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Memorable March - Week 1

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    Memorable March - Week 1

    I saw in the news that the folks in NO were wearing jackets today!
    This winter is messing up everything, except DG :H
    I hope the virus leaves as quickly as it arrived Dill - that's nasty.

    DG, I do usually download the MP3s & listen on my iPad. There's no one here but me & the dogs & they don't seem to minding listening :H
    I was never a big fan of hypnosis until I used the MWO hypno CDs & had success.
    You have to use them exactly as directed for as long as directed. It takes time for an old, beat up sub-conscious like mine to change it's ways. I guess anything is worth a try, right??

    OK, cold tonight but not snowing so I won't complain
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Memorable March - Week 1

      Is this what you call a 'natural' road block? :H :H
      I had the hardest time getting them to move out of my way this morning!!!!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Memorable March - Week 1

        Good morning to all...

        Lav, those turkeys are pretty! Hope they moved out of your way quickly. The thing with this winter is I can't stop eating. I am hungry way too much. I plan healthy meals and then BAM, I am so hungry and feel kind of sick to my stomach, then eat something bad. Darn. Also, feeling cold a lot, even though I am dressed warmly, in warm environment. I just think it is winter blues. I will try to download that MP3, my problem is finding it later on my computer.

        Dill, so sorry another bout with the flu, real bummer. There is nothing worse then kids vomiting, in my opinion. Hope to never go through that any time soon. Working with a lady who has 7 and 11 year old and the family is always picking up some bug. I just think it is the kid ages and being exposed to lots of germs. Does not make it easier for you, I know. Or your son. What love in your household, care and patience. I am going to go to mass today, I love the ashes. Glad I have the chance to go, I have not been able to attend Mass on Ash Wednesday in years.

        DG, like my friend, you enjoy winter, huh? Teach me to like it. What parts of it do you enjoy. I know I like having fires and being cosy. Nothing else right now.

        Not going in to work today, lots of errands and other things to do. Have a great day.
        Formerly known as redhibiscus


          Memorable March - Week 1

          Good morning friends!

          It's a balmy 10 degrees here at the moment - too cold for too long

          Star, I imagine we are all guilty of a bit of overeating at this point. I am conscious of that & am trying to make meals a little lighter than usual. I am also trying to get myself to Curves every morning I can possibly get there. We are just human!

          Kids are great carriers of disease, I've always referred to them as 'little germ carriers'. They get sick quickly but also recover quickly. Unfortunately we do not have that ability anymore so we have to be more proactive with our health. Remembering to eat well, take vitamins, get some exercise, wash our hands frequently, that sort of thing. Changing had towels in the bathrooms daily is a big thing for me

          Dill, hope you & the family are much better today

          DG, do you ski or do anything like that?
          I just can't find a thing to like about winter anymore :H

          I have work waiting for me but first I will get myself to Curves, get my day started right.
          Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Wednesday!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Memorable March - Week 1

            Greetings AF Friends,

            Lav, what a treat to get so close to those wild turkeys! I note you were wise enough to remain in your vehicle while taking that picture. Turkies are mean and fairly aggressive birds as I'm sure you know. I too saw the weather reports and news about the cold and wet Mardi Gras. Still, nothing stops the parades! Did you know they close schools down there both Monday and Tuesday of Mardis Gras?

            Star, I will be going to Mass today too. Lent is really a special time full of reminders of penance and sacrifice and gratitude. Very humbling and good for the soul. I am glad your disappointments with man-made rules and institudions haven't kept you from participating in the parts of the Faith that are meaningful and good. I turned away from the Church for 40+ years because of that same disappointment and even resentment. But a few years ago I had a spiritual need and returned to regular Mass attendance and quasi regular prayer. The weekly homilies help me stay focused on trying to live a good and loving life. Have you read the thread "The Catholic Corner" in the What We Believe section? I've never posted there but have lurked and have found good info, especially from Jazzi'sMum. I really should post a thank you.

            Mammogram today but am getting it out of the way early, then rewarding myself with a catch-up over lunch with a dear friend and former colleague. I'll catch the evening Mass. "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust."

