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tuesday 25th Feb

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    tuesday 25th Feb

    mae all and how are we today then? ok ? you can see up early got an appt at the not batman!!first thing this morning...rabbit seems to be doing a lot better now so well chuffed about that...less than a week now till me jollies......already thinking about my next one :H

    right brew time then on we go...

    morning Lav ...hows you today?waiting for the heater men to turn up ...if they keep the same hours as here ..they will turn up at roughly .....manana o clock! so just sit n have a brew while you wait ....and wait ...and wait !

    hi ppqp how are you? jeez this lawyer thingy is turning into a long running series isnt it? methinks by now my patience would have worn a little thin and we would have had "a full and frank discussion!"so well done you for keeping it cool...mind you in -26 aint too much alternative!!

    hiya Pauly ok...if I was you I would feign amnesia for 2 months...birthdays? what birthdays ..where am I ???bougainvillea sounds nice best of luck with it..I decided yesterday that I didnt like the laurel bush where I had put it up it came been replanted again..its been right round that garden!!hows your plans going?

    hiya Sam..nice pic ..thanx lotsa leaf mould there for the garden!!!!!

    hiya sf ok? no the dont stop advertising to over 50s..just the game plan changes to life insurance ,releasing equity out of your house,will you leave leave enough money for your loved ones?only ...blah a month ,and when you sign up you get this beautifully crafted pen as a gift!!!!

    sl....mornin to are you feeling ..hopefully on the way up ..nah you dont need a bevvy..and you dealt with it here you go ..just to cheer you up!

    keep smiling!!!!

    hiya tt how are you this fine day?ok I hope..any plans for today? or is it busy busy?

    right peeps I bid you all a fond farewell in his best drama voice!!!take care and have a good one

    Woman driver, Susie Wolff will drive in two Formula 1 grand prix practice sessions for the Williams team in 2014.

    She should do OK, there's very little reversing.

    Director Harold Ramis, best known for his work on hit comedy film Groundhog Day has died aged 69.

    Director Harold Ramis, best known for his work on hit comedy film Groundhog Day has died aged 69.

    Director Harold Ramis, best known for his work on hit comedy film Groundhog Day has died aged 69.

    Couldn't help but laugh when I heard that Piers Morgan had been axed.

    How gutted was I when I found out it was just his show.

    There are reports that tens of thousands of Russian troops are massing along the Ukraine border.

    Im sure they just want to go in and show off their Olympic medals

    I confronted David Cameron when he was in Scotland recently.

    "Why can't we keep the pound?" I asked him bluntly.

    "Err, because I'd like my change please." he said.

    I gave my son his first beer today.

    The little git didn't even drink it, he just spilled it all over his cot.

    It's hard to explain puns to kleptomaniacs,

    Because they always take things literally.

    My wife started a blazing row earlier.
    "Why don't you do any maintenance round the garden anymore?" she shouted. "Everything's falling to bits and all you do is sit on your arse and drink beer!"

    "How dare you talk to me like that." I screamed. "You want to watch your lip!"

    Anyway, things escalated from there and the end result is that I've been forced to lay a new patio.

    Wayne Rooney has complained to the police after supporters threw coins at him in an apparently unprovoked incident.

    He hasn't, however, complained to anyone about Manchester United chucking 300 grand a week at him for no apparent reason.

    If there's something strange in your neighbourhood.

    Who ya gonna call?

    One of the other three.

    The Ukrainians are celebrating in the streets after the ousting of a hate figure who's now being pursued by the law.

    I didn't realise they knew who Piers Morgan was.

    Barack and Michelle were at the White Sox spring training game, sitting in the first row with the Secret Service seated directly behind them. A Secret Service agent leans forward and says something to the President. Barack stares at the agent, looks at Michelle, looks back at the agent, and shakes his head.

    He then says "Mr. President, it was a request from the team owner who is a big campaign contributor, and the fans will love it!" So, Barack shrugs and says "Well, if it will help my poll numbers."

    Then he grabs Michelle by the collar and seat of her pants, and drops her right over the wall into the field. She kicks, screams and swears. The crowd goes wild - cheering, applauding, and high-fiving. Barack bows and smiles, and leans over to the agent and says "Man you were right!"

    Noticing the agent had gone totally pale, Barack asked what was wrong. He replies "Sir, I said, they wanted you to throw the first PITCH!"

    I live every day as if it were my last ;

    Although my family have said they're fed up surrounding me tucked up in my bed.

    I walked into the church and said to the priest, "You may want to light a few candles, father."

    He asked, "Why? Who died, my son?"

