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Thurs~May 17

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    Thurs~May 17

    Morning All!

    Aaah, wicked storms yesterday made way for a vey cool morning.
    Plan on going to Best Buy or Circuit City & start fixing a laptop & the main PC in study that need tending to. Today I am pc geek.

    Today you can make good things happen-remember that!
    On that note...
    Have a Wonderful AF day!
    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic

    Thurs~May 17

    Mornin Breez - and all posters to come...
    Good luck with the computer geeking today.

    I am very stressed already this morning. exactly do you do that Just Be thing??
    PMS doesn't help either! I need a mantra for the day.
    Deep's only a Thursday. I've done lots of Thursdays

    Have a great day everyone.


      Thurs~May 17


      I'm hanging on this site when I should get ready for work. Blah - long and busy working day ahead. I've been taking sups since Monday, but have not got off drink, yet, but I have noticed sups helping. My aim is total abstinence. Drink has been my carrot go get through a really - you know what - working day and if I take it off now I have nothing. Well, that's not true, but it feels like that - alkie's mind and thinking.

      Anyway, everyone have a great Thursday!



        Thurs~May 17

        Happy Thursday AB-a-roos! I've got a lousy cold and feel like crap but that's not going to bring me down dammit.
        Lisa, put yourself into a light hypno by counting...visualizing...breathing....
        Breez you supergeek you. just don't zap yourself.
        Otie, nice to see you in here. those mental conflicts/images are very familiar...hang tight as it DOES get so much better you won't believe it.
        be well everyone and all to join in.
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          Thurs~May 17

          Hello all and good morning. I hate to see everyone not feeling good today. I feel good, but I am tired. I am glad to be here.

          What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
          ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


            Thurs~May 17

            hi All,

            Day 'off' over here, though that just means no kids for the day - am in grading papers, writing reports, planning, clearing out - usual end of year stuff for teachers, though this year we're moving campus too so on top of everything else we are also packing boxes!

            I'm impressed, Breez, with anyone who can do computer stuff - if it doesn't turn on when I push the button that's me stumped! Enjoy!
            D - I hope you feel better soon - glad to hear you sound amazingly full of energy and zest for life even feeling like c**p - could I have some of what you're on, please ?!
            Hi Otie - hang in there with the supps etc. - they really help I believe, but you have also got to get over the mind trap of the 'carrot' - I know it only too well, and infact that's the one thing that's really causing me challenges at the moment. Have kept to 73 days AF only with the words of wisdom from this wonderful group of people! Find another carrot for those awful days - I love a spa - great place to relax and unwind, though a bit difficult every day...
            And Lisa, if you get an answer about the 'just be' thing, please pass it on! Hope the stress levels diminish as the day continues - just breathe slowly and deeply,
            And Hi MD - glad you're feeling good today!

            Take care everyone - have a wonderful rest of Thursday - it's nearly the weekend!
            :rays: Arial

            Last first day - 15th April 2012
            Days 1-7 DONE
            Days 8-14 DONE
            Days 15-21 DONE
            30 days DONE
            60 days
            100 days


              Thurs~May 17

              Good morning all - Have fun with the computer stuff, Breez. Det - lots of Vit C and cold-stop soup -I'll put the recipe in Recipe Corner! Arial - as an ex-teacher I know how rushed the end of the year is! Hope all goes swiftly and smoothly with end-of-year craziness! Lisa - I've found the CDs VERY relaxing, and if they haven't arrived, just put on your most relaxing music and lie down and listen quietly for 15 minutes or more! That, you can do! Otie, I know just how you feel, and that 'reward' at the end of the hard day ... that's been one of my cues, actually. Have you gotten the CDs? Yesterday I decided that trying to diet was just silly - not good for my self-esteem, because I chose a difficult detox diet. So I'm taking some of the other detox stuff slowly. Just cut out caffeine and sugar for now. Not going to worry about fats, meats and carbs. The All One isn't too bad in my morning smoothie ... anyway I feel good today, it's a day off, and then I will be crazy busy thru mid-June!
              "There are two types of education... One should teach us how to make a living, And the other how to live.? ― John Adams


                Thurs~May 17

                Hello all,
                Day 6 of AF and feeling much better, overall. I'm remembering what I was told when I quite smoking lo those many years ago: ' those who are successfully quit are the ones who have quit the most often.' which gives me hope now! Since I've given up counting...

                This time doesn't feel like such a white knuckle operation as before. Maybe it's about the messages i'm giving myself in the CD's. It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood .. gotta go to work. Thanks for being there.



                  Thurs~May 17

                  Hi all -- okay for me to join/jump in, though I'm only day one AB (is that it? for abstinence) and wondering what junior and senior members mean??? Still learning the site, I find things and don't know how to get back I'm not at all computer savvy....also I have an MAC so I don't think the gliffs work

                  Mimi your quote gave me a smile - so true.
                  and Breez yours gave me inspiration
                  zincityzin I'm cutting out the caffeine, smoking, white flour and sugar to start -- I figure baby steps, it'll all come together -- but I imagine this first week isn't going to be banner in the feeling well during initial detox wish my ankle would heal and could get back to yoga and exercise
                  glad you got a day off Arial -- I know how hard you teachers work though I'm not sure what grades you teach -- I guess they all have their challenges
                  Hope you feel better Determinator
                  Otie -- I know it does feel like "nothing" -- I keep waiting for patience to kick -- it's a slow process!
                  Hope your day went well Lisa!

                  Great to start connecting with others!

                  AF 21, March 2010

                  "First say to yourself what 
you would be; and then do 
what you have to do."


                    Thurs~May 17

                    Welcome Padme

                    Hi Padme, and a big :welcome: !

                    Glad you found this forum and look forward to seeing you around regularly - if you eventually find your way back! It does take a while to get used to it, but it gets easier and you find it has its own structure and order!

                    Many congratulations on day 1! I hope it is just the first of many AF days - in fact it's the first day of the rest of your life and it sounds like you have big plans for it - certainly big changes if you have joined here. Keep posting, reading, sharing, asking - we're all here to support as needed...

                    Warmest wishes,
                    :rays: Arial

                    Last first day - 15th April 2012
                    Days 1-7 DONE
                    Days 8-14 DONE
                    Days 15-21 DONE
                    30 days DONE
                    60 days
                    100 days


                      Thurs~May 17

                      Hi Padme and Welcome!

                      Senior member just means you've posted over 1,000 and junior 500.
                      AF=alcohol free
                      we call each other abbers, abbys here in Abville etc. LOL!

                      Congrats on Day 1 and glad you found us!
                      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                        Thurs~May 17

                        Welcome Padme, :welcome: glad to have you here with us. Congratlations on day one. Several of us started there as well.
                        What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
                        ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?

