Good Morning,
I have just now arrived at work and want to say hello.
Star-I am glad you were able to move past V-Day and have a nice weekend. I admire your ability to move on and not hold a grudge, even when you've been hurt. It's a rare quality and I am glad you share the good and bad of your life with us. I learn a lot from you and always enjoy reading your posts.
Lav-I get it now. I really get it now when it comes to your relationship with YB. You have to detach yourself otherwise his negativity would consume you. As you said, you are co-dependent no more. Talk about putting on lbs.-I gained 13 lbs. between Halloween and NY, and just now have lost six of them, but ugh, the effort I have to put in. Stinks.
Dill-I must get the Blame Game, and I congratulate you on having compassion when dealing with your DIL. I know that it is really are a strong woman and I so respect your thoughts and decisions. Oh yes, unhung Monday mornings rock!!!
Pap-my plans for Methuen are falling apart. I will email you later.
Ok, off to start my day. Hope you all have a lovely AF Monday!