    "Nobody," I replied, handing him his electric bill. "I'm cutting your power off."
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    tuesday 25th Feb

    Mae everybody,been really warm here in Vegas the past couple of days feels pretty darn good,having a tough time getting motivated in the morning dunno why,ive been sleeping pretty good,ugh maybe just too much going on right now,i dont know if the coconut snowballs are the same as the ones we have here but ill take those haha,sugar ontop of sugar,bleh a tummy ache just waiting to happen! thanks for starting us off Mick,hello to all who stop by later,have a good tuesday
    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


      tuesday 25th Feb

      Good morning Mick & all Abbers!

      Sitting here in the cold, but hopefully not for too long!
      It's snowing too, of course :H
      It will never be as cold here as it is at PQ's though
      The installers were only 45 minutes late, impressive! And I will be releasing some home equity to psy for all this, ugh.
      Tea cakes sound pretty good right about now Mick!!!

      Wishing everyone a fabulous AF Tuesday. I will check in later when it warms up

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        tuesday 25th Feb

        MAE ALL...

        Temp rose to -2 today :shocked: HEAT WAVE. Just ahead of -29's for the high on the weekend. :upset:

        Mick... how'd the back appt go? Is Sandy's neck straightening out yet? So what's the inside story on the Aberdeens? can have my coconut snowball. Don't worry your :happy: will return. At least the weather is cooperating right now.

        Lav...hope by now you're warm and toasty. This has been one of the coldest and snowiest winters in a long time. I remember them when I was a kid but at that time I didn't care, just got to play in the snow forts.

        Home from another busy day. Boss says if worst comes to worst he'll take a leave of absence. That outta shake things up at work. Think tonight requires a visit from Boston Pizza. Going to be a long day tomorrow with a garden meeting after work. At least we picked the warmest day of the week for it.

        Have a peaceful night all.....PPQP


          tuesday 25th Feb

          HI All,

          Sorry I haven't posted for a few. I think.

          I went on Facebook today, and the sister that I haven't been talking to had sent me a message saying that she couldn't find a message she tried to send me, and did I get it? I think she is fishing and trying to get a response from me. From what I have heard, her behavior has been even crazier, and I don't want to get involved. I would prefer not to have to tell her what I think about her, but I suppose that if I have to, I will. ugh! It's funny, but I don't get angry that often, at least not visibly, but my other sister tells me that when I do get angry, it is totally fruitless to argue with me, because I have my argument so well thought out, and I am so rational, that it is like trying to argue with a steamroller that does not lose control. I never thought of myself that way, but I think she is right. It takes a lot to get me to that point, however.

          Boy, the Daily Abs thread is sure dwindling down. I know that part of it is me, since I don't post daily. I hope that we can keep the thread going. I will post more, although I hope I don't spend it whining about my sister, though.

          Mick, I have been staying away from the treats, and I have been S L O W L Y losing a few pounds. Your pictures reminded me of all the things I cannot eat right now!

          Pauly, don't expect yourself to be highly motivated every single day! Staying sober can be a full-time job at first!

          I hope you are now warm and toasty, Lav. What a time to have no heat!

          Anyway, hi to all!

          AF as of August 5th, 2012


            tuesday 25th Feb

            Evening all,
            another day, less a dollar.... got together with a different soil guy today, checking out what is needed to get my pastures a little more productive. I keep looking around and I could forever fixing old fences or replacing them. If there's a hell, ol Lucifer will be there with strands of wire saying "get to work". Eternity of fencing, reckon everyone's got their own eternal hell you face daily.

            Lav, you got a wood stove, right?

            hope each of you enjoy your day, whether it is at the beginning or end.
            Liberated 5/11/2013


              tuesday 25th Feb

              Samstone;1631379 wrote: If there's a hell, ol Lucifer will be there with strands of wire saying "get to work". Eternity of fencing, reckon everyone's got their own eternal hell you face daily.
              When the ranchers would bring their cattle off of the lease land and back to their ranches for the winter they would run the heard straight through my yard. I would have to go out and corral the horses before they came through. One time my neighbor's (81yrs) cattle wouldn't cross the bridge and ended up all through the creek on my side of the fence. So he just went ahead and cut the barbwire to let them through. I couldn't believe it. We had to restring it. :H

              Great pic yesterday...I saw the bees.


                tuesday 25th Feb

                YoungAtHeart;1631376 wrote: It's funny, but I don't get angry that often, at least not visibly, but my other sister tells me that when I do get angry, it is totally fruitless to argue with me, because I have my argument so well thought out, and I am so rational, that it is like trying to argue with a steamroller that does not lose control.
                :H Please teach me how to be this way so I can deal with my sister.

