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AF Daily ~ Friday Feb 14

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    AF Daily ~ Friday Feb 14

    Good morning everyone & Happy Valentine's day!

    It's the day after the big blizzard & the sun is shining like nothing ever happened yesterday :H
    I'm so thrilled to be spending a huge portion of my day shoveling snow (not).

    Det, take care of yourself, feel better soon!

    SF & SL, glad you both steered clear of those drinking thoughts yesterday
    I'm grateful my thinking doesn't automatically 'go there' anymore. It takes time & practice but we will all get it at some point.

    I have some work that needs my attention this morning, a lot of shoveling to do this afternoon then I'm picking up my grandsons at 4 pm. Will I have the energy for them? Not too sure at this point :H

    Hello to everyone & sending wishes for a terrific AF Friday

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

    AF Daily ~ Friday Feb 14

    Morning Lav....Saw you were online and figured you were starting the thread, thanks. Glad to hear the storm has passed and sorry but I don't have any snow shovelling sympathy for you. :H

    Mick...hope yesterday wasn't too rough on you. :l

    Things have been a little hectic the last few days. It looks like my boss may have cancer. It's early testing stages (CAT scan today) but the news has got the board of directors on their toes. The new program coordinator has implemented some changes without the bosses ok and has caused a rift. Didn't think I'd be smoothing ruffled feathers so early in the game. My never ending lawyer issue has reared it's ugly head again, so dealing with that as well. Apologies for not being here for those needing support right now.

    Long weekend here for us "Family Day" on Monday and the temps above zero for the next few days. Looking forward to spending Saturday outside with my Dad. Will try checking in later but for now have a great AF Friday all.....PPQP


      AF Daily ~ Friday Feb 14

      Morning all
      bout to get get out and start the regime of feeding everyone. I begin to see why they made Feb the shortest month because it feels like it really is the longest in terms of winter. Soon spring though!

      not much to report. Got on a cartoon kick to start my mornings:[/video]]A Corny Concerto (1943) Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Elmer Fudd - YouTube
      Liberated 5/11/2013


        AF Daily ~ Friday Feb 14

        hiya everyone ..tis I ..hope you are all ok....been really busy this of the panels had come unsealed in the conservatory roof in the winds so that had to be resealed...wanted to get the garden kind of straight before the rains came ..almost made it..but at least now you can see how its going..pouring with rain to get some more stone to put down.also now you can see how to tend to the back of the beds...stand on the logs ..move as required.Funeral went well..never dropped the coffin was packed ..shed my tears said my prayers ..move on funny bit..well there were a couple of them, but one man I used to work with..he looked at me,I looked at him..we were both under the impression that the other had passed on!trying to get bits n bats done so will close now ..thank you to everyone for their wishes.....

        not finished but on the way

        At a job interview: "Tell me the best thing about yourself."

        "I'm a glass half full type of guy."

        "You mean you have a positive outlook, you're a real go-getter?"

        "No, I'm an alcoholic."

        Just bought one of those 'Dine In For Two' Valentines meal deals at Marks & Spencer.

        2 Starters, Mains, Side dishes, A bottle of wine & a box of chocolates all for just ?20.

        Can't fucking wait.

        I haven't got a girlfriend, I'm just a fat pig

        A policeman knocked at my door today.

        He said, "A few of the neighbours are complaining about the music."

        I said, "You're joking? It's only 7pm."

        "I don't care if it's 1 in the afternoon," he replied. "One Direction are still shit."

        I knocked on my neighbour's door today.

        I said, "I'm sorry, but I just hit your dog."

        "Oh my god," she whimpered. "Is he dead?"

        I replied, "No, I didn't punch it that hard."

        Valentines day... The one day in a year buying cocaine is cheaper than buying flowers

        My wife just sent me a text: "I just bought you the best Valentine's Day present! xox"

        I really hope she misspelt Xbox.

        Well its that day again, where my wife wants to drink expensive wine, and stuff her face with chocolates.

        My mate owns a fancy restaurant in town, so as a treat on Valentine's Day, I'll be taking my wife there tonight.

        She has waitress experience. Anything to help a mate out.

        I saw my mate Dave walking around the supermarket yesterday. He had a huge trolley jam packed full of chocolates, sexy underwear, perfume, wine and cuddly toys. There was a huge valentines card stuffed down the side, helium 'I love you' balloons tied to the handle and he had the biggest bouquet of flowers in the shop under his arm

        "Blimey Dave" I said "your going a bit over the top. That lots going to cost you a fortune"

        "I'm not going to buy it" he replied " I'm just ruining valentines day for all the women in here who think I am"

        It's valentines day so I've just decided to scatter a few hearts over my wife's pillow.

        I hope she likes them, they cost me a fortune in the butchers.

        I asked Piers Morgan if he'd like to double up on the tennis court the other day.

        He said he would, so I kicked him in the bollocks.
        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          AF Daily ~ Friday Feb 14

          Mae everybody,Happy Valentines day,used to be one of my faves when i first got married,now theres too many of our kids'birthdays around this time so its kinda taken the backseat,jokes were really funny today Mick,im glad the service went smoothly,PPQ,sounds like a headache at work right now bleh,hi to Lav and everyone who stops by later,have a good day all
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            AF Daily ~ Friday Feb 14

            Morning all -except its Saturday already here. Sorry for my dashing in and out but I just don't feel like writing long posts (because I am doing so much writing in my job at the moment). See that people have survived the snow storms - good luck with the snow shovelling Lav. WE need water shovelling done here.
            PPQP - sounds like your job is very full on.
            Sam - as I implied ts really wet here - we haven't had a summer proper to speak of.Usually February is the monthwhen we bask in the sun.
            Pauly - Valentines is not a big deal here. My partner sent me a virtual e-card from work - and I was going to make a plum pie for him - but I was just too tired. Might do it today.
            Mick - see you are back in the saddle - the weather keeps turning up new projects for you.
            OK - weekend not too exciting methinks - partner is still working on the bedroom and daughter is off to a protest rally at the beach - its to oppose oil drilling off our sea-coast.

            My own latest thrill is that I have discovered large vacuum suction packs to store clothes etc in. I am putting so much into storage that we may have no clothes left!:H:H Overkill as usual!:H
            Happy Valentines Day all my sober sweeties :heartsnflowers:


              AF Daily ~ Friday Feb 14

              Hi all - happy to see you looking in from the future TT!
              Det - good to hear from you, was getting a bit worried. Make it home safe - hope teh Obama visit does not slow you down getting out of there.
              Lav - happy shoveling, no need for curves with that!
              PPQ - will this lawyer thing ever get put to rest for you? I know with my divorce it is the uncertainty and waiting that is a pain.
              Weather ok here today - luckily as one of the cats has started to use the couch as its litter box (again) - smells really bother me, so this is truly awful - have doors open hoping to air out, and all cushions sprayed....
              Using today to let my girls know how special they are - they took little gifts to their BFF's today. that works for me!!!
              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"

