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Memorable March - Week 1

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    Memorable March - Week 1

    Yay, it's March. Not that it makes much difference today. We are supposed to get several inches of snow and it is coooold. Oh, well, I plan on making vegan lasagna, salad and homemade dressing.

    Pap, we had to take up all the carpeting in the basement, one of the cats was using it as her personal litter box. It was disgusting. So, Kilzed the floor, and now will proceed to paint the walls, the get new flooring. It is funny, the naughty kitty goes down in the empty basement and meows really loud, mourning the changes. No, I have to be at work, but right now can watch the videos at home. However, I was too busy too yesterday. That is the problem with working at home. I never work at home, there is always something else to do.

    Dill, so happy to hear your son is on the upswing. Long may it last. For both of our boys. Looks like you are going to get hit with some ice/snow too. Lent starts this week, I am thinking of how I want to celebrate it, any ideas?

    Lav, stinkbugs taste like apples? Well they don't smell like apples when they are squished, they smell awful. I have never been a bug eater or desired to eat bugs. When they show that guy on Bizarre Foods eating bugs and other gross stuff, I have to turn away. How fun to go shopping with your girls, three generations of shoppers. I can barely wait to be a grandmother.

    Lots to do today, walking with a friend (indoors of course) picking out paint, cleaning, grocery shopping and whatever else comes up. Could never do this if I was not AF. Have a great day.
    Formerly known as redhibiscus

    Memorable March - Week 1

    Greetings All,

    Thanks Star on starting the new thread. Perfect name. The basement project sounds like lots of work but it will be very rewarding in the end. It's a shame the cat made such a poor choice but then again on the bright side, it gave you the impetus to make improvements and it will be so enjoyable. Isn't that like nature. Out of total destruction like fires and floods comes a resurgence of rebuilding. Out with the old, in with the new! Same with al. Once it got to the point of so much self-destruction came the need/decision to change course and fill our lives with newer, healthier things. I have been pondering Lent. One thing I think about is going to Confession and making a clean slate of things. I haven't been to Confession in years and I wonder if confessing my struggle with al might not somehow be spiritually helpful. I'm not sure yet that I'll do it. It's on my mind tho.

    Lav, what fun to go to the outlet mall with the girls! I was at our outlet mall here at the beginning of last week. The day we went the wind was cruel and the temps were cold. It put a damper on my shopping enthusiasm. Even tho Spring clothes were out in abundance all I could muster up the enthusiasm to buy was a gray cardigan sweater at Eddie Bauer.

    Pap, I think it will be hard for me going away and leaving the gkids in their Dad's care but the more I think about it, it's not due to my concern that he will fail, it's just me having to start the letting go process. I've been doing little things toward that end like not being home when the kids get home from school and daycare, backing off making dinner for them, etc. But going away will still be hard somehow. My son has taken care of them before and is fully capable of it. I just need to let go. And of course there is always the fear of relapse lurking in the background which makes the letting go harder. And my personal history with relapse doesn't instill confidence. But again, ....I must take a breath and let go.

    OK, onward and upward. Yes, March is coming in like a lion, let's just hope it goes out like a lamb!

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      Memorable March - Week 1

      Good morning Star & everyone

      9 degrees on my thermometer too - Brrrr!!!!
      Said snowstorm is supposed to dump a LOT of snow here Sunday night into Monday. We're breaking records for snowfall totals for this area, this storm is expected to put us in the #2 spot for all time snowiest winters - ever!

      Now that it's March I am on another countdown. 25 days to go until my 5 year AF anniversary. I am almost in disbelief, seems a bit unreal. I don't know where I would be or how I would be if I had continued on the path I was on. Grateful to not have to spend time dwelling on that, it's another lifetime

      The last house we had was an old farmhouse built in 1919. We purchased the house from a couple of 80 year olds back in 1985. The place was a mess, dirty & in need of some big time repairs & updating but the price was right. They owned cats & I remember gagging tearing up carpeting, ugh! We actually had to tear out the plaster walls on a hall closet, somehow the walls had soaked up cat pee - G.R.O.S.S.
      I prefer dogs, I open the door every few hours & kick them outside to do business. Even if I'm gone all day they patiently wait until I get back. I do have to occasionally clean up something the large dog puked up but not too often :H

      Vegan lasagna sounds good Star
      I'll have to do some cooking & baking tomorrow ahead of the storm, just in case I end up without power again - hope not.

      Editing to say Hi Dill!
      I took so long finishing my post you hopped in in front of me
      I have a feeling your son will enjoy proving to you & himself that he is able & ready to care for the kids while you are away. It will do him a lot of good I am sure!

