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af Wed 19th

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    af Wed 19th

    mae all ..and how are we all today?ok I hope.....hopefully my rabbit has started on the road to recovery her eating yesterday now just have to watch her ..forgot that a farmer friend of mine used to show and breed rabbits....rabbits love digestive biscuit,kale,and got some freeze dried grass for back to its normal self today ....raining with a touch of rain thrown in!!!get on with my seed planting today,as I am going to lose 3 weeks in March.
    right on we go ...hang on brew no2 coming up anyone else?

    mornin Lav are you today ..more snow .wow you are hoarding it ...please dont feel obliged to send any this way ..leastaways till after March3!!any plans for today apart from getting yon big snow shovel out?sit down and enjoy a cuppa first

    hiya tt are you ? sounds like you are busy ..remember theres gotta be time for you too..

    hiya are you today ..with your nice pretty snow s you are knitting frilly scarves to stop you stuffing your face?ok whatya do tie them around yer mouth??:H
    too far away for a slap ..luckily for me!!

    hiya ppqp are you ?need a brew ? ..see sheer poetry there no start to this mans talents??yes think if I had been chewing up the carpet ,I wouldnt exactly be feeling great either!!this lawyer biz still going on? ye gods thats some time now..hope she aint getting paid on a daily rate!!

    hiya SL..good on you ..well done for not stopping at the the offy on the way do get bleh days ..but they pass ..and besides you then dont have a bleh morning to get up to!as you can see by the packet the rabbits love digestive biscuits...they dont dunk them in their tea or put jam on them tho..just took that pic of the packet ..and ate another 3 of them..very more ish!

    hiya little beagle ..hows you today?ok I hope ..thanks for the info..might end up trying all of these ..hopefully not

    tt hob nobs...see pic

    righty ho folks orf we toddle need to get on ..not a pot washed as they say....

    c yawl..


    tt hob nobs....

    any ideas friend gave me them yesterday..quail eggs..bit too small for an omelette!!

    no religious bias ...

    A Muslim a Christian and a Jew are all asked what's the best thing they've read.

    "That's an easy question to answer," said the Muslim, "The best thing I've read is the Qur'an. What about you?" He asks the Christian.

    "That's easy for me too," replied the Christian, "The best thing I've ever read is The Bible. What about you?" He asked Jew.

    "That's an easy one for me too," he replied, "The best thing I've ever read is, 'buy one get one free.'

    My wife was over the moon with the massive Birthday cake I got for her today!

    It's not her Birthday or anything, she just loves massive cakes.

    Britain's judges have declared that whole-life sentences will mean whole life.

    They've made divorce illegal?

    My girl friend said she was leaving me because I played too much Call of Duty...luckily I left a claymore at the door.

    I walked into a car showroom today and the salesman said, "What are you looking for?"

    I said, "Because I can't afford to buy one".

    I love being a fireman,

    Everywhere I go I get a warm welcome.

    My nan says that going to my grandad's funeral was the most painful experience of her entire life.

    I shut her foot in the limousine door.

    I went to the doctors this morning...

    "What appears to be the problem?" she asked.

    "Well," I replied, "Lets put it this way, I've changed my boxers three times already this morning."

    "Ahhh, Diarrhea." she smiled.

    "No! OCD." I replied.

    My wife came back from a shopping excursion to Harrods and started preparing a meal with some of the food she had bought.

    "This is some of the finest food money can buy," she said.

    "It is at the moment," I replied.

    I walked into my mate's house. "Got any grass, Dave? I'm dying for a smoke," I said.

    "Err, my brother-in-law's here," he whispered. "He's a policeman."

    "Okay," I said. "Does that mean none or lots?"

    I couldn't believe it when I found out my neighbour had beaten his wife to death with a sand wedge.

    It must have been a really fecking stale one.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    af Wed 19th

    Good morning Abbers!

    Glad to hear your rabbit is improving Mick
    Those digestive biscuits must work miracles :H
    I've never used quail eggs - cute looking little things!
    I do have plans to meet some friends for lunch later today. Just hoping the roads don't get iced up with the freezing rain the weather folks are talking about now. I also have some work & a stop at Curves on my list today!

    I am putting together a family birthday party for my granddaughter who is turning 3 next week. I hope to get us all together for dinner & cake on Saturday. Then I will likely do it all again the first week of April when my grandson turns 3. Busy times in Lav-land!!!

    Hello to everyone & sending wishes for a great AF Hump day!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      af Wed 19th

      a rainy morning here and dang messy out too. The ground is sooooo saturated. Your's in the form of snow,Lav? I hate to complain too much, not a big fan of drought!

      Mick, I've known a couple of folks to raise quail, I'd always heard they were difficult to raise, but never heard why. We used to have plenty here in the wild when I was a kid but it is extremely rare to see them now. Now that I think of it, same with the whippoorwill. Whilst I'm musing, we never used to see deer and now they are so numerous, if you don't have a garden fence, you don't have a garden.

      Hope everyone is doing well today. Glad to be AF!
      Liberated 5/11/2013


        af Wed 19th

        MAE All!

        Mick, you sure are a smarty pants! LOL Perhaps I will tie the scarf around my face when I'm finished, but for now it is to keep my hands busy and, hopefully, my brain away from thoughts of eating.

        I wouldn't know what to do with quail eggs, either. Raise more quail?

        I hope the roads aren't too bad by you, Lav. I heard there was a massive wreck that closed I-80 up in PA this morning. Too many of those lately.

        We have lots of deer around here, too, Sam. Many in the neighborhood, and I've even seen a couple in my tiny backyard over the last several years. I haven't heard a whippoorwill in so many years--maybe since I was in my early 20's. :upset:

        Anyway, back to work for me. Hope everyone has a great remainder of the day.....or night.

        AF as of August 5th, 2012


          af Wed 19th

          MAE ALL...

          Just checking in to stay accountable. Been busy crazy at work and trying to reign in the accountant has become a huge chore. Finally put my foot down and said that's not part of your job stay out of things. The boss was in for about an hour today. On top of the cancer there is another problem and the doc's are having a hard time figuring out what it is. The lawyer letter has been on my mind all day so I guess I'll cave and deal with it tonight. Snow just starting again, wonder if Mick has room for me in his suitcase.

          Mick...have you figured out what to do with the quail eggs yet? Easters coming you could paint them.

          Lav...hope the roads were ok and you were able to get out for your lunch.

          Sam...yup I hated the rainy season when we were running cattle. That would be the time for calving.

          YahYah...hope the rest of the day was good.

          Off to pop the fish & chips into the oven. Lazy cooking night. Have a restfull evening all....PPQP


            af Wed 19th

            Sure PQ - you can hop in Mick's suitcase & settle down right next to me :H
            Boy would I love to get out of here for a while!

            Hi there Sam & YahYah!
            The roads were just fine here, I had a nice time with my friends.
            Shortly after I got home I heard a few rumbles of thunder, odd thing to hear on a sunny afternoon followed by a brief shower. That was just about over when I decided to go to the chicken house to collect eggs. As I was walking out with my egg cartons I was shocked to see a rainbow! A February rainbow - weird but pretty. I took a quick pic & put it on Facebook so I know some of you have seen it
            The snow is melting, there is water & mud EVERYWHERE but I'm not complaining. I hope all of the snow disappears over the next few days.

            Hope everyone is having a cozy evening
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              af Wed 19th

              Got confused, posted in the future - thought I lost a day, must be more of that confusion from the day at the start of the week off - totally mucked up!
              Still here...posted tomorrow and don't want to repeat see you all tomorrow:l
              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"

