afternoon Lav..hows you?dinner time brew here for you.. well is the sun still out?forgotten what it looks like!!one of the rabbits aint too well ..Sandy ..she is a bit listless and off her food ..just like a kid, so need to keep an eye on her ..if she is no better tomorrow then tis the vets.did you get your snow should have hidden some sweets and dog biscuits in it ..then let the dog and kids sort it for you!!

hiya are you ? hope today goes well and you enjoy title huh? not only boss ,but now mediation co-ordinator!!keep going..see how many titles you can collect!!:H have a great day.
Sam ..what are you doing????yep straight to the cartoon I went!!looney toons...thats all folks..real memory stuff!!!
hiya Pauly ..hows you today? nope you need to pick a you day!!!when they all dote round you as opposed to the other way round!!any plans for da weekend?
hiya one vacuum packed are you today?yes the weather brings new projects...when this rain eventually goes there will be soak crate going in..theres a lot of clay in the ground thats why I made raised did the protest go? oil drilling that something to do with oiland??ok ok get ma bags Im off!:H
hiya sl...hows you today?..have you caused me some wirk!!!never noticed it before ..but on your flower, the petal in the 3 o clock position has a mark on it/ this richard cranium is trying to clean the screen, and thinking one of the pixels has gone!!!duh!how are you today...apart from playing mum to a cats home!!!have a great weekend with your daughters.
righty ho off now stopped raining for a minute ..probably literally ..have a great weekend.
was going to put a pic up of the garden ,but the puter is running on steam!!it wont even load jokes!!!