                Maybe we should start a "sister thread"???


                  tuesday 25th Feb

                  I think I'm thankful I didn't have sisters. I always thought I wanted one but now I'm not so sure. Sorry what you have to go through with yours YahYah & PQ.

                  The excellent insulation in this house kept the house at 62 degrees all the time the heat was off so I have nothing to complain about. The new system is in & I feel safe again
                  I didn't even bother with the woodstove or fireplace Sam.

                  Sam. have you figured out how many chickens you can raise on 40 acres? Seriously, think about it :H :H

                  Where's our friend Det?
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    tuesday 25th Feb

                    af Wed 26 Feb

                    MAE everyone
                    Thought I better start the Wed thread as I will be too tired later to post. Like Lav and others I have just been too busy to write much and then when I do write I just can?t think of what to say. I also need to be sitting at the computer as I hate writing long messages on the I-pad or the phone. And the computer equals work for me ? so I get distracted from MWO :H- usually the other way around isn?t it? Even FB has been suffering lately!:H

                    Yah ? please no sister thread. I guess in a warped way ? at least you are communicating with your sisters. I speak to mine about once every 3 months on the phone (she does not do FB) and while its lovely to chat she is very wrapped up in her own outlook and world. For years she made judgemental comments about my drinking and then when I stopped ? she has never had a word of encouragement. Last time we spoke I said I hadn?t had a drink for 15 months and she said ?is that all?? And then she went on to compare quitting AL to like giving up too much cake. Willpower. That's all. Although I couldn?t see her ? I visualised her tight little lips. The problem there is that her husband has an AL problem (its not that severe) but its one of those elephants in the room ? so I guess she is in denial.

                    Sam ? I think you asked me recently about farming? Well its my sister who does that ? not me. Hope your farm is thawing out and the fencing is not causing too much swearing.

                    Sounds like you are really in for a tropical spring break PPQP. Hope you enjoyed the pizza.

                    How?s it going Pauly? Keep your positive vibes going but don?t forget to see the doctor if need be.

                    Mick ? all packed? I am off overseas in 2 months and already starting to panic. It's a big trip for me and there is a lot to plan. Are you taking malarial tablets? Be careful ? some of them have awful side effects. Don?t forget the sunblock ? and the hand sanitizer. I can make a list if you want:H but I bet Julie has done that.

                    I started watching Pierrepoint the other night - its set in Stangeways and I thought of you. I didn't finish the movie though - it was a bit long and drawn out - only so many hangings one can watch.

                    Lav ? sounds like your party went well. I cooked a special meal for my daughter?s 16th birthday. Pauly will be very pleased to know that it was very pink as well (strawberry cake, strawberry icecream, pink flowers, pink Doc Martens, pink pyjamas, pink bath oil, pink lipbalm, - but the special necklace we gave her was blue!). All went well and she loved it.

                    SL ? hope the week is going well. You seem to get more vulnerable to AL as the week goes on ? Friday/Sat ? not surprisingly. seem to be your tender moments. Might be good to be fore-warned and plan ahead a bit.

                    SF ? you seem well and to be finding new ways to explore life. Its great to see how positive going AF has been for you.

                    I wonder how Det is? Hope you are well mate.

                    Has anyone sent a PM to Narilly? She has been missing from the boards (I think) for some time.
                    OK ? well I better return to the grindstone - or the daily hell Sam so eloquently referred to. Mine isn't fencing - its the bloody keyboard and the pen and paper. :H

                    Have a great Wed when the moon and sun come your way.


                      tuesday 25th Feb

                      OOh - Tunocks marshmallows, yes please! I am chomping my way thru a bag of cadburys mini eggs just now.
                      The A90 sign was nostalgic with the placenames - however as my parents are proud Aberdonians - so I am considering taking offense at the sheep joke! I am a Fifer, so I might just let it pass:H
                      Did sleep fitfully last night and have just had a good, strong "discussion" with my daughter, and I think that we may have crested and will be able to move forward - so a bit more chocolate, not wine, and a good nights rest tonight and chalk more up to lifes experiences!

                      Almost signed in to tomorrow, but managed to stop and think - worked it out all by myself this time:H:H
                      “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                        tuesday 25th Feb

                        Mick;1631085 wrote: mae all and how are we today then? ok ? you can see up early got an appt at the not batman!!first thing this morning...rabbit seems to be doing a lot better now so well chuffed about that...less than a week now till me jollies......already thinking about my next one :H

                        right brew time then on we go...