            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


              Memorable March - Week 1

              yikes!! It's Wednesday evening already!! Sorry for being MIA all week. Busy busy and its all good. I have been putting in a couple of extra hours for work. The deadline is Friday and we are not even close to being ready to print the first draft! But, I am being good and not stressing too much. It is what it is and I'm doing what I can. So there.

              Star-before you decide to euthanize for bad litter box behavior, please have your cat checked for hyperthyroidism and or bladder issues. If the cat is anywhere near 8 yo this is a strong possibility and can result in not using the little box. Of course if she is now using it, yay! Probably getting rid of the old pee smell redirected her. Contrary to popular opinion, most refusals to use the box are not behavioral but physical. If there is pain eliminating or an odor that only the cat can smell that signals disease, the cat will associate all those bad things with the litter box and not use it. Good luck!!
              I hope you can banish the depression away. I do remember those days and don't ever want to see them again. I'm finding my consistent exercise is really helping to keep the blues at bay. but then again we are not dealing with the amount of snow and bad days you have been dealing with. Still, enough is enough!!

              Dill-hope you are somehow staying out the stomach flu's way!! Nasty. It went through my office last week. I refuse to get it. When do you leave for NO? I totally understand your feelings about leaving your GKs. We will all be wishing for your son to be strong and make good decisions the way you know he can. So much at stake!

              Lav-loved the pics of the turkeys!! I do envy the remoteness of your location although I'm sure the isolation can get old. I've never not lived in a neighborhood so don't know if I would like that or not.

              DG-SERENITY PRAYER GIRL!!! Although I would gladly be a character witness, I'd rather not have to if you know what I mean LOL!! I had a male partner on a 3 person team during my masters and he was insufferable!! I thought I was going to snap and sooooo wanted to inform the professor but was advised not to. In the "real" world, you have to just put up with them. I thought it was highly unfair but reluctantly took the advice. We ended up with an A so even tho the project wasn't the way I envisioned, we all benefited.
              How much farther north do you want to go???? Aren't you pretty far north right now? I want to go south!!

              busy weekend-woke up Saturday morning at the unbelievable hour of 9 am! Couldn't figure out why the kids didn't wake me until I got out of bed. No heat!! I had forgotten to check the water level in the boiler and the furnace shut off. Brrrrrrrr. not only that but my toilet was plugged up and I had no plunger! Plans to do treadmill work were shelved in favor of running to S&S to use their facilities and to buy a plunger. While there I decided to do my shopping (had planned to go to TJs instead). I think the pipes leading from the toilet had frozen. still had to use the plunger but it worked the first time. After lunch I met up with my Sis and we went to Joanne's to pick out fabric for a valence for my dad's sliders in the LR. Then back to her house to cut out the panels (now that was trip-no pattern, just had to wing it and big discussion on the measurements. We were talking 2 different languages apparently. Hysterical). Dad joined us for dinner. I had steak!! Just a little tho. I'll finish the valences in a couple of weeks.
              Sunday was some cleaning, laundry and I can't even remember what else. my dad came over with a small bookcase, oil lamp and a Martha Washington. We discussed him making me a larger bookcase now that he has access to a huge workshop at the retirement community. He's a good amateur carpenter and I have all the raw materials from Freecycle. Can't wait to unpack those rubbermaid bins!!

              I found inspiration for a cutting table/fabric storage unit on Pinterest using Closet Maid 9 cubby Cubeicals. I ordered them sunday from KMart on sale and they arrived Tuesday. I found a large cardboard cutting board at Savers for $3.99 which will become the unit top. I'm hoping to get it all put together on Sunday. Can't wait! My sister is giving me back the vintage sewing cabinet/table I gave her a few years ago and I'm going to see if I can retrofit my machine onto it. I'm not sure the vintage Singer works at all but I'll try it out just in case. I can also bring out my "desk" from the 2nd bedroom and use that as a sewing table/desk. That will free up a lot of room in the BR for a nice large bookcase. Lots of projects and I'm very excited! I will post pics when done.

