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af Wed 26 Feb

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    af Wed 26 Feb

    MAE everyone
    Thought I better start the Wed thread as I will be too tired later to post. Like Lav and others I have just been too busy to write much and then when I do write I just can?t think of what to say. I also need to be sitting at the computer as I hate writing long messages on the I-pad or the phone. And the computer equals work for me ? so I get distracted from MWO :H- usually the other way around isn?t it? Even FB has been suffering lately!:H

    Yah ? please no sister thread. I guess in a warped way ? at least you are communicating with your sisters. I speak to mine about once every 3 months on the phone (she does not do FB) and while its lovely to chat she is very wrapped up in her own outlook and world. For years she made judgemental comments about my drinking and then when I stopped ? she has never had a word of encouragement. Last time we spoke I said I hadn?t had a drink for 15 months and she said ?is that all?? And then she went on to compare quitting AL to like giving up too much cake. Willpower. That's all. Although I couldn?t see her ? I visualised her tight little lips. The problem there is that her husband has an AL problem (its not that severe) but its one of those elephants in the room ? so I guess she is in denial.

    Sam ? I think you asked me recently about farming? Well its my sister who does that ? not me. Hope your farm is thawing out and the fencing is not causing too much swearing.

    Sounds like you are really in for a tropical spring break PPQP. Hope you enjoyed the pizza.

    How?s it going Pauly? Keep your positive vibes going but don?t forget to see the doctor if need be.

    Mick ? all packed? I am off overseas in 2 months and already starting to panic. It's a big trip for me and there is a lot to plan. Are you taking malarial tablets? Be careful ? some of them have awful side effects. Don?t forget the sunblock ? and the hand sanitizer. I can make a list if you want:H but I bet Julie has done that.

    I started watching Pierrepoint the other night - its set in Stangeways and I thought of you. I didn't finish the movie though - it was a bit long and drawn out - only so many hangings one can watch.

    Lav ? sounds like your party went well. I cooked a special meal for my daughter?s 16th birthday. Pauly will be very pleased to know that it was very pink as well (strawberry cake, strawberry icecream, pink flowers, pink Doc Martens, pink pyjamas, pink bath oil, pink lipbalm, - but the special necklace we gave her was blue!). All went well and she loved it.

    SL ? hope the week is going well. You seem to get more vulnerable to AL as the week goes on ? Friday/Sat ? not surprisingly. seem to be your tender moments. Might be good to be fore-warned and plan ahead a bit.

    SF ? you seem well and to be finding new ways to explore life. Its great to see how positive going AF has been for you.

    I wonder how Det is? Hope you are well mate.

    Has anyone sent a PM to Narilly? She has been missing from the boards (I think) for some time.
    OK ? well I better return to the grindstone - or the daily hell Sam so eloquently referred to. Mine isn't fencing - its the bloody keyboard and the pen and paper. :H

    Have a great Wed when the moon and sun come your way.

    af Wed 26 Feb


    Hi - just had a quick read to see what tomorrow is like.
    TT - interesting - my last falls have started to catch me mid week, so I will put brain into alert - I have promised Mick and myself only the one red dot for February..
    Narilly has been spotted on the ladies on a mission thread and last I saw seemed to be doing ok...
    Will check back tomorrow (today - whatever!!)
    Happy hump day all to come!
    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


      af Wed 26 Feb

      mae all and how are we today?ok I hope .well days to do ..gettin few till me jollies start..watched a prog on telly last night about the ruined temples at Ankhar Wat and the Khmer people..looks really as from Monday wont be able to post too much..but I wil be dont start drinking!!!!!:H:H
      right orf we go....brew time!

      Hiya yah ...hows you doing?apart from the domestic politics?ok I hope....hmm a steamroller not out of control??I prefer the shouty kick off people ..the quiet rationale is unnerving..all of a sudden the cold blade of logic is whacked straight between the shoulder blades!!!..but Im sure you aint like thatyep you are right ..we need to keep this thread going has been a loyal servant to a lot of us..

      ppqp..hows you today?ok I back is ok,bit twingy,but nowt to worry about..ou be careful jotting about in that swimsuit in those high temps!If your gaffer goes off on leave of absence ..does that mean you become the head honcho? having a brew ..want one?

      Hiya Sam the man of sense,
      spends all day mendin the fence,
      Is there no end to this mans toil?
      Now hes meeting a man about soil.

