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af mon 17th feb

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    af mon 17th feb

    hiya all .well how are we today then? ok I supposed to be fine today..glad I never put my money on that one!!!so what are we all up to today then?anything exciting?moi I have got a hooge list to do..change money for hols into to be small denomination USD brand shiny new no rips tears or anything in them..same as when I went to Russia,got to sew a pair of trousers up ,plant some seed trays up,clean the wabbits out,tidy up..and yep gotta do this one ..wont get away with just spraying polish and leaving the hoover cord unwood and a coupla ornaments put back in the wrong place ..:Hmake tea eventually,put some manure in the garden ..need to get that order right ..tea n manure!!womans work is never done!!big shout to SF are you? Tea n coffee on the go ..anyone fancy a brew....SL..just mashin noo!!right peeps offski have a great day one n all

    I'll never forget the first dance at our wedding.

    I took my wife in my arms, looked her in the eyes, then whispered in her ear...

    "The back of your dress is tucked in your knickers."

    The story of "The Hunger Games" could never happen in real life.

    Everybody would just come to Britain and sign on.

    I didn't believe my neighbour Tyrone when he said he was Jewish.

    Until he stole my car and tried selling it back to me.

    My wife likes to role-play in bed.

    Usually she plays a coma patient.

    Scientists report that the path of the Jet Stream is becoming increasingly wavy and meandering.

    You're telling me, I can hardly get any of it in the toilet any more.

    Since I started using Facebook, my spelling, grammar and vocabulary is so much gooder.

    I turned up at my mums house in my brand new BMW 7 series.

    "Wow," she said, "well that confirms what I always thought,"

    "what's that mum?" I asked,

    "that you're a right tosser." She replied.

    My doctor phoned me today.

    He said, "I have some devastating news, you only have 6 months to live."

    I said, "Why... what's wrong?"

    He said, "Your wife's just been to see me, she's 3 months pregnant."

    "If one of us dies," I said to wife, "I'm going to buy a dog."

    An Australian man killed his son, whose mother was English, with a cricket bat.

    I can't help thinking that if the parent's nationalities were the opposite, the kid would still be alive.

    My blonde girlfriend thinks that grand mal and petit mal are French shopping centres.

    I've just found out that I need to have a tetanus injection.

    The wife's got us tickets for the Jeremy Kyle show next week.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    af mon 17th feb

    Good morning Abbers,

    I'm seeing some sunshine, nice although it is still way below freezing. Snow to return tomorrow even though we really don't need any

    Mick, you sound like a busy guy!
    I hope you get your chores done in good time

    I have some work stuff, then a trip to Curves, then a hair cut, then a stop at the store for a few necessities on my list today. That should be enough to keep me out of trouble :H

    Greetings to everyone, sending wishes for a wonderful AF Monday for all!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      af mon 17th feb

      Morning Mick and Lav.....

      Had a wonderful lie in this morning as it's Family Day here. Haven't done that in a long while.

      Mick...when are you jetting off this time? Sounds like it might be soon. Don't over do things, the dusting will always be there waiting for you.

      Lav...your day sounds kind of like mine, sans the curves. :H One addition I'm going to color my hair before the hair cut.

      :hallo: to everyone to come. Have a great AF Monday........PPQP


        af mon 17th feb

        Ready for my brew, yes please Mick - just a splash of milk
        PPQ - family day sounds so much nicer than presidents day - but it is a day off, so I am happy - off call now after my week - last phone call at 1am, so got some shut eye. Today is my first day without the alarm set for one thing or another - lay in bed with my first cuppa and read a book - pure luxury! Got up, had long shower (even shaved the legs - that was a job and a half:H).
        Having a sunday breakfast - haven't had one of those in forever due to that alarm setting situation. It was sunny yesterday so I had plans to go to garden store to start some herb pots - but gloomy today, so may just wait for sun again..
        Girls are supposed to watch Lincoln for their summer trips (mentioned this before haven't I) - still have not seen in, but Presidents day could be a good day - I think they are planning to spend their day in pj's so that could work (I am wound so tight, I can't do pj thing, but they love it) - well now, so much procrastination! Going to get that cuppa now, looks perfect - need a hobnob to go with it, oh well
        Have a great day Lav, PPQ and Mick - hope to see the rest later (pS SF - well done on that meeting yesterday - the idea gives me the heeby jeeby's mind you - maybe why I don't have many friends.....hmmmmm......)
        “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


          af mon 17th feb

          Nice, but dreary today. Accomplished some major tasks today.

 was structured workshop held by a therapist. Not sure I would have attended if I had a better idea of the details, but glad I did. It certainly is eye opening when you hear others speak up about their vulnerabilities. Men and women....actually there were more men.

          I have a few very close friends....but, certainly when addiction moved in I distanced myself...especially from new people. No one was getting through that brick wall I built I could feel that my guard wasn't up so high today....certainly freeing.

          Supposed to be 60 here tomorrow. I am still thawing out from that long blast do cold weather.


            af mon 17th feb

            Hi All, just touching base. Everything is okay in YahYah land. Hugs, :l
            AF as of August 5th, 2012


              af mon 17th feb

              All OK at the Sunny South Pole too.

