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af thurs 13

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    af thurs 13

    mae are we today?just checking in as got quite a bit to do yet so not a big post Im afraid.thank you for all your thoughts for this afternoon...not looking forward to it...but I guess nobady does ..take care all and have a great day
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    af thurs 13

    Mae everybody,take it easy this afternoon Mick,i know its hard when someone passes,we start thinking about our own mortality,its depressing,and i hate when people say "well its a part of life"i mean it is but for some reason that phrase irritates me! im trying to do that tapping stuff but i dont know how long im supposed to tap for,also what is it im trying to get off my mind,theres so much,oh well off to get ready for work meh,have a good thursday everyone
    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


      af thurs 13

      Thinking of you today and wishing you strength. Hugs dear man. Byrdie
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        af thurs 13

        Good morning Abbers,

        Thinking of you Mick, try to remember the good times :l

        Hi pauly, hope you are OK!

        I'm sitting in the middle of a blizzard here!
        14" on the ground so far & it's still snowing - oh my
        The power is still on so I'm warm & grateful! I'm just going to stay put until it's stops then figure it out. What else can you really do? :H

        Have a great AF Thursday everyone!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          af thurs 13

          MAE all,

          Mick, just feel what you feel, acknowledge it and move on to the next feeling. They're just feelings. If we try to squelch them, we give them more power than they deserve. I know you will be okay. I find that funerals are a cross between crying and laughing at funny memories. I am thinking of you now, as likely you are dealing with it.

          Lav, we are in the same boat. Snow, snow everywhere. The plow woke me up at about 6 am, but you would barely know they had been through; everything is all covered up again.

          Pauly, you tap when there is something disturbing on your mind, sweetie. I think you tap when something comes up, and you stop when the thoughts don't cause distress anymore. Kuya is the most knowledgeable, I think, but that is the impression I have. You can probably google EFT (emotional freedom technique) and find some answers there, as well.

          Nice to see you, Byrdie.

          Well, my daughter is home from work today because of the snow, but that doesn't mean she is not working, given that she has a computer and telephone. I have been treated to a succession of curses and grunts and commentary about the stupidity of the sales team in her office who were all surprised to get stuck in far flung cities and have had their flights home cancelled. So much for peace and quiet.

          Well, I've got to go cancel my clients; hopefully, people will be able to get here to my home office tomorrow. I can't afford to lose too much revenue. I am grateful to have power and to be cozy and warm.

          Hugs to all and to all to come,
          AF as of August 5th, 2012


            af thurs 13

            Morning all
            just got back from feeding critters, certainly the chore walking around, one chicken flew out the house and plopped in the snow, pretty funny to watch, got her back in. Our snow has turned to freezing drizzle now. Really quite pretty out and the snow is very light, powdery. Cows, horse, chickens cats all fed, staying by the wood stove for awhile and enjoy the vacancy of time winter tends to bring to me.

            Mick, truly sorry for your loss....
            Liberated 5/11/2013


              af thurs 13

              for the intellectually inclined:

    [/video]]Bugs Bunny: The Wabbit Who Came To Supper (1942) [HD] - YouTube
              Liberated 5/11/2013


                af thurs 13

                Kind thoughst coming your way Mick.
                Hope everyone else is hanging strong.
                Will watch the video later Sam - not sure that it is office viewing:H
                Will check back in later....
                “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                  af thurs 13

                  Thinking of you Mick - hope you get some peaceful sleep.

                  Hi there everyone else -all well here just very busy


                    af thurs 13

                    Checking in as I didn't make here yesterday. Been very busy lately but all's good.

                    Thinking of you today Mick....PPQP


                      af thurs 13

                      I can't believe I actually remember that cartoon Sam :H
                      I always loved the 'wascally wabbit' :H :H

                      Hi there TT, PQ, SL, YahYah!!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        af thurs 13

                        ?Super Dopamine Seeker?. For anyone that read that blog post I mentioned, the woman describes addicts as that (in one sentence). I kind of prefer that phrase to the others.

