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af Sat 22 Feb

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    af Sat 22 Feb

    Evening ops (morning, afternoon) just a quick hello to start the thread. How are we all today? My Saturday is moving into night.

    It sounds like the mothers of the teens have taken a breath of relief ? I say this as the mother of one. Yes, SF ? when they are sweet and hug us it seems to make it all worthwhile. I recall this week when I was at the stationery shop with the Girl (SL yes ? that damned shop:upset and she was feeling overwhelmned ? and I joked ? looks like you need your old Mum to help you and she said something like ? of course I do, I?ll always need you.

    How?s granny-Lav then? A family dinner today I believe is in order? Has the weather settled down a bit?
    I won?t ask PPQP about the weather ? or her work. How?s work PPQP?:H

    Mick?s garden all being sorted ? which is fab ? just so the bunnies can have the run of the place. Lovely fresh veggies coming up ? for the bunnies and Mick!

    Have you sorted your thing out Sam ? you know, the taxes?

    Hope you are getting some well deserved R & R Det! You too Yah.

    I have another thing for the gratitude list ? going to the Farmers Market without a hangover. I used to hate going to the market early on a Sat morning (but never admitted this to anyone).
    Definitely more doable now although because I like to shop in a hurry I still get impatient. I go to buy food and flowers - not to socialise at length or soak up the vibes. Mean bitch aren't I?

    I filled out the survey on MWO and said that I really like that this is an international forum. I also don?t wish to be bombarded with ads. The survey mentions rehab ads ? that would be dreadful I think. It would make MWO very US-based as most of the rehabs are there ? and it would be pushing a particular line- same goes with many of the other possible ads. I know I am being unrealistic and one can ignore ads ? but it is annoying. I can get that on FB!
    Go on accuse me of being a Luddite! or a Bitch Luddite!
    You all have a great Saturday and soberly goes it!

    af Sat 22 Feb

    mae all and how are we today? ok?the must get packed has now moved up a gear or two,...Julie is made up ....she is allowed to take 30kg luggage as opposed to the normal looks like we will be taking the kitchen sink after all!!moi...extra carrier bag will do !!cant stay on long..gotta go and get some Uncle Sam currency this morning...heres a good one for luck...was looking out of the back window yesterday and noticed some condensation on it..went to wipe it off to find that its in between the glass ,ie double glazing unit has blown....its on a 5 year guarantee....and that guarantee runs out tomorrow..phoned the company up pretty sharpish..phew !!!its a pretty big unit to replace..

    ok on wiv da show afore I go n get me greenbacks.

    hiya tt...hows you?did you get what you wanted at the farmers market?good save us a bit of strawberry cake for this poor starving sweet the mo my big thing is arctic roll...can eat a whole one of them nae problem..oh and also cover it in jam...!!so Ive swopped booze for cake n ice cream!!!!:H out really early tomorrow my mate at 5.30 for being a Luddite....Middleton is about 4 miles from here ..thats where I get my back seen to of the first battles...the battle of Burton Mill in Middleton courtesy of Ned Lud..see the facts you get here ..tis amazing..havent done the survey yet but will do .do you reckon its for funding via ads?


    morning Lav how are you today?ok..rabbit is running about full of beans now but still got head never mentioned how she had got it,but hopefully it will clear up...have you any plans for today?..a woman after my own heart...I prefer to deal with face to face cuts out all the bs and misunderstanding and of course sort of lessens the big I am sort of talk..hey you could always have a lazee day and watch the snow melt..dont think theres a right lot of chance on that one do you?have brew and a ponder over it.

    Hiya SF... and how are you doing ..apart from pretty much exhausted..yep get him in the army!!!would love to tell you that when they are out of their teens and leave home, peace and tranquility note I said would not can!!Amy is down today,complete with boyfriend, who I suggested may be better off staying in Sheffield :H so the words down like a lead balloon spring to mind!! if you get a message from an old ruined temple in Cambodia know Im hiding out!!

