of some here but Mick you chose a good day to return to your sober friends
    Hi to everyone else too. I am tired so nite nite all


      monday the thingy of Feb..the 10th

      tt....congrats on 16 months ..well done you :wave::banana::bananacomputer::wave::yougo::wave:
      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        monday the thingy of Feb..the 10th

        TT, can't add anything to what Mick has said - congrats and happy pinkele dances!
        14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


          monday the thingy of Feb..the 10th

          Good morning Abbers

          Welcome back Mick! You have been missed
          I am very sorry you have lost an old friend, it hurts. Be very proud of yourself for working your way through your grief without picking up a bottle. Your strength & growth is looking good on you :l

          TT, CONGRATS on your 16 AF months - great job
          Life without the restraints & regrets of alcohol is what we all deserve!

          I am happy to report that all of the fallen branches have been removed, including the one on the roof of the chicken house - the girls were happy :H
          YB no sooner finished that job yesterday when it started to snow again. There's another 2-3 fresh inches of snow on the ground. Cold, cold, cold out there!

          I have some work stuff to do then hope to make a trip to Curves before picking up the grandsons at 4 pm. Looks like it will be a very long day for me.

          Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Monday!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            monday the thingy of Feb..the 10th

            Morning everyone, a Monday and a new week to enjoy keep on keeping on.

            Mick, glad you're back, you have certainly been in my thoughts, wondering how you've been.

            TT, what a wonderful way to start the week!!
            Liberated 5/11/2013


              monday the thingy of Feb..the 10th

              MAE ALL....

              Mick...glad to see you back. Sorry you had such a rough week and so pleased you got through it AF.

              TT...CONGRATS ON 16 MONTHS Hope the poster issue gets sorted.

              Lav...glad to hear the branches have been cleared. Yup it does sound like a long day for you especially if you're not picking up the grandsons till 4pm. Pace yourself.

              Sam...morning to you. Hope you can get outdoors today.

              Well it's -25 (-13) at the moment but temp should rise by 15 degrees throughout the day. Woke up with a swollen eyelid Sunday morning. Not sure what it is and google just confuses me more. I've decided it's a stye on the inside of the lid. Applied heat off and on and it seemed to help. Will see (lol) what the day brings, a trip to my opthamologist might be in the cards today. Have a great AF Monday all and all to come......PPQP


                monday the thingy of Feb..the 10th

                Mae everybody,glad youre back Mick,so sorry about your friend,very sad,TT,congrats on 16 months!!! thank you for your help through all my weekend drama,i dont know what the pull is with me,was talking it over with hubs yesterday and he said"well youre always gonna want beer once in awhile"like its no big deal,and really if i drank normally it wouldnt be,but i dont so shit! eh i dont know what to say,hope everyone has a good monday
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  monday the thingy of Feb..the 10th

                  As, so good to see you back, Mick. That was quite a week for you, my friend. Condolences on the loss of your friend, and I am so happy for you that you didn't succumb to the temptation to drink. That takes strength and faith.

                  Congratulations on your 16 months, TT. You truly rock, dear. Especially in the face of teenage drama!

                  I'm happy for you and the girls that all the branches are removed, Lav. The snow poses no threat. I was up in PA yesterday in Hanover, and the snow was beautiful.

                  Hey Sam. How's your cello-ing going? I'm curious howcome you're not stringing it to play left-handed? Let us know how it goes learning to play.

                  PPQP, your temps make me feel like I am not entitled to whine at all. Did you see your Dad this weekend? How is everything else?

                  Pauly, it does sound like a little of your problem is that your husband doesn't take your struggle seriously. I'm not saying that his attitude is a big problem, but he certainly doesn't help you keep yourself accountable. BUT WE WILL! We will be here to help you with your struggle. I hope you are feeling a little better by now.

                  Hi to SF, SL and anyone I missed.

                  Anyway, time to get my butt into gear and face the paperwork. Groan...

