So what?s your plans for this wintery morning Mick? Don?t put too many demands on yourself ? I know you like to be productive but you need to heal from your back ? and also from the shock last week. Is your friend?s funeral this Thursday? (I am a bit confused about the timing). Take care.
I didn?t mean to mention my 16 mths ? but the timing seemed right. Thanks guys for the lovely sentiments. As I said its still early days as far as I am concerned and I look up to those with more AF than me. I also draw strength from you ones who are still struggling with your quits ? not in a competitive way ? but because it keeps us all aware of what we face ? and how we need support, kindness and sometimes a kick up the bum.
Det ? did you hear that last bit? We are watching you on your travels and esp on your re-entry to the bosom of your home.
Enough purply prose TT! Great pic Sam, and very interesting description.
Kuya ? its fantastic that you have managed to quit the fags. Really great.
SL ? how?s the drive-mother-insane science project? We are on history poster redux tonight ? she is re-writing the bloody thing as well. Was Liberace an alcoholic ? among his other excesses? I don?t think he was.
Pauly ? I am a wee bit confused about your hubs. He seems to support you and then he supports you by saying you can have a drink anyway. I guess he wants to do what you want cos he loves you. Can you get through to him how essential it is that you don?t drink? But As Yah says ? its important that you have us ? us band of alkies understand your plight! Hi there Lav!!!
PPQP ?how is your eye? Is it itchy or just sore? Goodness you live in a fridge (well outside that is). I hope the eye is on the mend.
How are you SF? Had a good weekend?
I better go and get back to my do-dahs. You all have a fabuluso Tuesday