    Scottish lass ..good lass ..only one red dot?will hold you to that!!you need to put a lot more effort into before you get to those point before you even plan to buy wine..the day will come when it comes natch tho..I go into a shop regular where my fave beer of all time is sold,and now I can comfortably pick it up have a look at all the other different ones and walk out without bothering ..dont get me wrong thats not being complacent just doesnt happen to be trigger any more..and like wise you ill get to that stage but you gotta make it work pre as opposed to post..keep at it ..we will do it!!!

    Pauly ..dont know where you are but big hi to you...hope all is heading in the right direction...

    right peeps off to get some spends..take care n have a great weekend...dont forget if you can fill that survey out...lets keep this ship stable!!

    cya and all in the backgroond :wavin:

    I went to my cat's funeral today.

    Hopefully for the last time

    A Ukranian skier has pulled out of the Winter Olympics in protest to the riots in her home country.

    Officials have reacted quickly by not giving a shit.

    Over the past week, I've burgled ten houses in Liverpool.

    It feels great to get my stuff back.

    I was in hospital visiting my wife after her operation when the nurse suggested it might help if I adjusted my wife's pillows to make it more comfortable.

    She wasn't wrong. Taking my wife's two pillows and putting them on my chair was a lot more comfortable.

    Hugely disappointed with the British men's curling team today.

    Still, never mind, by next time they'll be the Scottish men's curling team and everyone will be expecting them to lose.

    My wife and I were driving along the road when she asked, "If you could have any animal in the world as a pet, what would it be?"

    "A dog!" I yelled.

    "Aw, come on," she laughed. "You can do better than that."

    "No, you just hit a fecking dog!" I replied.

    How do you piss off a hitchhiker? Pick them up and do a U-turn

    As an American, I'm sad that both our hockey teams lost to Canada this week.

    I haven't wanted to see Canadians beaten this much since they sent us Justin Bieber.

    Its my wife's birthday next week, and thankfully shes made it easy for me this year.

    She has been dropping hints all week.

    "My wardrobe is so full of boring clothes"
    "These old rags are so horrible"
    "If I have to spend another day in these 1950's housewife clothes i will cry"

    She's also left her large collection of over 20 catalogues dotted all around the house. So its decided

    We're gonna get rid of all her clothes and she can be done with those catalogues once and for all - and I've given her the perfect gift.

    I can't wait to see her face when the Skip arrives next Tuesday

    My l wife is getting all excited about the curling in the winter Olympics.

    But when I gave her a brush to do a bit of sweeping with, all hell broke loose.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


      af Sat 22 Feb

      Good morning TT, Mick & everyone!

      It's Saturday morning here in this part of the world, have been up since 6 am. Lots to do today, no lazy day for me Mick! I'm having everyone over for a birthday party for my granddaughter who is turning 3 on Wednesday

      TT, hope you enjoyed your farmer's market trip & got some good stuff. I can't wait to get some locally grown fresh veggies. Getting pretty tired of the supermarket stuff this time of year.

      Mick, happy packing to you
      That was a lucky break with the window. I guess that will be replaced after your trip?
      Do you have a neighbor or someone to watch the bunnies when you ho away?

      SF, i saw your post about witnessing that accident. There must be some truth to the old tale that God takes care of babies & drunks That girl was very fortunate that she didn't kill herself or anyone else on her tirade!

      Wishing everyone a great AF saturday!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        af Sat 22 Feb

        MAE All

        TT, I'm sure that none of us would like ads on MWO, and I think it would be a good point to have ads that might be relevant to those not in the US. I value the fact that we have people from so many places here, as well. I hope you found some great stuff at the farmers' market.

        Well, we will miss you while you are gone, Mick, but I hope you have a wonderful time and get the R & R you deserve.

        Good luck with the birthday celebration Lav!

        I got up earlier than I wanted this morning, so I may just head back for another hour of sleep. Heck, it's Saturday!

        Waves to all to come!