      Have a great AF Saturday everyone!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Memorable March - Week 1


        Where is everyone?

        Tis Sunday morning, cloudy, cool, awaiting this next snow event.
        I'll check in later. Have a great AF day everyone!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Memorable March - Week 1

          Hi, I'm here, just slept in this morning. We're supposed to get a lot of snow today too. Ugh!

          Lav, we bought a wreck of a farm house too and fixed it up. We're still living in it. Have been since '92. I like both cats and dogs, but prefer dogs. Mr. D prefers not to have animals in the house so ours live outside mostly and in a heated barn room at night.

          I'm having a hard time waking up. I'm only half way thru my first cup of coffee and I'm just not feeling it yet.

          Have a great AF Sunday everyone.

          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


            Memorable March - Week 1

            Just wanted to say good morning to everybody.

            I have never had a cat before who had bathroom issues, it is a big pain and ruins houses. Will continue working on the basement today, after church. We had a few more inches of snow, more to come. Ugh.

            Have a great day.
            Formerly known as redhibiscus


              Memorable March - Week 1

              Hi all. I've had a long.....bunch of days of work work, school work, and no play. So I'm really out of touch! If I don't surface in another 7 days, you will know I'm in prison. For killing two men on one of my group project teams. They have far more excuses to not meet about, or work on this project than I ever had to drink. And I had a LOT of excuses to drink. Nuff said.

              Still struggling with the sugar. Day 2. I'm determined March will be nutritious if not warm.

              Star - sorry to read about your kitty / basement problems. I used to be a cat person and most were fabulous. But had one cat that just decided it wouldn't use the box and it's a major problem and difficult to break them of it or deal with. :upset: Good luck with your remodeling project.

              Dill - good luck with the letting go process. Not easy! Hope all goes well.

              Lav - I hear you on the occasional large puked up thing from dogs. I will say that the grossest large puked up thing I ever saw was a possum. I was really glad the puking event happened outside. :thanksluckystars:

              Hi Pap and others!

              I gotta zoom...

              I'm really hoping for a break soon...

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                Memorable March - Week 1

                Hi Dill I am in Ohio too, close to Cinicnnati, and we have had snow all day..cant wait for the 6pm news to see what they say now...were supposed to get 5-8 inches but I think they have changed the forecast...hope they are wrong...enough is enough already!!!

                Newbie's Nest

                Tool Box
                AF 9.1.2013


                  Memorable March - Week 1

                  Hello Marchers!

                  DB, we are practically next door neighbors! I'm closer to Dayton tho. I lived on Mt. Adams in a long ago and far away time when just out of college. I worked that year at a school in Ft. Mitchell, KY. That was a very good year in my life. Looking back, I should have seen the signs of al trouble brewing even back then. But I was not a daily drinker, just a hearty partier. Schools here are on a 2 hour delay. Fingers crossed that they don't close! Hey, I love my grandkids (currently living with us) but....

                  DG, if I were on the grand jury and your murder case came before me, I'd vote to acquit and I'd convince my co jurors to do the same! :H You'd never set foot inside the courtroom, much less a prison!!

                  Lav, that's a very important birthday you have coming up later this month. Well done!:l

                  Star, how's the basement project going? I remember moving in to an appartment once where the previous tenant had cats and there was a mess everywhere. The smell was atrocious! After that experience I never had any desire for an indoor cat. I do love cats tho.

                  OK, the dogs up-chucking woodchucks, possums, etc., I've had that sweet experience too. Once had a sqirrel head deposited on my living room carpet. What?!:upset: Well, I read sometime later that that is actually a survival technique for dogs/wolves as pack animals in the wild. The dogs go out and hunt, but they are not to eat what they catch. They are instead supposed to swallow it and carry it in their stomach (easier than holding it in their mouth) back to the alpha dog where they upchuck it and let the alpha dog have first crack.
                  Just thought I'd share.

                  Have a great AF Monday!

                  Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                  If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                    Memorable March - Week 1

                    Good morning everybody...

                    Dill, the basement project is not going well, the teen worker stood me up Sat and Sun, so it is time to set boundaries. I will have him commit to Friday, Sat and Sun of upcoming weekend, or will find someone else. The smell of cat urine is gone, we removed the carpet and padding and kilzed the floor. So, that is a relief. Yes, if the kitty starts going anywhere else, it will be put down. I don't want to do that, but will have to. So far so good, she is going in the box. I hope the kids just have a two hour delay, no snow day. It is not bad here, just really cold.

