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AF Sun 16 Feb

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    AF Sun 16 Feb

    Welcome to Sunday ? almost over and I only have decafe on offer at this time of the night. There is some plum pie if you so desire.

    Looks like the weather is still hammering folk in the North. Are you going on your Sunday jaunt Mick? Drive carefully as you go.

    Sam ? I hope the tax blues and other such feelings don?t get you down. That sounds like a line from a Neil Young song!

    Glad you enjoyed your iced tea SF and that you and hubbo had some time together. That's not a drink I have ever taken to. I used to like the other drink you mentioned but not in huge quantities. It's a great drink for headaches.

    Eggs to you too SL! :H Its not just the chickens roaming around the yard that makes the difference ? its what they eat too. You sound cheerfully AF.

    PPQP ?you enjoy your well deserved long weekend.

    Lav ? poor Maxie. Lets hope you get some respite from the weather demons soon.

    Det ? are you home yet?

    Just over a week and my girl will be 16 years old. That's the official age of consent for you-know-what and it also means she can learn to drive (at least I can give lessons in that!). Growing up, still my baby but definitely a young woman. Things are going well at the moment ? so I do hope this lasts. She has already chosen a prezzie ? patent pale salmon-pink Doc Martens. There?s some books and music, a really cool umbrella and other stuff as well.

    Hope all (and thats you too Pauly, Narilly, Yah and others) have a wonderful Sunday and keep the AF fires burning.

    AF Sun 16 Feb

    Good morning Abbers!

    Cold & partly sunny at the moment. Sadly there is more snow predicted for Tuesday, ho hum.

    TT, turning 16 is such an exciting time, boy do I remember those days!
    My daughter wanted a party with all her friends, so we had one. My son wanted no parts of a party. He was happy to quietly accept cash gifts :H
    Our school system required all kids to take a driver ed course & that was great. I took the kids out for some extra driving practice when they got their learner's permit, that was exciting :H :H
    Enjoy the process ~ it only happens once!

    Sam, I haven't gotten my biz taxes together yet, I feel for you - it's never pretty!

    My young hens are starting to lay those cute little 'beginner eggs'! They are completely usable, you just need to use extra. Nothing like fresh eggs from healthy, well fed hens

    Greetings to Mick who is out & about today. Looks like you could have a small fish pond in your garden if you wanted one!
    Greetings PQ, SF, Det, pauly & everyone!

    Have a wonderful AF Sunday everyone!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      AF Sun 16 Feb

      morning all

      good night sleep and a gentle morning of coffee and reading.

      Lav, I saw that it might snow again Tuesday, 40% for us. Slugged through farm tax stuff yesterday. I really should do it as a better business practice to see how it is going through the year.

      How's it be TT? no blues here now the sun is out.

      hope everyone is doing well.
      Liberated 5/11/2013


        AF Sun 16 Feb

        happy Sunday ABerooos!

        not much of a weekend here, just back Fri night and have to take off again in the morning. egad!
        just trying to rest and get packed today although that's kind of counter-intuitive.

        happy shouts to TTops, Lavande, Sam, and all peeps to follow

        be well
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          AF Sun 16 Feb

          Happy Sunday - three day weekend here, and so looking forward to no alarm!
          TT - my eldest gets her learners permit at 15 1/2, and that is March, so it looks as if we might be on the same path there too! Everytiem I am driving I am trying to think out loud to start her off.
          We have some sun too - yesterday was a grey day.
          These eggs are lovely - so they must be well fed chickens! Doing a pan of hard boiled for the week today.
          and agreed - ice tea, no thanks - better go get my hot cuppa, should have mashed ny now....and toast & marmalade....see you later...
          “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


            AF Sun 16 Feb

            Mae all,77 degrees for Vegas today feels good,tbh i drank yet AGAIN over the weekend,im trying seriously,this has gotten old! i just felt so sad on friday,i really didnt care,it does get harder each time,i willget it i swear,i thank all of you for being here,biggest regrets oh shit ill sort it out,eventually.
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              AF Sun 16 Feb

              hiya everybody..thats me just back ...and yep success the puter is working how are you all doing?Sun has been out today..was down in Lincoln today..blowy but sunny..and a successful day Lav there isnt any pond in the back garden ...well not till next week!!
              tt so your daughter will soon be of age for driving and you are able to teach for the you know she is your daughter...Im sure you will have a couple of handy hints for her!!!:H

              hiya Sam..glad you have got the tax sorted you can go out and play!

              hiya det are you today? dont forget your "you time"...dont know if you have seen this....Daily Mail yesterday..copy the bumf below...into tinternet...the weapon used was an L96

              British sniper kills two Taliban with one bullet new book reveals | Mail Online

              Hiya SL....How are you..mashing a brew?good lass..certainly knocks the spots off iced tea for me too

              hi Pauly ..what went wrong?we all so much want for you to bin the drink beast.....

              ok coupla jokes now

              Played 43 games of online scrabble against some sad git today.