      A hard working chap as ever you sees
      A life plagued with cattle and stinging wee bees
      Will he ever win the battle
      To mend them fences to keep in the cattle?

      have a good one!

      hiya tt are you?ok..Strangeways thats a blast from the past...I worked with someone who was really big mates with Albert Pierrepoint .think when he retired...he used to have a pub in Cheetham Hill called "help the poor struggler"
      In the chapel at the prison,there used to be little passage behind the altar, with a slot that you could open to see into the chapel.this was where they used to measure and size up the prisoner when he was praying before the execution for the length of rope required for the drop...its also where the riots started in 1990!!anyway I for lists..Julies got a list of for sunblock..loads of it..and pills and first aid..jeez could do an operation with the amount!! PINK DOC MARTENS???boy did I miss out in life!!:H

      Hiya ok...good ..theres only one teeny weeny blot on the page so lets stay with it!!you still on call this week?

      Hiya Lav ..hows you today? heating done ? all snug as a bug in a rug?hang on ..just going to let the rabbits out ..its blue sky season here!!here I am ..back with a brew for ..any plans for today?

      hiya Pauly ..hows you today? probably are the same coconut snowballs ..mmmmmm!sod the tummy ache! for the sleeping ..hey make the most of it!!have a great day..

      right peeps..thats it out to plant up some veggies and watch get them in the ground and jack frost will claim them!!have a great day

      The police have arrested a man after receiving several complaints that he was riding a bicycle along the M25.

      The main complaint was that he was travelling five times as fast as everyone else.

      As I approached the teller in the bank yesterday, she asked me if I wouldn't mind removing my motorcycle helmet.

      "Not bloody likely," I said. "Next you'll be asking me to drop this sawn-off shotgun."

      Just received a phone call from my wife saying she was to stay overnight at her mother's tonight. Finishing my cigarette, I said to the woman sleeping next to me: 'tell your daughter shes lying

      think about it.....

      I walked into the Chinese with my wife "Hello, I've a table booked under the name of Smith" I told the waiter.

      "Sorry sir, no booking under name of Smith" came the reply "We fully booked now".

      "I believe there's been some sort of mistake" I protested "I booked this table a month in advance"

      Then i realised we were in the Wong Foo King Restaurant.

      There was a huge public protest in my town when BT announced they would soon remove the last public phone box because it was unprofitable.

      We organised it on Facebook via our mobiles.

      My girlfriend's son is so fat, every time I see him I have to pull a happy meal from behind his ear

      "I watched that programme today, the one with all the cheap nasty antiques on it." I said to my mate.
      "You mean Bargain Hunt?" He replied.

      "No, Loose women."

      I hate living next to Heathrow.

      Every time I use my mobile phone I have to ask all the planes to stop flying, as they interfere with the technology.

      Two things were strange about today.
      Firstly, my Nan's hand picked, homemade mushroom soup tasted funny.
      Secondly, a purple unicorn took a crap on my lawn.

      I had just finished buying a new laptop on Amazon today and the form asked me for the address of the card holder.

      How the feck am I supposed to know where the person who I stole the wallet off lives?

      The wife and I were having a massive row.
      "I'm so disappointed in you," she said. "When we got married I thought you were a brave man."
      "Yes," I replied, "and so did all my my friends."

      A member of the local Psychic group came into our shop with promotion leaflets for their latest event today.
      And if she's any good at it, she already knows that I'm not going to attend

      I'm going to the gym now.

      I'm not bragging, I just want you to know where to send the ambulance.
      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        af Wed 26 Feb

        Good morning Abbers & Happy Hump day!

        Yep, it's snowing again this morning - same old story!
        The house is warm & I don't have to go anywhere right now so I won't complain
        I see there some big rain on the way for the west coast where it's been so dry for so long.

        TT, your 'pink birthday' celebration sounds fabulous, glad your daughter enjoyed the pinkness :H
        It's taken me nearly 60 years to realize just how blessed I really am to have brothers who simply turned their backs & ignored me. I don't think I could tolerate a fussy, nagging sister!

