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Friday 28th of Fevrier

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    Friday 28th of Fevrier

    mae all ... ch?o buổi s?ng - n how are we today?ok I hope..had a visit here from jack frost last night....just after I planted a lot of plants yestrday..oh well cest la vie!!all my seedlings are starting to peek their heads through so hopefully will be a grand size when I get back...this time Monday will be running about like headless chicken ..scuse the simile Lav but you know what I mean!!
    right on with the show tea n coffee on the go

    hiya Lav ..hows ou today?still got snow over there?we were supposed to get it ..but guess you kept our share ..never mind ..heres a can sit and watch it melt...any plans for today?Is your grand daughter and her mother over ?

    Hiya SL....firstly well done on not buying wine..but how did it get to that stage?did you have to go to the store anyway?by doing that ,you were slipping back into familiar land,which makes it easier to fall..does that make sense....nah yir no an auld granny lets stick with loons n quines .being boys and girls had a mate from Mastrick and he used to use it all the lass..what date is it? how many blots in the diary ..well done you!!!

    Hiya Pauly ..and hows you?kids ..yep and thats how we feel ..she will be in a sulk now..lets make mum feel guilty ! so your co worker left for a wee top up at work...hope she doesnt drive buses :H hope the doctors goes ok for you :l

    hiya tt ..and hows you today? ok ?have you any plans for the weekend?

    Hi its sleeves rolled up time is it?wow what you going to do when Maddie moves out? business expansion???Will she be nearby?..close enough for ..ermm can you just do this ,get me this etc?have great day even tho you are busy busy.

    hiya Det..and hows you today?welcome to "lets kick!" first thing is to get rid of the sad face at the top of your post..change it for determined or get your speil ready for the doc...hey doc this aint a discussion ..this is where Im at so gimme some for the downers...think that could be a self help job...we all get pissed off and down..I used to get really down when I was on statins,even tho I am off them I still get dwn ..possibly not to the same extent..Way to look at it ..consider a farm full of animals was gonna put animal farm ,but I think George Orwell got there first! on that farm you have pigs and sheep...The sheep are grazing in the meadow,having fun ,in the sunshine feeding also on the farm there is a that barn are pigs wallowing around in their own muck ,filth, stinking detritus not seeing the light of day ..not even realising the world outside their stinking pit where would you rather be?

    right peeps off we go have a great weekend..take it easy....big shout to the gang in the background too..btw did anyone ever hear from shue?


    A guy was killed in the alley behind where I work last night,
    I went and had a look at the scene just as the cops were leaving.
    Apparently the deceased was an alien with four arms and three legs,

    or he wasn't quite dead when the chalk outline guy got there.

    Whenever a body is found, it seems to be discovered by a man with a dog.

    I don't know why the police don't employ the inquisitive fecker.

    The stunning blonde dressed in nothing more than a thong and negligee, let the plumber in.

    "Hello, is your husband not in?" He asked,

    "Does it look like he is in?" She replied opening her negligee, "will I not do?"

    "No, not really," he said, "I need your car reversing out of the drive."

    I was listening to my daughter practice her violin,

    "I wish that I was like Beethoven," I said to her.

    "I didn't know you had any musical ambitions, " she replied,

    "I don't, " I said, " he was fucking deaf."

    I was swallowing a couple of tablets at the sink this morning when my wife walked into the bathroom "What are they for?" she asked.

    "These stop my willy getting any bigger" I joked.

    "I assume you've been taking them since birth ?" she replied.

    A woman knocked on my door last night.

    She held up a photograph and said, "Have you seen this dog?"

    I said, "No."

    "Are you sure?" she asked.

    "Of course I'm sure," I replied, "I'm not wearing my glasses."

    I'll never forget the time I had to do P.E in my underpants at school after forgetting my kit.

    It ended my teaching career.

    If you ask me fishing bait is worse than heroin...

    I only tried it once and I was hooked.

    I was in a public toilet for three hours today. I pushed and pushed but nothing.

    Then I remembered you have to pull the door to get it open.

    After years of looking for work I managed to get a job as a Historian.
    Then I realised there was no future in it.


    I got arrested whilst chasing some long legged birds on the lakeside yesterday.

    I said to the copper "What do you think you can charge me with?"

    "Storking" came the reply

    "They slipped behind the barn and quickly removed each others harness. There, with nothing to rein them in, it was going to be a night of unbridled passion...

    Fifty Shades of Hay
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Friday 28th of Fevrier

    No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


      Friday 28th of Fevrier

      Good morning Mick & all Abbers

      It's a frosty 5 degrees here. Everything is frozen solid!
      More snow on the way Sunday night into Monday, 6-12" they say. Don't want it, don't need it, no where left to put it either

      Mick, I hope your plants are OK!
      As you can see it's going to be a very long time before I'll be planting anything around here.
      When you are flying off to exotic, warm places on Monday I'll be here moving snow around. But don't let that bother you any :H :H

      SL, what you did last night in ignoring the wine thoughts - yeah, keep doing that

      Det, I hope your doctor visit today goes well.

      It's 7:30 am & my guests are still asleep - good for them.
      I will use this quiet time to get a few things done before the festivities begin again!!!

