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February Freedom Fighters ~ week 4

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    February Freedom Fighters ~ week 4

    Good morning all...

    Pap, loved your post about feeling free...of all the bad habits of a lifetime. We are slaves to so many different things, being more mature we release and let go of what we don't need. So happy to hear you are stressing less, feeling lighter.

    Lav, the weather here is cold and snowy, about another three inches yesterday and blowing. So cold I am keeping the faucet running at night. No end in sight, we are expecting 9-12 inches this weekend. At least this is the last day of February, and if March is coming in like a lion, maybe it will get better as the month goes on. I am still having stink bugs too, right now. They are in the weirdest places, so not going away for me. Lovely to have your daughter and granddaughter over, enjoy.

    Dill, road trip time. How fun, not only to see your daughter but to get out of this cold weather. How is your son doing? It will be good for him to manage the kids on his own. I have not heard from my son and that is OK. He is busy with work and school. And probably trying to keep warm. Sorry about your friend's illness, hope she gets well soon.

    I am getting busier at work, have to watch hours of videos to learn the computer program, that's a lot of fun!! I know I can learn all the ins and outs, just need to be patient. We are doing some work in the basement right now, so will be busy with that too, today. So busy and focused, it feels good. Have a great Friday.
    Formerly known as redhibiscus


      February Freedom Fighters ~ week 4

      Good morning friends!

      Another frosty morning, 5 degrees here!!
      Nice to see the sun though. The storm is arriving here Sunday night into Monday & we have been promised 6-12". I sincerely hope this is the last storm of the winter. I'm ready to move on to the next season

      My guests are still sleeping, good for them! I enjoy the quiet time to get my thoughts together.
      Not sure what we are doing today but I'm sure we'll find something to do!

      Star, Papmom, Dill & everyone - have a great AF Friday!
      Stay warm!!!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        February Freedom Fighters ~ week 4

        Last day of February, Freedom Fighters!

        Lav, since the stink bugs are still so plentiful, how about you exact the ultimate revenge: EAT THEM!:H:H

        U.N. Urges Eating Insects; 8 Popular Bugs to Try

        Star, my son is doing well. My hb was skeptical about us being able to leave for a week, but I think it is a good idea and time. The responsibilities of child care have shifted back mostly onto my son's shoulders. I think it would be good for him at this point to prove he can handle it all on his own again. It sounds like your son is doing well. I'm very glad for that and may it keep going!

        Papmom, have fun at the fabric store! I think you do have the best sister in the world. You not only get a gift of a pedi but you have someone to share your interest in your Dad's valence project. It makes me wish I had a sister.

        My lunch plans have changed as my lunch partner's Mother fell last night and broke her hip, which at age 90 is a very bad turn of events. My friend will be at the hospital today for her mother's surgery. Prayers would be appreciated. Mr. Dill and I will probably go to lunch just the two of us. That should be pleasant.

        I'm finishing up a cross-stitch project that I started in the 80's, finished but never framed. I came across it the other day and thought it actually turned out beautifully tho at the time I didn't think so. I designed it myself based on a poem about honey bees because at the time Mr. D and I had started bee keeping. Finding that cross stitch was a blast from the past! I was AF when I made it. Well, not totally, but I was not a daily drinker at that time, not even close.

        Let's all have a good AF Friday!

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


          February Freedom Fighters ~ week 4

          Evening Fabbers!

          Dill-I'm so sorry about your friend's Mom. How terribly frightening and painful. I hope she is getting the best care and will recover completely. Very nice to hear your Son is taking over the responsibility of being a dad again. I hope he does a bang up job while you're gone and proves beyond a doubt that he intends to maintain his recovery. I'm sure he will!!

          Star- have the 3 weeks gone by already? Are you going into your new job on a daily basis or are you watching the videos from home? I have no doubt you will pick up this new system quickly. What is the basement project? I have no short term memory sometimes LOL!!

          Lav-can't believe you and Star are still finding stinkbugs! Ick. Maybe you should rent your houses out as research centers :H!! Did you have fun at lunch today?
          My wish for this latest storm is that it either peters out before it gets to us or it's a whopper. I have no desire to go into work and then get let go in the middle of it so we have to deal with plows and stupid drivers. I totally plan to take 1/2 personal day if the forecast is for 6 or more inches by noon. I have rehab at 2 and don't intend to miss it (only 8 minutes from home and I can go early and hang out). This better be it!

          Another good day at work, productive. Got home to sh*t all over the bedroom floor. Poor DD's tummy is upset over something-last 2 days. I've only been giving him itty bitty pieces of the treat from last weekend but it's obvious he just can't deviate from his diet at all. Not even a teensy bit. Poor guy. No dinner tonite. Even Mickey has been having loose stool so I guess that treat was just too rich. Sigh.
          Did my workout and had very nice dinner of pasta with extra veggies.

          Yes everyone, I do have a wonderful sister!! I hope she knows how much I appreciate and love her!
          DG-come out come out where ever you are!!
          Have a great nite all!
          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

          KO the Beast!!


            February Freedom Fighters ~ week 4

            Stinkbugs taste like apple?
            Sure, OK but I figured they would taste like 'chicken' :H :H
            Thanks for the article Dill, but NO FANKS on the stinkbug snacks :H
            I just said something to YB the other day about contacting Penn State & University of Delaware. They are both doing big research projects on stinkbugs. I think they should come see what I'm putting up with here!
            Sorry about your friend's Mom Dill. A hip fracture at age 90 usually puts them on the slippery slope to the nursing home - but you never know!

            Papmom, sorry your doggies are having troubles. It's hard when they're home alone all day too My big dog Max will eat everything & anything she can't beg or steal then barf up all the evidence. I'm always careful about what I feed her but I can't stop her from roaming around outside & 'snacking'. Do you remember the baby groundhog incident a couple of years ago? Yuck!

            I had a nice day out with the girls, we went to Lancaster, dodging the horse & buggy rigs the whole way. Lily is turning into a regular little outlet shopper. Today she scored a purple 'Dora the Explorer' backpack - thanks MiMom

            I don't know what Monday is going to bring (weather wise). I'm going to just try to enjoy Saturday & Sunday first!
            have a great nite all!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