        Greetings SL, Mick & everyone!
        No big plans for today but I do want to get to Curves in a bit.
        Feeling sluggish - end of the winter, that cooped up too long feeling needs to go :H

        Wishing everyone a great AF Wednesday!!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          af Wed 26 Feb

          HMae everybody,TT,sounds like my kind of birthday! on mine we had pink balloons,pink streamers,pink rose petals that hubs and kids put up,was a nice birthday til later on that night(hubbys b.s)im glad your daughter had a good one,guess what?today my son is 16! i just went to wake him up for school,told him happy birtbday,did an irish jig,hugged him then got weepy thinking about the day he was born,funny how the thought of our children's births is so detailed and fresh,feels like yesterday but thank goodness it wasnt ouch! today Kellie takes her cosmetology exam then she'll be licensed to cut hair yay! i posted on steppers that i want her to work in a fancy salon,they like newbies cuz they can train them their way,no bad habits yet,yeah ive seen Narilly on LOAM thread too,hopefully she'll still post here sometimes,i like her,heloo,Mick,Lav,SL,SF,PPQ,Yah,Sam and Det,sheesh hes been M.I.A,hope hes not still sick bleh,hope everybody has a good wednesday,im off to do some other stupid dance for Brady to try and piss him off more and get kicked out of his room again haha,luv you all
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            af Wed 26 Feb


            Hiya Sam the man of sense,
            spends all day mendin the fence,
            Is there no end to this mans toil?
            Now hes meeting a man about soil.

            A hard working chap as ever you sees
            A life plagued with cattle and stinging wee bees
            Will he ever win the battle
            To mend them fences to keep in the cattle?

            Mick! This is so funny!!!
            For a old timer, you're a really good rhymer!!!!
            Wishing everyone a lovely hump day!
            xxoo all! Byrdie
            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
            Tool Box
            Newbie's Nest


              af Wed 26 Feb

              Greetings everyone, snow today, but ending.

              Mick, you missed your calling!! Immortalized in verse, at least my my alter ego.

              Lav, glad you got your heat!

              how do TT, Yah Yah, SL, SF, Det , Byrdie and any I missed.

              have an enjoyable one
              Liberated 5/11/2013


                af Wed 26 Feb

                hey byrdie your rhymes are good,
                so dont you fuss,
                not bad for oldies.....
                the TWO of us!!!!!!!! :H:H:H
                af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                  af Wed 26 Feb

                  Congrats on your sons birthday Pauly. I confess I got very emotional and a bit sad on my girls birthday. Silly but she is my only child and I love her to pieces. I kept my sad feelings to myself this year. When I used to drink it would have become over whelming and possibly spoiled things. Maudlin drunk mum no more please!:H


                    af Wed 26 Feb

                    Just had an idea for a new thread:

                    THE OLD LADIES & MICK THREAD :H :H :H :H
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      af Wed 26 Feb

                      Lav...great idea....what would we have as the main topic?gossip :H
                      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                        af Wed 26 Feb

                        I have not done well this week. work called me in early to depart sunday which I did inspite of a horrible stomache buch. at a about west sarramento i shit myself on the highway and nearly crashed. I pulled into a sleezy hotel to clean up. feeling sorry for myeslf I walked over to the 7/11 and picked up a six pack, laid there in bed drinking cheap beer and wondering what the feck I'm doing on planet earth. I've been in q quandary every since and starting today i began journaling. I'm going to take DX's advice and see a cognitive behavioral techniction or whatever they are called these days. pretty down, not fun and sorry to be a turd in the punchbowl.


                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          af Wed 26 Feb

                          sorry I'm ranting/venting but my dear wife deserves better. when I see the look of pain and despair in her eyes it just crushes me. she deserves the thoughtful man that she took the hand of. I just can't bear the thought of prematurely killing myself with this selfish disease. it's already killing my mind and spirit. I MUST and WILL find a way back.

                          thank you all for putting up with me
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            af Wed 26 Feb

                            Good God Det - I hope you know we all care about you!!!
                            Being ill physically puts us off our game mentally. We're just human, doing the best we can do.
                            Seeking appropriate help is the best thing you can do for yourself & for DX.

                            Get a gallon of water into yourself & some rest. Tomorrow will be a better day :l
                            Check in & let is know how you are doing, OK?
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              af Wed 26 Feb

                              Det,hang in there,it seems like you havent been yourself lately,maybe being sick for so long wore you down,i dunno,but you are a good guy and she's lucky to have you,im sorry youre in such pain right now,just get some rest,my thoughts are with you
                              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!