              Some people really need to get a life.

              This girl was chatting me up at the pub.
              "So, what do you do for a living?" she asked, batting her eyelids over her glass."
              "I'm a boxer," I said proudly.
              "Oh, lovely!" she winked. "I like sleeping with real men."

              Funny how she could be so impressed that I work for Amazon.

              "So," said the doctor, "roll up your sleeve for the innoculation."

              "Can't I have it in my backside?"

              "Of course you can, but I'll innoculate you first, OK?"

              A new study has revealed that women with big bums live longer than men who mention it.

              My wife is one of those people that can spot the humour in any given situation.

              And quickly remove it.

              I didn't realise Scottish independence meant they would just sink the whole of England.

              Me: Darling, to me, you are like a neutron star.
              Her: Awww is that because I brighten up your world and your love for me burns as hot as the sun?
              Me: No, it's because you are the densest thing in the fecking universe.

              My Scottish wife thinks independence is a brilliant idea.

              So do I, she has no passport and I will have her deported.

              After drinking my 10th pint I thought to myself,

              "Who fecking needs enemies, when I have myself?"

              My mate just told me he wanted to become a pirate.

              "What, you mean like on a ship looking for treasure?" I said,

              He said "No, I want to fry a prane"
              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                AF Sun 16 Feb

                Hi, Abbies! Good to hear that everyone is doing fairly well. As for you, Pauly, well, just keep trying. What else can you do?

                I'm glad to hear that it has stopped raining, Mick, and glad your day was a success. Yay for internet returning to normal.

                Thanks for the decaf, TT. Good luck with your daughter learning to drive. Just take deep breaths.

                Lav and Sam, I don't want to even think about biz taxes yet. :upset:

                Lav, it's cute your girls are laying their little teenage eggs. Sweet.

                How's the cello-playing going, Sam?

                Hang tight on your trip, Det. Happy trails.

                SL, this is how I started my daughter driving, if you're interested. On Sundays, I would take her to the local school, where the parking lot was empty. She could learn to start, stop, steer, use her turn signals, etc., without having to be out on the road with the distraction of other cars. It really helped her be comfortable in the car for starters. When she was ready to go out on the road, she just let me know. Just my two cents.

                I have a client who is in the middle of a very manic episode. No one knows for sure where she is, and her family and I are very concerned. The last we knew she was in Georgia. We are hoping she doesn't do anything stupid when she runs out of money. She has also run off with another man who has bi-polar disorder. Pretty crazy. So I am not a very happy camper at the moment. It's been hard to concentrate on other things, although I have gotten some stuff done.

                Anyway, that's all for now. Just checking in.

                Have a good rest of the day (or tomorrow) all!

                AF as of August 5th, 2012


                  AF Sun 16 Feb

                  Pauly - I do feel for you - sometimes I seem to have so much more success than othertimes.
                  I just had a lovely lunch of a hard boiled egg (with a huge yolk) a tomato that tasted and smeeled of tomato (a real one TT:H) and half an avocado! Delish - of course as it is sunny and a Sunday on a 3 day weekend, a glass of chilled white sounded good too - nut had to remind myself that I want to enjoy tomorrow!
                  YAH - that sounds like a good plan, the school parking lot is quite close if I need to walk home after :H - it was a while ago, but pretty sure that is how I started too. Sorry about your client...
                  “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                    AF Sun 16 Feb

                    Had a lovely Sunday. Temps are back in the 50's...the warmth felt soooo good.

                    I ended up going to a workshop based on the work of Brene Brown. I have watched her Ted Talks and read some of her book. There were about 10 of us there and all of us ended up there quite by accident. Anyways, it certainly is one thing to be exposed to her work and resonate with it, it is another to truly experience it. I have a new appreciation of allowing myself to be vulnerable and the benefits of it. I felt scared, trapped, almost in a panic.....then a sense of freedom washed over me.

                    I have a tendency to let people in my life at an arms length. When they get too close, I tend to back off. I certainly have found a value in allowing vulnerability into my life by experiencing it.

                    It certainly is a giant leap in terms of recovery for me.

