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af Tues 11 Feb

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    af Tues 11 Feb

    Welcome to Tuesday ? its evening here ? but morning in the UK ? just been looking at the awful floods the folk in the SW are dealing it. And meanwhile Lav and Co. have the aftermath of the ice-storm. (I nearly wrote ice-cream)!:l

    So what?s your plans for this wintery morning Mick? Don?t put too many demands on yourself ? I know you like to be productive but you need to heal from your back ? and also from the shock last week. Is your friend?s funeral this Thursday? (I am a bit confused about the timing). Take care.

    I didn?t mean to mention my 16 mths ? but the timing seemed right. Thanks guys for the lovely sentiments. As I said its still early days as far as I am concerned and I look up to those with more AF than me. I also draw strength from you ones who are still struggling with your quits ? not in a competitive way ? but because it keeps us all aware of what we face ? and how we need support, kindness and sometimes a kick up the bum.

    Det ? did you hear that last bit? We are watching you on your travels and esp on your re-entry to the bosom of your home.

    Enough purply prose TT! Great pic Sam, and very interesting description.

    Kuya ? its fantastic that you have managed to quit the fags. Really great.

    SL ? how?s the drive-mother-insane science project? We are on history poster redux tonight ? she is re-writing the bloody thing as well. Was Liberace an alcoholic ? among his other excesses? I don?t think he was.

    Pauly ? I am a wee bit confused about your hubs. He seems to support you and then he supports you by saying you can have a drink anyway. I guess he wants to do what you want cos he loves you. Can you get through to him how essential it is that you don?t drink? But As Yah says ? its important that you have us ? us band of alkies understand your plight! Hi there Lav!!!

    PPQP ?how is your eye? Is it itchy or just sore? Goodness you live in a fridge (well outside that is). I hope the eye is on the mend.

    How are you SF? Had a good weekend?

    I better go and get back to my do-dahs. You all have a fabuluso Tuesday

    af Tues 11 Feb

    Good morning from a lurker!

    Just wanted to congratulate TT on your 16 months- follow your posts about here and always gain something from them. Well done to you and keep-up the good work

    Also wanted to send my condolences to you Mick on the loss of your friend.

    Hi everyone else :hiya:


      af Tues 11 Feb

      mornin all..well what a great going on about ice cream.....mmm yum yum this thing for ice cream !!swopped booze for it...if I was younger ..I would be bothered ..its like a pregnancy craving!:H so how are we all today?ok I hope...was in the garden yesterday doing a was quie a nice day ,bit blowy but apart from that pretty good ...we shall see wwhat this morning brings though it doesnt look too clever ..we shall see

      tea and coffee on the go ..

      hiya tt..hows you today?ok ? had a good day have we...? so we are on poster re design..not sure that a good kick up he bum counts as purply prose!!Yep funeral is on Thurs at 3 pm..thats early morn for you down for plans in the garden..oh yes I have ,but whether the weather lets me or not is a different story.

      hiya Sam are you?thank you for your words ..yep Im back!nice photos of the know when I saw the pic..first thing I thought was nothing to do with the cello case..but the vernier gauge in the back!!I thought thats an old gauge its an outside gauge ..nowadays they make the jaw shape to measure external and internal sizes!! how sad is that?.not any good at playing instruments, I remember once as a kid someone trying to teach me the piano..ha ...then we got a piano from somewhere finally ended up with me taking all the little lead weights out of it and selling them for scrap...end of sparkly career!!hope you have a good day.

      hiya pauly are you doing?not too sure about what your hubby means when you will always want a beer..?one thing I did like about your post ..and really if i drank normally it wouldnt be,but i dont so shit! ..well done you on accepting that part....for me the whole ethos behind this is to quit drinking al because it is harmful to your health..ok so some people use meds etc..have you tried keeping a coupla af beers in the house as a last resort..yep I know its substitution to start with but the end result is the same .no al poison..

      morning d think d..hows that for shortening?hope you are well.

      mornin ppqp ...big hot brew for mate was saying..his words ..its f.ckin freezing in Calgary temps in the -30s..and yet he is still is the eye? did you get it seen to..(no pun intended!)are you still at work.take it easy.