              But the best news of all is that I found out that because I will be a graduate of the cardiac rehab program in a few weeks, I am eligible for a 50% discount for the monthly membership to the fitness center that the rehab program works out of at the local Med Center!! This is usually $90/month but I'll pay only $45. And that's not all! They have a second facility not far (and actually closer to me) that has a pool and the membership covers both facilities!! I can take as many classes as I want and use the 2 places as much as I want. They will help me develop a fitness plan based on my medical needs and conditions and of course goals. I'll start April 1st. This is so great. The gym at the hospital is on the top floor and has sweeping views of the city and beyond and is very pleasant to be in. Not too crowded, even at 5pm I understand plus I feel comfortable there. I haven't seen the 2nd place. Its right off the highway, I get my parking ticket validated and I'll go straight from work so I don't get waylaid. I was going to do the bootcamp but will pass on that now. I was also thinking about joining Planet Fitness once rehab ended but will pass on that too. Cheaper yes, but so much more crowded and impersonal. Isn't this unbelievable??
              Tonite I had my nutritionist appointment and she is so impressed with my progress and outlook! When I first met with her in October, I do believe she didn't think I would make the changes I needed to or at least it would take me a long time to "get" it. As weird as it seems, I do believe this heart attack was probably the best thing that ever happened to me. She thinks so too and is very happy that I chose to attack my health problems head on instead of going the way of "I'm doomed" and giving up altogether. Me too!
              Sorry for the 3 course meal post! Should have warned y'all!!
              Have a great nite everyone-see you tomorrow!!
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                Memorable March - Week 1

                Good morning to all...

                Pap, loved your post, good things are happening to you, the rehab sounds fantastic. My good friend is still going and it is changing her life, despite herself. She is starting to walk on other days and feeling better and better. So are you and I am so pleased. You are an inspiration on the nutrition piece, I need to follow your example. Regarding the kitty: she is going in the box, now that the polluted carpet is gone. So, we will replace with flooring. She is a good girl, just kind of dumb. She is not sick. I am so relieved and I love all my cats.

                Lav, yes, it is hard to not eat more when you are stuck inside all the time. I am struggling with mild depression, not anything severe, more due to job change, weather, time of year stuff. It will get better I know, I just need to have patience.

                Dill, going to mass yesterday was so great, and I was able to follow the other rules regarding eating and it was all good. I still do not agree with lots of their teachings, but love the ritual and beauty of the mass. I wish they had something for me to join. Protestant churches reach out to women much more. The weather here was snowy and cold, good to get out.

                Hello to DG, Cyn (hope you are OK) and any visitors. Have a great day.
                Formerly known as redhibiscus


                  Memorable March - Week 1

                  Good morning friends

                  Chilly but sunny in these parts! The countdown is on now, 14 days until Spring, yay!

                  Papmom, sounds like you have a good deal there to stay at the fitness center - nice
                  I like being in charge of my health & destiny too (as much as is humanly possible).

                  I'm not always sure that I am 100% happy living here in cow-land yet I just can't imagine going back to more crowded living, driving, etc not to mention all the memories of our old home town. I wanted to forge a new lifestyle when we came here nearly 11 years ago. I just didn't expect to have to be doing it on my own. So, here I sit amongst the chickens, wild turkeys, cows, horses & the occasional escaped goat :H :H

                  Star, I'm sure our collective mood will improve as this winter weather ends. It has been one, long, brutal winter for all of us!!!

                  Hello to everyone & I hope we all have a great AF Thursday!
                  I need to get some work finished up today & shipped out tomorrow.

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Memorable March - Week 1

                    Good morning to all...

                    Had a really good day yesterday, sun was shining, met with friends for lunch, worked a bit.

                    Lav, sometimes I think of living out in the country, permaculture lifestyle. There is a blog I like, Beltaine Cottage, about a woman who moved to western Ireland, bought three acres, created her own little paradise, including working towards healing the land and being self-sufficient. It's fun to read and I love the pictures. Maybe you would enjoy the blog. I enjoy the idea, I do not think I could live out on my own, but you never know.

