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af day 18th feb I think

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    af day 18th feb I think

    mae all and how are we today....busy busy moi...never got all me jobs done yest ..but been up sawing wood since about 6 and putting extra supports in the veg bed...wouldnt you luv me as a neighbour?think my rabbit hopefully is on the mend ..still very lethargic,but at least eating a little bit of hay...also think I know whats up with her...constipation...a put some cushion floor right in the corner of the toilet area ..under the tray so that it would save the wood ..noticed there are lots of chew marks and a massive bit missing reckon thats Kuya or any other rabbit lovers/vets reading this..then give me a clue on how to deal with it...she was at the vets the other day and to be perfectly Honest he was about as much use as tits on a fish..he was more bothered about the fact he couldnt find her chip!gave her 3 injections for appetite ,a general tone up and a pain relief..dont mind the ?90 if it had helped her ..but it bloody didnt!!so quick jot here n back to work.

    hiya Lav...happy haircut!!how are you ? ok ..any plans for today?lets have a brew...

    hiya ppqp ..hows you ? orf to Vietnam Thailand and for the hair colouring ausssi ..only its my heed that I colour!!!so what hat are you wearing today ..boss /mediator?have a good one

    hiya SL..wasjust gonna comment on whats that orange thingy in your avatar..and guess what ..its turned up here ..well are you today?yep Im planting up seeds later..HOB NOBS???? Whatever happened to Rich Tea?posh people!!:H

    Hiya yah ..glad all is well in yah yah land...sounds like a take from la la land !!:H

    hiya tt ..glad all is well in the sunny sarf..pretty good here too......

    right folks coupla jokes then orf back to the grindstone ..sigh !take it easy ..cya

    Since I was young I always wanted to be a musician. Unfortunately I'm tone deaf and can't play an instrument to save my life.

    So I've joined a Jazz band.

    After watching Up with my 8 year old son last night he said he'd absolutely love to see a talking dog.

    So I've just nipped out and bought us some LSD.

    My wife has brownish yellow eyes.

    They appear to be healing nicely.

    "It's sodomy. It isn't gay love, it isn't natural, it isn't acceptable in the eyes of the lord, it isn't a right." Preached the priest from the pulpit.

    "And it isn't my turn this week," shouted a choirboy from the back of the church.

    Just passed my local pizza shop and saw a sign in the window "50% off all 18 inch pizzas".

    Surely that's just a nine inch pizza?

    When I was young, I used to dream of owning a life-size replica of the Starship Enterprise and having a wife with big boobs

    Can you guess which one of those three I have?

    The Somerset floods are getting worse by the week.

    Today, a rescue boat was held hostage by Somali pirates.

    wonder how many laffs this one will get???think theres only me Sam n Det

    What's the one thing that makes a woman bad at driving?


    bye bye ..cya :H
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    af day 18th feb I think

    Good morning Abbers,

    Another few inches of snow fell overnight, doesn't look too bad out there. I will not spend another day cleaning up snow - totally sick of that :H
    Nothing super special going on today so I will just do some clean up inside the house. And try to find the top of my desk - once again :H

    I hope your rabbit feels better soon Mick!
    I'm sure Kuya would have some better ideas for treatment but I think I wouldn't let him eat the wood. If your bunny is looking for more fiber give him some fresh veggies & make sure he gets lots of water

    OK, off to get some stuff done around here!
    Have a great AF Tuesday everyone!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      af day 18th feb I think

      Hi there Lav and Mick and others.

      Sorry I am not posting so much here but sort of rushed at the moment and lacking inspiration sometimes. But thinking of everyone - snow, rabbits, hair colors, eggs and all!

      Catch you later


        af day 18th feb I think

        MAE all! Thinks are okay here. We had a little more snow today, but only a dusting, thank goodness--just enough to cover up the dirty snow and make it look pretty again.

        Not much going on here at the moment. I've been working on knitting some frilly scarves to keep me from stuffing my face at night, but that's about it.

        Happily AF still. It is great not to be downing a bottle of wine a night. I am completely sure that this is why I am starting to do better financially.

        I hope everyone is doing okay!

        AF as of August 5th, 2012


          af day 18th feb I think

          MAE ALL....

          Mick...thanks for the kickoff. Glad to hear your rabbits starting to eat again, at least you may have found the source of the problem. Hope you had a productive day.

 snow for the last little while...fingers crossed. With these chinooks you feel like spring is in the air then winter strikes again. Did you find the top of your desk? :H

 when you can and not to worry we know you're watching.

          YahYah...I totally agree that's why your finances are better. I certainly didn't realize how much I was spending on AL till I quit. Good idea with the scarf distraction.

          It was a weird sort of day today. Didn't help that it felt like Monday all day. The boss came in and within 20 minutes came out and said he was going home. So I put my boss hat on. He did apologize to the program coordinator so I didn't have to wear that hat today. I'm a little concerned about him, he's not looking very good at all. He has a CAT scan tomorrow so I don't know if he'll be in or not.

          Got a reply from the defendants lawyers and I'm ticked. Not even going to think about it tonight.

          Hope everyone is doing ok.....have a peaceful AF Tuesday night....PPQP


            af day 18th feb I think

            MAE - back to work:upset:had a hankering to stop for you know what tonight on way home, but avoided it...
            Mick, what about a dose of castor oil for the bunny???
            not much to say today - got some homework to do tonight (most nights to be honest) but day orf yesterday gave me a tase of freedom and I liked it!
            Good to see you Mick, Lav, TT, YAH and PPQ - hope everyone else is doing ok today.
            PPQ - yep, it felt like monday today which was blah, but hopefully it will feel great on Thursday when we work out it really is Friday
            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


              af day 18th feb I think

              scottish lass;1628629 wrote: PPQ - yep, it felt like monday today which was blah, but hopefully it will feel great on Thursday when we work out it really is Friday

              :wd: on not stopping. One of my triggers is anger and the lawyer letter did push my buttons. Great thing was I just thought will deal with this tomorrow and the thought of "stopping" never crossed my mind. One for my gratitude list.

              Lav...crossing my fingers didn't help. :upset: Forecast is for snow starting around midnight and lasting till Thursday. That would be our Thursday not SL's. :H


                af day 18th feb I think

                YIKES PQ!
                When it snows up your way it really snows! Sorry about the forecast.

                Drinking at the stuff that made me angry never worked. Drinking at YB never made him stop behaving like an idiot. There's really no point in drinking, is there?

                I got a few inches of snow overnight YahYah so I did have to clear the path for my chickens - again!
                I can't stand the thought of them beating each other up being cooped up :H
                Twenty minutes with my shovel & broom & they were out enjoying themselves

                Hi there TT!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  af day 18th feb I think

                  My vet told me that corn syrup has a laxative effect on animals. I use the dark. The kind you make pecan pie with. Karo.
                  No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                    af day 18th feb I think

                    So true Lav!! :H:H
                    Lavande;1628641 wrote: Drinking at YB never made him stop behaving like an idiot. There's really no point in drinking, is there?
                    Glad you were able to ignore the anger PPQ!

                    And PS Mick - yes hobnobs, well it was a holiday!!! Rich tea on other days but hobnobs for holidays please
                    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                      af day 18th feb I think

                      SL - what's a hobnob?