      Hiya Ky ..hows you ? didnt realise you were off the smokes ...well done..keep going and youll soon be like me...bald,narky little jock!!no seriously keep at it.Dont know if ciggy advertising is allowed over there ..but over here the graphic effects of ciggies are posted everywhere..only trouble with that is..people soon get immune to the shock factor and the addiction takes over again...weve all been here with booze..kiddology widsh you the best mate.

      hiya yah..hows you today?still deep in paper work?thank you for your words..yes without doubt it was very much the nearest I have been to and getting bladdered ,but so glad I what are your plans for today owt or nowt?bugger!!!!just looked out of the window and its pouring with rain so no garden pour moi have a great day anyways.

      hiya det...well reckon now you will be on the best of to you my for zero boozerage..try this one....get a bit of paper and write on it.."dont give a shit ..this is my quit" do 2 of them ..get a plassy bag and put your credit card in it with one of the bits of paper face up also..then replace in wallet..second piece of paper stick inside wallet so that when you go for cash you see it .who knows may help..or another one..take it you have got a pic of dx in your wallet?get a pic of a bottle of scotch and put it on the other side of photo...little message under bottle "is this" turn over to dx pic and underneath write "worth this" give you something to think about.

      hiya are you ?what shift are you today?do you find that different shifts affect how you feel about a drink?try a pitch at that angle..glad you are doing good at it..keep it up..give us a shout if you need to

      hiya Lav how are you today? thanks for the kind looking good??dont know what I put in your coffee but you sure as hell are gonna get some more!!!:H so what are you up to today?you still got snow?In that case snuggle up and do lotsa nothing

      right peeps orf we go ..take care n have a good un

      bought this plant the other day firefly plant (jacobinia pauciflora)

      started on the garden yesterday....was going to increase the veg bed size to where I have put the posts in and get rid of the middle bed...change of plan..the left hand edge of the middle bed will now be the front face of the left bed,so all the middle bed will be move back and returned to stone..make sense? as you can see its pouring doon!

      look at the water in the fields ..considering we are on a hillside!

      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        af Tues 11 Feb

        ..and now the jokes......

        It's been found that anti-mosquito sprays cause hallucinations.

        I didn't believe it at first until a mosquito told me about it.

        Hypertrichosis is an abnormal amount of hair growth over the body; extensive cases of hypertrichosis have informally been called werewolf syndrome, because the appearance is similar to the werewolf. This awful affliction is ruining the lives of many children across South America.

        For just ?3, we can help them turn their lives around. Act now.

        Yours thankfully...

        Shave The Children.

        With laser pointers you can do almost anything.

        Like guiding your cat into the fireplace.

        I was squashed up next to a stunning Asian girl on the tube and I could feel myself getting hard. We were that tight together she couldn't help but notice it.

        "Your is very hard, isn't it?" She said to me,

        "Yes, I'm very sorry, " I told her,

        "Don't be," she replied, "mine is as well."

        I phoned 999 to report my bike being stolen in the park.

        They asked, "What does it look like?"

        I replied, "It's big, green and full of swings."

        My wife said tonight, that her sole purpose in life is to make me happy.

        And yet here she is, still alive.

        I've recently started using food in my magic act.

        I start by crushing garlic, basil and pine nuts and then I blend them together with grated parmesan and olive oil.

        Hey Pesto!

        It took me almost an hour getting up a broken escalator today.

        And to make matters worse, a bunch of assholes kept coming down it in the wrong direction.

        I took my 17 year-old son to A & E yesterday.

        I said to a nurse, "Can you give him an X-ray."

        She said, "Why, what's wrong with him?"

        I said, "Nothing, I just want to know if you can see any work in the lazy little shit"

        My wife walked into the bedroom, and slowly started removing her clothes with a teasing dance, covering her modesty with two large fans.

        "Leave it out, love," I said.

        "Don't you like my burlesque routine?" she asked.