                    Spring, we are waiting for you, please come!!!!!

                    DG, it is good to be busy, but sounds like you are looking forward to your spring break. I visited my son yesterday and he is really busy too. Too busy according to him. Take care of yourself and we are here everyday. It will be so worth it to get your degrees, giving you encouragement and support.

                    Lav, hope your weekend was OK and that the snow stopped. This is some winter, they are even naming the storms.

                    Work this week and staying warm. Plus, I am going to make sure I am eating right to feel healthy. That will be my major focus this week. And Lent. So, have a great Monday.
                    Formerly known as redhibiscus


                      Memorable March - Week 1

                      Good morning friends!

                      Guess what? It's snowing :H
                      Sooooooo sick of this winter

                      DG, go ahead & do what you have to do with the project mates - we'll all be happy to be character witnesses for you

                      Dottie, I hope the snow has ended for you as it travels east into my yard!

                      Dill, are you tired of building snowmen with the grandkids yet? :H
                      I find myself quietly praying for more patience with each new snowstorm. There's nothing remotely fun or enjoyable about this winter anymore.........think I'm getting crabby

                      Star, I hope your cat settles down for you. I can't stand the thought of any animal destroying the house. I once had a dog chew up all my shoes while I was at work. I finally learned to close my bedroom closet so she couldn't get to my stuff. Then she ate the center out of one of my sofa cushions - yeah that was the straw that broke the camel's back.

                      I hope everyone has a warm, safe, sane & AF Monday!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Memorable March - Week 1

                        Good morning...

                        Lav, I am fighting depression with this ongoing winter weather. We have snow predicted and more tomorrow. You are right, there is nothing remotely appealing about snow anymore, or winter, or cold. I am hoping for spring, soon. Plus, with the new job, I am feeling lonely, as I am not working much or interacting with too many people. If it was warmer out I could walk, ride my bike, get out in the yard, have options. This too will pass. I will focus on being grateful for all I have, work on changing my mindset. I have a friend who just does not let the winter weather bother her. She says, "its just weather," and does whatever she wants. Appreciating the change of seasons is one thing she always points out. I am trying.

                        Hello to Pap, Dill, DG, and hope Cyn is OK. Have a good Tuesday.
                        Formerly known as redhibiscus


                          Memorable March - Week 1

                          Good morning kids,

                          Yep, it's morning but not a drop of sun in sight
                          Star, I've really been feeling the effects of this long winter too. I especially don't like the way it messes with my thinking
                          Last night I downloaded a free hypnosis MP3 session on stress relief. The offer was in my email from Karl Moore so I thought, why not? It was actually pretty good! There's a large list of hypnosis MP3s you can download instantly - not a huge investment either - like this:
                          Hypnosis Live - Depression Relief

                          I think we need to do everything we can do to protect ourselves & our quits!

                          Wishing everyone a good AF Tuesday regardless of the damn weather

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Memorable March - Week 1

                            Hi all!

                            I am the sick-o that is loving winter and say "bring it on" to the snow. I've said to DH many times this winter we should move north. *ducks* I wish I could take all of your snow that you would rather not have and bank it for my yard in future winters! :H

                            Star - I hope your teen worker shows up this week. Otherwise a squad of us will have to hunt him down and :b&d: Glad to hear the kitty is using the box. You are so right that we cannot allow the animals to destroy the home at the end of the day.

                            Lav - that's an interesting site with the hypnosis downloads. How do you listen to your? (ipad? etc.) Finding a comfortable and easy way to listen has been a barrier for me.

                            Hi Dill, P3, Dottie, one and all. Off to work!

                            Grateful for another sober day.

                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.


                              Memorable March - Week 1

                              Late check in for me. It's been rather unpleasant in my world thanks to a stomach bug first invading the 2 year old, then invading the 8 year old; both times in the night. Lots of clean up. My son was up most of both nights with them. I just hope it's one the adults have an immunity to because it was nasty!

                              DG, how's the sugar thing going? I've cut way back too but did allow myself 2 pieces of Dove chocolate last night. The sugar thing crept up on me over the holidays and just kept going. Those Christmas cookies get me every year!:upset: They seem so harmless, but of course, one leads to the next ....sounds familiar! Before you know it you're on to pies and cakes with every meal! (and cookies in between meals) So anyway, I'm right there with you on the sugar thing.

                              Lav, Star, Papmom, greetings and happy AF Tuesday. Come to think of it, this is Fat Tuesday down in New Orleans. Bet there's a lotta booze goin' down today. But not here! Laissez les bon temps rouler!

                              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