                  AF as of August 5th, 2012


                    monday the thingy of Feb..the 10th

                    MAE guys,

                    Firstly to Mick, sorry to have not been there for you this last week and glad you are back and did not take that road back to nowhere. Because I have only been popping in quickly I actually didn't realise there was stuff beyond your back and needing a break.

                    TT, thanks to using the EFT I have, at last, managed to quit smoking!

                    Dealing with buried memories and emotions is quite scary but oh so liberating. It is so important to my survival that I have to put a lot of time a there.

                    Please excuse me if I have failed to respond to you directly......I am learning that I cant really care for other people unless I care for me and my family first.


                      monday the thingy of Feb..the 10th

                      And congratulations on 16 months TT and also a much belated congrats on your year........wasnt around for that one.

                      It is good to be free, isn't it? !


                        monday the thingy of Feb..the 10th

                        noodling around on the cello ok. The reason I don't switch it around is that does not sound very good. The construction of the violin family has inside a bass bar glued to the top. This is under where the bass strings of the fiddle/ cello are strung. On the other side is a small dowel that is called the sound post. This is perpendicular inside under the treble side. On my fiddles, I've taken them apart and re-glued the bass bar on the other side, which allows me to move sound post. When this is not done, the instrument sounds like mud and very weak. So for giggles on the rental cello, I want to see if I can play it backwards as well. If I get serious, I may buy one and change it up.
                        Here's one of the fiddles I worked on. This was done at a friend's shop who works on them, he guided me along doing this. You can see where the bass bar was and where we glued it on the other side. Pretty scary opening a couple thousand dollar fiddle.

                        Liberated 5/11/2013


                          monday the thingy of Feb..the 10th

                          happy unhung Monday Aberoooooos!

                          Mick, thanks for the kickstart and it's good to hear your doing better in spite of the heavy emotional goings on. glass is half full here happy to say.

                          TTops, you GO girl!!!!! 16months is simply grand.

                          Sam, I see what's wrong with the cello.... it's empty! how do you expect it to play anything at all?
                          honestly I've never seen the inside of one. very cool hobby you have there.

                          after having a frustratingly unproductive weekend being sick, I was totally slammed with work today, but somehow still managed to get the car packed for another long road trip tomorrow to Fresno. Gathering all my AF super-powers to see me through in good health and zero boozage.

                          be well everyone
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            monday the thingy of Feb..the 10th

                            Best wishes on your road trip, Det, and I'm glad you are feeling better. Keep that Al Beast away, particularly when you get home and start to relax!

                            That is fascinating about the violin and cello, Sam. Thanks for the pictures. I can see what you mean about the bass bar. It's funny, I'm a lefty too, but I learned to play instruments as a righty. Go figure. I can see by the picture you posted in the gallery that you are a true lefty, though. I hope you enjoy the cello so much that you do go on and get yourself a left-handed one.

                            Anyway, time to feed the kitties and get myself some dinner.

                            Hugs to all!
                            AF as of August 5th, 2012


                              monday the thingy of Feb..the 10th

                              TT - yeh!! That is wonderful - one day I will say that too!
                              Mick, so glad you are back but sorry for the downward pull - your friend would not want to be the person who derailed you I am sure, so well done for staying on top. Have not got to Lincoln yet - too much homework....
                              Sam - my great uncle was a violin maker - love those instruments, but I cannot play!
                              Det - get your thinking in gear now for when you get back, and you can do this.
                              TT - sorry for the heartache last night with the history project - so underrstand. "We" are still working on the science project and trying to get some history homework finished in there much for a day off....seems to be too much work, and too much stress at present.
                              Well, I got a few hours off today, but back on call and to work late afternoon - made me remeber days of working night shift, just does not feel good to start up when it is tiem to be slowing down.
                              Hiya to Lav, pauly, YAH, KY, DTD and PPQ - nice to see the group today....
                              Well chicken stock cooking for another night, smells good and I am hungry so better off to see what tonights supper will be.
                              Stay safe and warm everyone (or cool for those who need that too!)
                              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"