      Wishing everyone a great AF Friday!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Friday 28th of Fevrier

        Mae everybody,its dark and gloomy here in Vegas,after such a beautiful week it feels gross! i remember when you were taking those statins and were getting bummed out Mick,its so weird how some medications mess with mood when theyre not even for that,i really want to just lay around today but i have that appt,and need to go to the dollar store to get some decs for Bradys late b-day party tomorrow,but once all thats done i can come home and lounge,meh i think i lounge too much anyways,sometimes though when its cloudy like this i get really congested and kind of a heavy,headachy feeling that how it feels now,hole everybody has a good friday
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Friday 28th of Fevrier

          Hi all - still on a bit of a high, was so happy when I went to bed last night that I really didn't want to drink...
          Mick - I am so aware this is a trigger, but it was one of the last minute school demands for today....I know I can't shop after noon, but when someone needs supplies I am a bit stuck.
          Today is the 28th, and only one red dot - 27 green ones! Yeah!! Aiming to keep doing this Lav!!
          Still so wet here, and really windy last night - lay awake listening to the trees creaking and waiting for a crash - luckily it did not occur...
          We so need this weather, but I agree Pauly - the sun makes me smile. My daughter calls this "grismal" (grey and dismal)!
          See you all later
          “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


            Friday 28th of Fevrier

            Hope the dr appointments go well Pauly and Det. Be really honest with the quacks:H:H
            Pauly you shouldn't have to worry about a dr who creeps you out. Have you thought of trying to find a female GP.? Other women may not all agree but I find women drs suit me better esp for female issues. But it's an individual thing.

            SL does your daughter accompany you when you have to do a last minute dash into the store.? I found that a good backup to stop me from buying wine. Or maybe pay for her last minute supplies in cash. No cards so you can't spend more. Just a thought

            Lucky Lav. More pretty snow for you:upset: I lit a fire here last night as it was so bloody cold.


              Friday 28th of Fevrier

              Cunning plan ...go shoplifting in that store SL..get banned..and problem solved ..cant go back for wine!!!:H:H:H ..seriously tho well done on the one dot month :goodjob:
              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                Friday 28th of Fevrier

                Shoplifting - almost every place that sells anything, sells AL too so that could become problematic Mick.
                TT - take daughter - that could work - I usually stop on my way home as it is late and I just want to get in and finish for the night, but therefore I am usually hitting some if not all of the HALT situation, so that makes sense.
                I am so glad I went yesterday as it was such an eye opener to not want to buy (honest confessions - I found a cute little box that just held three glasses, and I thought no harm there - it was in my trolley and I took it out at the register really not wanting was a close call as if I brought it home, I realise I would have downed it whether I wanted it or not - and then I would have to fee up to Mick:upset
                Pauly - I agree, get a new Dr - mine does not creep me out, but has dismissed things when I brought them up, including drinking - and I realise I can't muck with my health - I have put off my yearly visit as it just isn't working for me and that is a wake up call - I am looking for someone else - and I look for a female too
                “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                  Friday 28th of Fevrier

                  Remind us Mickey when are you away


                    Friday 28th of Fevrier

                    As I think I have said I am blessed with a wonderful mature female GP. She has saved my life and is great to talk to. We have a long relationship and that's her style with her patients


                      Friday 28th of Fevrier

                      Problem with that is im native american and go to the clinic they have for the tribe,i have to take what i get,hes the phychiatrist and hes weird,but the gp's they have are ok,i sat there for 45 mins,they said he was gonna be about 45 more minutes cuz he was running late,i just made another appt for next week
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        Friday 28th of Fevrier

                        tt ...leave here 0830 Mon morning..out on me jaunt on order...clothes in clothes out time :H ..actually in the air at 1330...6hrs to Dubai ...3hr stop ..then 7 hour to Bangkok....SL....a little box that held 3 glasses? now then that is nothing is it?....or is it?would those 3 be the be all and end all?we both know not..and the same sceario would have been repeated later you in the past I have necked half bottle of voddy ..whether I wanted it or not..and after thought now why did I do that..
                        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                          Friday 28th of Fevrier

                          SL - for years I used to think I had to shop in such and such a way for my groceries and other things - of course it was also an easy way to be tempted by wine. And it worked - for the AL that is. Family was well fed - so I wasn't doing anything wrong was I? Had to fit the busy shop in with my busy work schedule as well - easy to drop a few bottles of wine in the basket - even better when self check-outs came in. I had the timing all worked out with the school or after-care pick-up as well (I didnt drink before driving so I was OK wasn't I?).
                          My GP even suggested at one point that I try on-line shopping to avoid the temptation of the wine aisles - but that didn't work because I could buy even more on-line and no one saw me.

                          The point I am making is that we become set in our ways with shopping etc - and it all leads to the same thing - drinking. We have to find ways around this - absolutely have to. You are a bright wee lassie - so you can think how to still do your daughter's last minute shopping, fit it in with your hectic hours and just stay away from the damned AL.
                          You did so well in Feb!!!!:goodjob::goodjob::goodjob:


                            Friday 28th of Fevrier

                            Sorry for MIA lately but with high's at -26 (-14.8 F) just getting to work has been a challenge. New hire screwing up, accountant screwing up T4's, Boss MIA, and, and, and...:upset:

                            Community Garden hosting a presentation tomorrow so I have to be there at 8:00 am. :yay: NOT

                            Been glancing through the posts and just wanted to say.....

                            Send Hot Chocolate......PPQP