                        When I moved to the South it was a very notable phenomenon that would occur, after 48 hours without sunlight Southerners tend to get a bit wonky. Now that my brain has adjusted to the Southern sun, I am very aware of this phenomenon occurring in myself. With this last bit of weather, we Southerners were becoming a very wonked-out group of people. We lacked that Southern charm that the sun brings out in us.

                        Today I woke up to sun?.?yippee?. Upon arriving at work, it would have appeared that someone had just shot us all up with a huge dose of dopamine. And something had?.the sun. So I get this huge burst of dopamine. Unfortunately, I had to be in the office all day and by 1pm as this shot of dopamine is wearing off?.I want more. Not more sun, but my mind shifts to thinking about how nice it would be to have ten drinks (one who are we kidding), shut off all my responsibilities and worries and just enjoy myself. ?One day won?t hurt right?? Then I think about the hangover?and poof the idea of drinking is gone, but it rattled me.

                        By the time I leave the office the sun is going down. I notice almost everyone is coming off the dopamine high. Driving home I am not as polite to other drivers as I normally would be. By the time I meet my husband for a meeting, I notice both of us are not as nice to each other as we were at 10am.

                        The big difference is that this ?Super Dopamine Seeker?, when she gets a blast of dopamine and it drops away quickly is susceptible to think about drinking. It would make no sense to the normal person, as they logically would think about getting more sun. Somehow that blog post came at just the right time for me. It made me very aware of what was going on with the chemicals in my brain and I KNEW what was going on. Yet, I still played around with the idea of drinking probably a little too far, which is dangerous territory for me.

                        I am home safe and sound. Knew I had a responsibility to not drink. Knew that even ten drinks on one day would lead me back into a prison I don?t want to be in. And another day sober is much more valuable to me, than what my brain tends to think in moments like this one, which is ?one day of freedom from life? with a drink in my hand. What a joke, that is not funny. Have I not done it enough times to know better? Nope?because call me what you want?.my brain will always be susceptible to being a ?Super Dopamine Seeker?.


                          af thurs 13

                          Dang that was a great post SF,i had a similar experience today,super happy this morning,this afternoon a mess,dug up one of my old threads on why drinkings a piece of shit as a much needed reminder,off to early bed tomorrow will be a better day(i hope)
                          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                            af thurs 13

                            Oh gosh - I was just signing in to breath deeply after a near miss, and read your post SF!

                            I had a long day at work, rushed home to feed girl before school trip meetings, stuck in traffic so stopped to get her fast food (we don't eat fast food - so this is showing my desperation) - got home and on the way out to school she says that she needs supplies for tomorrow - my brain immediately goes to wine, I have evening excuse to go to store - yeah!!! I am hungry, lonely and tired - probably a bit angry too at school teachers asking for things with no notice, start to work out what i will say here tomorrow, you know the conversation - noone will know, I can just carry on etc etc - what idiot thinks about lying on an anonomous thread for goodness sake - a "super dopamine seeker" would obviously....Anyhoo - I am home, safe and sound and have a AF drink - I have eaten, and that helped - evening drinking and HALT almost got me!
                            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                              af thurs 13

                              Hello ladies - some of you will be tucked up in bed. Good on you for stopping and listening to what is going on - instead of reaching for the liquid answer.
                              Its not easy at all juggling work, home, kids, cooking, homework - and an addiction. What you SF, SL and Pauly all describe is the trap I lived in for years - to help me juggle it all. AL was I though my reward, the instant lift and some energy. Other things too but I integrated it so much into the end of the day work/home transition. It wasn't boozing lying on the couch and relaxing - it was drinking to get a whole lot of tasks done, calm me down - and then face the rest of the evening. At some stage too much sipping would result in me really slowing down and swtiching off.

                              I am tired tonight and I am in the middle of various tasks that have to be done. I just have to do them - but now I make sure I eat, pace myself, have maybe a quick bath (yes!), drink lots of water and allow myself a wee treat later in the evening - a DVD, book or an icecream. Simple simple stuff.
                              And I sympathise so much withyou SL on the sudden demands from school. They do exactly the same here too.