        "It's pronounced burly."
        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          af Tues 11 Feb

          Oops I forgot Narilly.
          How are you. Hope all is well in your neck of the woods


            af Tues 11 Feb

            likewise are you narilly ?ok I hope Sweet pea thank you very much
            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


              af Tues 11 Feb

              Good morning Abbers,

              Totally overslept this morning but who cares? :H
              I had the boys here until 10:15 last evening, way too long of a day!!!

              TT, I finally have last week's storm damage cleared out & now I hear there's another storm due to arrive Wednesday night into Thursday, This is getting to be a serious bore A$$
              But, the sun is out now although the temp will not go above freezing all day.

              Hi sweetpea, nice to see you

              Mick, you just love to be busy, I can tell
              If & when you ever run out of jobs around your homestead I always have plenty here.
              It's nice that you can even see your garden - mine is buried under snow. Funny that YB just went yesterday & picked up the rototiller from the repair shop. If & when Spring ever gets here, we're ready :H
              We were hit with bad news yesterday about the heating & air conditioning systems in this house. They are both 10 1/2 years old but need to be replaced. The heating system is working but apparently has developed some serious safety problems. We are now thinking about sinking some of the home equity into a Geothermal system. Two of my neighbors have done it & love the results. There's a big initial $$ output but the savings in heating & cooling costs are made up quickly.
              I'm not going to worry about this, I'm just going to get the job done, I think!

              Well, I need to get some work done then prepare for a possible visit from my daughter & granddaughter. Busy, busy!!!!
              Greetings to everyone else dropping by today - be well everyone!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                af Tues 11 Feb

                Mae everybody,i confused everybody when talking about hubs,he is supportive its just he can drink like a normal person,ive only seen him drunk maybe 3 times in the past 8 years when we started this b.s together,he drinks to unwind,can have 1 and stop,his dui was grief drinking cuz of his mom passing i think,plus he wasnt even that high over the legal limit(no excuse)im just saying he understands but he dont at the same time,Mick,thank you for being honest and telling us you thought of al briefly,its weird how the mind wanders there in distress,hope everybody has a nice tuesday
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  af Tues 11 Feb

                  Hi All
                  Mick I think your suggestion to Det is one of the most simple yet effective means to stop someone at the last possible point of a relapse. You are going to lose the most important person in your life. Good simple exercise for all at the start of recovery. Who or what do you give the most importance to in life. Because you are going to lose them or it.

                  Great idea for all!!!!

                  Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
                  Af. 5-16-08
                  Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
                  AF 5-16-08


                    af Tues 11 Feb

                    Pauly - I hope we haven't upset you with our comments about hubs. Our close ones often don't really know what to do sometimes when we crave a drink - they have seen it all so often and they may just want a quiet evening. Its so hard for people who don't have constant problems with AL to understand the grip it can have on our lives and also how serious it is for our mental and physical health. Thats why we need to get support from people like us! Very best.:h


                      af Tues 11 Feb

                      Hey all - out of one meeting and into another...sneaking a check in here.
                      TT - this morning was posterboard nightmare at school drop off - we will see how it went today! Sorry you are on a redo:upset: So hoping I am not.
                      Mick - I take call for a week at a time (24/7), and work management hours now - no more shift work for me - and honestly, shift work at bedside nursing would not drive me to a drink as much as this management cr*#!* does! Good honest work was the best - sadly bedside nursing and being a single mother doesn't go as well together as working behind a desk with a bunch of fools making stupid decisions - well now, ask me how I really feel:H
                      Hanging in in spite - or maybe to spite
                      Hi to everyone else, better wind my way to the meeting - big sigh....
                      “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                        af Tues 11 Feb

                        Oh TT,you could never offend me it is true though that those not struggling with al cannot understand why we cant just have a few,i dont even understand it,but its the reality
                        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                          af Tues 11 Feb

                          Pauly - my problem was always my generous ideas of what 'a few' meant,!:H
                          I also just couldn't see the point of one nice glass of good wine - for years my dr tried to suggest this compromise. Even the most yummy tasting glass of expensive wine would make me want more.
                          That strategy just turned it into an expensive addiction!


                            af Tues 11 Feb


                            Has a good blog post worth reading. I'll check back in when I have more time.

                            Hope everyone is well and sober!