                    Working on feeling healthy, making good choices, and being AF. This is a tough time of year and I think extra vigilance to triggers, moods, self-talk, etc, is important to stay on this path. Have a good day.
                    Formerly known as redhibiscus


                      Memorable March - Week 1

                      Hello AF Friends, I'm just coming back to the land of the living. That nasty little stomach bug the children had found its way into my system. Yesterday was not a good day! I did manage to do my volunteer time in the morning at the food pantry, but it went down hill fast after that. I hope I did not inadvertently spread it. UGH!

                      Lav, What prompted you to say that you were not sure you were happy living out in the country all on your own? I hope you are doing OK. I must admit, it would be difficult at best to live here on this farm if Mr. D were not here with me. I wouldn't mind the isolation. I actually quite like that. But there are so many things I just would not be able to maintain (Tractors, fields, mowers, cattle, fences, etc.) on my own. Your daughter lives near you, doesn't she? That must help a lot. How much land do you have with your house? We have 88 acres. half in pasture and 1/4 in hay fields. The rest in woods. We have our own nature preserve, essentially. The woods border a park owned by the county that has an Indian Mound on it. I feel really lucky to have found this place. It's been a lot of work but so worth it!

                      Star, I am surprised your Church doesn't have something for you to join. The Churches I attend have bible studies, a craft club, a quilt group, and service organizations. I don't belong to any. Thing is, I never joined either of the Churches I attend.

                      Papmom, I'll bet the nutritionist loves working with you! I imagine a lot of the nutritionist's clients are tepid at best. Lifestyle change is hard, even when your life depends on it!

                      Greetings DG and all lurking. Happy AF Friday!

                      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                        Memorable March - Week 1

                        Cross post Star! Good Morning to you!!

                        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                          Memorable March - Week 1

                          Hello everyone -

                          Thanks for keeping me in your thoughts - though I have not read back, I have felt the presence of the group beside me. My Mom passed away on Sunday February 23rd, unexpectedly even though she had been in the hospital for 10 days at that point. Close family was able to be with her at the end, and that was such a gift. The duties after someone passes seem to be so ridiculous and insignificant, but they must be done - there was a beautiful funeral on Wednesday Feb 26th. I'm back in CT for a few days, then will return to NE to close up her apartment (with family help).

                          Just last night, the other matriarch of the family (Mom's cousin, 96 years old) was rushed to Hospice House for final care. I feel like we're are coming un-tethered from some crucial points of gravity, and in danger of floating away, but luckily the extended family is pulling together. However this is a tough time - I know that so many of you have experienced it before me. What an unfamiliar landscape.

                          Love to all - I'll try to check back when I can. Financial responsibilities, notes, calls, all fill up the time that I have beyond trying to get caught up with work. But I'll be back soon...promise.

                          To the light, indeed.
                          to the light


                            Memorable March - Week 1

                            So sorry for your loss the upheaval you are going through. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Please take care of yourself and thanks for letting us know.
                            Formerly known as redhibiscus


                              Memorable March - Week 1

                              Good morning friends,

                              Cyn, so sorry for your loss but know that your Mom is at peace now.:l
                              I agree, the duties afterwards just seem ridiculous. Glad you have family to help you through & know that we are all thinking of you.

                              Greetings Star & Dill!
                              I'll look for that blog Star, sounds interesting

                              Dill, hope you feel better soon!
                              I feel fortunate to have escaped that nonsense this winter (knocking on wood).
                              My feelings of isolation are more mental/emotional. I live on 2.5 acres not on a farm like you. I have a few neighbors but you never see them & even when you do they don't want to talk. People have always been like that around here for some reason. I just find it irritating that some days I don't speak to anyone but the dogs & chickens :H
                              Yet another reason I stay tuned into MWO

                              Greetings Papmom & anyone else checking in today.
                              Have a great AF Friday!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Memorable March - Week 1

                                Cyn, my thoughts and prayers are with you. I'm so sorry for your loss.:l

                                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

