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wed 12th Feb

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    wed 12th Feb

    mae all and how are we today? ok I hope ..well started in the garden yesterday moving the beds about...just got into it ..and the snow came now looks like the Somme so have got a bit of work to do and rain and snow forecast for today! better get my skates on.and good old me ..rippping out one of the boards an a nail went through my boot into my leg!!lucky my tetanus jab was in date!

    tea n coffee on here we go

    mornin are you today?no lie in today then?yep I like being busy ..but sometimes I think muppet ..what are you doing...instead of this could be watchin judge Judy or JK or some other riveting telly prog!!talking of which ..season 2 of Amish mafia has finished..and they put the final prog on after the penultimate one..and I didnt tape it!!!!hopefully get it on catch up tv .its the one where Levi has been shunned and they have sold all the stuff in his house..think its called the sacrificial lamb..Series 3 starts next week ..where he takes on the Kentucky amish..any way after all that excitement...heres a brew.

    hiya pauly ...nice to see you again are you and howz things going with you?yep it is weird how the cravings get for booze,but thats how the sneaky little git gets into your life.
    you have a good day :l

    hiya Caysea are you? its lovely to hear from you ..hope all is well

    hiya tt ..hows you this evening ? ok I hope..yep ..just a few has got a varied definition on what it is...similar in size to "a couple" or "a wee while"!!!:H how was your day today? having a chillaxing evening are we?

    Hi are you today? ok..oh ho you have found your way into the managerial system...excellent way in which to lose yourself!!a whole new ball game of bs!!a world full of abbreviations,functional processes, heads of,risk assessments strategies action plans audits improvement and continuous improvement plans, partnership working ,..yep remember them all and I wasnt a nurse...its like butter can spread that managerial layer over any job as it bears absolutely no resemblance to the nuts n bolts of the job!!..stick with us ..our plan is better!!

    Hiya SF are you today? havent looked at that yet but I will do...

    right peeps time to thats it ..back into the trenches in the garden!!:H have a great day.

    I've just released an alternative to 'I can't believe it's not butter'.

    'What the feck is it?' is available in all good supermarkets.

    My wife was bending over doing the washing up in the kitchen and I was watching the news of the flood damage to the roads...

    On reflection probably not the best time to exclaim:

    "Christ, look at the size of that sink hole!"

    I like the way when we have a flood, everyone magically has a fecking boat.

    "An Englishman's home is his Castle"

    Well, they are now, half of them have got fecking moats

    It's no wonder David Cameron doesn't want Scotland to leave the United Kingdom.

    At this rate Scotland will be the only place above the flood line.

    I can't believe my son failed his driving test.

    I mean, I was telling him what to do on the phone.

    A friend of mine has written a song to raise money for flood victims,

    it's called "Trouble over Bridgewater."

    I don't know why the athletes are surprised at the poor living conditions in Sochi.
    You ban gays from your town and interior design is going to suffer.

    David Cameron has said 'money is no object' for the Government in dealing with the floods crisis.

    In other words, not one penny will materialise.

    I was walking down an alleyway late one night when some fat guy jumped out of the bush and pulled a knife on me.

    "That wallet you've got in your hand..." he said, "Got anything in there for me?"

    "Actually I do," I replied, giving him my gym membership card.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    wed 12th Feb

    molls in the middle o gardening now....put pics up after
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


      wed 12th Feb

      nah molls..its rainin that sleety stuff now..even the snow is cheap here!! moved the laurel bush from left corner on Saturday thats pic 1

      then decided to make one big veg bed...this is last night ...looks like involved some foreign language from madam ..fuxat and words of such fu q dun..(think its chinese) :H

      and this morning ...rain has just stopped me..give the back a rest too..look at the rabbit ...even he thinks Im a nut!!where I have dug all the earth out will be re-stoned acshully talking about stoned I must be!!to do this..could be snuggled up watching trailer trash!!!yeh right

      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        wed 12th Feb

        Goodness, Mick - was that really necessary? :H:H:H More to the point - did you speak any foreign?

        Just wondering - how are you going to work the back of the bed - are you putting in stepping stones or something? Just wondering, because I make my bed so that I can work them from both sides without having to walk in them.
        14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


          wed 12th Feb

          Good morning Abbers!

          Mick, from the look of it I think you just like playing in the mud :H :H
          Good luck getting all that back together!!!!
          Hope your leg heals quickly - keep that wound clean buddy

          Greetings Molly, DTD & everyone!
          Making preparations here for another freaking foot of snow due to fall on us tonight. Yuck, so tired of this winter stuff. C'mon Spring!!!!!

          Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Hump day!
          I'm off to Curves to work off some frustration.

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            wed 12th Feb

            Mae everybody,Mick,looks like alot of work yikes,be nice when its done though,im gonna do my growing in pots again this year and hopefully they dont die,my beautiful bougainvillia was so lush,but back in dec.when it hit freezing over nite it died,so now its a lovely tall stick,boo hoo,i wish i could grow in the ground but its tricky in the desert,frinally went to the chiiro yesterday i popped like potato chips,i needed it! hopefully itll help my headaches,hope everybody has a good wednesday
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              wed 12th Feb

              MAE folksies.
              DReam - Mick will just tip-toe over the mud!:H
              I planted some lettuces last week and the possums pulled them out - they also attacked the pansies. I don't have the money to employ a fulltime security guard:H

              Glad you delivered the science project SF - we are now over that and into the next homework crisis. Fortunately with a 15 (nearly 16) year old I don't have to supervise this - just drop reminders about the clock, need for sleep and supply the food.

              Mother I know of here died from an acute health matter that could have been prevented if she was not drunk. I will not go into details due to privacy - but its very very sad. Let me just say that the situation that caused her death is one that could have happened to any of any of us - if we had passed out.

              On that sober note I wish you all a glorious Wednesday. Its Thursday here and I am off to my fave intrusionist - the dentist!

              Mick- thinking of you getting ready for the funeral on Thursday.


                wed 12th Feb

                Mick I am so sorry to hear about the passing of your friend. Those things usually hit me hard and glad I haven't had to deal with it in awhile. I am so proud of you for not giving into the drink. It certainly looms in the wings of our brains.

                Just been crazy busy here.

                And freaking cold! Looks like we finally get a break in the Tuesday.


                  wed 12th Feb

                  Hi all, just popping in to say hi. The beautiful snow has just begun to fall. They're predicting about a foot around here, which is a pretty big deal in Maryland.

                  Mick, I will be thinking of you today (which is when you will read this).

                  Hugs to everyone else.

                  AF as of August 5th, 2012


                    wed 12th Feb

                    Hi all, checking in here.
                    That's a lot of work Mick - have a few jobs here you could do, no mud to play in though - ground still dry in spite of recent rain. Will be thinking of your tomorrow, and hoping there will be some celebration and good memories.
                    Det - spent day in Fresno and saw a few NV license plates - kept checking out the drivers to see if it was you:H Hope you are waving on way thru Stockton!
                    TT - my 15 yo causes me the most worry with homework - my 13yo is teh one I just need to feed and ensure she goes to bed on time, the oldest I have to beat to get her to do homework/study!
                    Hi Pauly, Lav, YAH, DTD, SF - yep, you guys are my sanity after the management nightmare - performance appraisal time of year - what a joke and waste of time....
                    See you tomorrow...
                    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"