                        morning Lav ...hows you today?waiting for the heater men to turn up ...if they keep the same hours as here ..they will turn up at roughly .....manana o clock! so just sit n have a brew while you wait ....and wait ...and wait !

                        hi ppqp how are you? jeez this lawyer thingy is turning into a long running series isnt it? methinks by now my patience would have worn a little thin and we would have had "a full and frank discussion!"so well done you for keeping it cool...mind you in -26 aint too much alternative!!

                        hiya Pauly ok...if I was you I would feign amnesia for 2 months...birthdays? what birthdays ..where am I ???bougainvillea sounds nice best of luck with it..I decided yesterday that I didnt like the laurel bush where I had put it up it came been replanted again..its been right round that garden!!hows your plans going?

                        hiya Sam..nice pic ..thanx lotsa leaf mould there for the garden!!!!!

                        hiya sf ok? no the dont stop advertising to over 50s..just the game plan changes to life insurance ,releasing equity out of your house,will you leave leave enough money for your loved ones?only ...blah a month ,and when you sign up you get this beautifully crafted pen as a gift!!!!

                        sl....mornin to are you feeling ..hopefully on the way up ..nah you dont need a bevvy..and you dealt with it here you go ..just to cheer you up!

                        keep smiling!!!!

                        hiya tt how are you this fine day?ok I hope..any plans for today? or is it busy busy?

                        right peeps I bid you all a fond farewell in his best drama voice!!!take care and have a good one

                        Woman driver, Susie Wolff will drive in two Formula 1 grand prix practice sessions for the Williams team in 2014.

                        She should do OK, there's very little reversing.

                        Director Harold Ramis, best known for his work on hit comedy film Groundhog Day has died aged 69.

                        Director Harold Ramis, best known for his work on hit comedy film Groundhog Day has died aged 69.

                        Director Harold Ramis, best known for his work on hit comedy film Groundhog Day has died aged 69.

                        Couldn't help but laugh when I heard that Piers Morgan had been axed.

                        How gutted was I when I found out it was just his show.

                        There are reports that tens of thousands of Russian troops are massing along the Ukraine border.

                        Im sure they just want to go in and show off their Olympic medals

                        I confronted David Cameron when he was in Scotland recently.

                        "Why can't we keep the pound?" I asked him bluntly.

                        "Err, because I'd like my change please." he said.

                        I gave my son his first beer today.

                        The little git didn't even drink it, he just spilled it all over his cot.

                        It's hard to explain puns to kleptomaniacs,

                        Because they always take things literally.

                        My wife started a blazing row earlier.
                        "Why don't you do any maintenance round the garden anymore?" she shouted. "Everything's falling to bits and all you do is sit on your arse and drink beer!"

                        "How dare you talk to me like that." I screamed. "You want to watch your lip!"

                        Anyway, things escalated from there and the end result is that I've been forced to lay a new patio.

                        Wayne Rooney has complained to the police after supporters threw coins at him in an apparently unprovoked incident.

                        He hasn't, however, complained to anyone about Manchester United chucking 300 grand a week at him for no apparent reason.

                        If there's something strange in your neighbourhood.

                        Who ya gonna call?

                        One of the other three.

                        The Ukrainians are celebrating in the streets after the ousting of a hate figure who's now being pursued by the law.

                        I didn't realise they knew who Piers Morgan was.

                        Barack and Michelle were at the White Sox spring training game, sitting in the first row with the Secret Service seated directly behind them. A Secret Service agent leans forward and says something to the President. Barack stares at the agent, looks at Michelle, looks back at the agent, and shakes his head.

                        He then says "Mr. President, it was a request from the team owner who is a big campaign contributor, and the fans will love it!" So, Barack shrugs and says "Well, if it will help my poll numbers."

                        Then he grabs Michelle by the collar and seat of her pants, and drops her right over the wall into the field. She kicks, screams and swears. The crowd goes wild - cheering, applauding, and high-fiving. Barack bows and smiles, and leans over to the agent and says "Man you were right!"

                        Noticing the agent had gone totally pale, Barack asked what was wrong. He replies "Sir, I said, they wanted you to throw the first PITCH!"

                        I live every day as if it were my last ;

                        Although my family have said they're fed up surrounding me tucked up in my bed.

                        I walked into the church and said to the priest, "You may want to light a few candles, father."

                        He asked, "Why? Who died, my son?"

                        "Nobody," I replied, handing him his electric bill. "I'm cutting your power off."
                        Im in an awful state.....

                        Seems that my wife has run away with my best friend....I miss him so much.