        AF as of August 5th, 2012


          af Sat 22 Feb

          Mae everybody,have a good get away Mick,this week ive really been taking a step back and basically going back to basics reformulating a good,solid plan,i know a good final quit is in me,i can feel it,just putting in a full effort to make it stick,been reading through the toolbox,some nice self-hypnosis mind clearing on youtube,gotta quit smoking in one of the lists in the toolbox they say if you keep smoking its almost a sure thing youll relapse,i wanted to quit but was afraid without cigs i would relapse,i guess the opposite is true,another thing im working on is just enjoying life,not hiding out untill so and so days has past,just living in the now,not past or future as ive tended to be doing,you guys are really great and im glad you care about me warts and all haha,i was leery about the survey,i dont want a bunch of ads popping up either,however i cant subscribe either cuz ive used my credit card for auto monthly payments before on stuff and its a bitch to cancel! alrighty then,sorry to write a book,just missed you guys,have a good saturday
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            af Sat 22 Feb

            It's good to see you back, Pauly! We are here for you, and I'm glad you know it. :l
            AF as of August 5th, 2012


              af Sat 22 Feb

              bon voyage Mick, have a great time.
              Liberated 5/11/2013


                af Sat 22 Feb

                Micks only off on his Sunday jaunt thus week. Not quite yet off to Asia


                  af Sat 22 Feb

                  ahah!! thanks TT
                  btw, taxes are getting closer to being done, got get my wife to get her shit together (oh wait, never mind).
                  She's like getting a mule to cross a bridge, you got to build a fire under her.

                  P.Q. ,been meaning to ask but keep forgetting... what stock did you used to raise and where?
                  Liberated 5/11/2013


                    af Sat 22 Feb

                    MAE ALL....

                    Visit with Dad this morning not very productive. He spent most of the time sleeping. I think he's been overdoing it with the Olympics. :H Stocked up on lots of groceries as I'm not leaving the house again till Monday. High tomorrow is -20 with windchill to -30. :wow:

                    Sam...we raised Red Angus out by Duchess AB. Close to Mick's old army stomping grounds. Went with Red as everyone else out there was raising Black Angus. At least we could find ours when they got away on us. :H Course there was a couple of steers each year for 4H projects.

                    Pauly...Good on you! We know you got a final quit in you too! Keep close we missed you too.

                    YahYah...Did the survey and it really doesn't bother me if she starts ad's up. I just ignore them anyways. How'd it work out for you getting another hour shut eye? I can't do that, it just puts me off my day.

           the party is well on it's way. Just think you can do it all again shortly!

                    Mick...good catch on the window and just in time. Could you imagine coming home from holis and then finding it? The pics and the rabbits look great. Also jealous of the green grass. Didn't you tell Julie the extra 30kg was for me Assume tomorrow is last early out before you leave. Can't wait to see the pics.

                    TT...thanks for not asking about work. :H Now don't be mentioning the "thing". Haven't even started looking at mine. I can hardly wait for the farmers markets as well. Course I'll have my own supply if winter ever ends.

                    Well so many groceries I can't make up my mind what to start with. Got some smoked salmon and cream cheese so think I'll start there. Have a great AF Saturday all and all to come....:HPPQP


                      af Sat 22 Feb

                      Hi all - feeling great today - just need to make this stick! Everytime I realise how much I love being sober - I wish I could work out why I keep testing that theory!
                      I did survey - I did not answer about ads, I would prefer no ads, but if that is what it takes it maybe a necessary evil??
                      Farmers market - I am worried about ours, I too love in season fruit and vegs, not ALL season polystyrene - unfortunately our farmers were just told NO water and as we are now a dust bowl, fresh produce will be a luxury this year - it is terrible, these farmers will go out of business - and it will affect many of us here as so many crops are exported.
                      SF - I am so glad your evening was not as envisioned, and all went well. Hope it stays that way for a wee while.
                      I took one girl to stables and went for my good long walk, thinging my thoughts and enjoying not drinking so much. The other was in bed full of snot and germsshe can stay there until cured (it is hard having a mother who is a nurse - Lav will agree with his!)
                      Pauly - I know I have a quit too, I just wish it was now - I am hoping it is. I do know that I had put my calendar away and H had counted out AF days in last few months. From Sept 23, 26, 28, 28, 25 AF days - thats 130 days out of 153 - I was enjoying that success until my stupid brain went to moderating.
                      As of today I will have had 151 out of 175 days AF - I don't have far to go, just have to do it.
                      Hi TT, Sam, PPQ and YAH too. As Pauly says, thank you for all the support - I am going to beat this thing....
                      Happy Saturday all, back to teh chores for me:l
                      “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"

