Pap, we had to take up all the carpeting in the basement, one of the cats was using it as her personal litter box. It was disgusting. So, Kilzed the floor, and now will proceed to paint the walls, the get new flooring. It is funny, the naughty kitty goes down in the empty basement and meows really loud, mourning the changes. No, I have to be at work, but right now can watch the videos at home. However, I was too busy too yesterday. That is the problem with working at home. I never work at home, there is always something else to do.
Dill, so happy to hear your son is on the upswing. Long may it last. For both of our boys. Looks like you are going to get hit with some ice/snow too. Lent starts this week, I am thinking of how I want to celebrate it, any ideas?
Lav, stinkbugs taste like apples? Well they don't smell like apples when they are squished, they smell awful. I have never been a bug eater or desired to eat bugs. When they show that guy on Bizarre Foods eating bugs and other gross stuff, I have to turn away. How fun to go shopping with your girls, three generations of shoppers. I can barely wait to be a grandmother.
Lots to do today, walking with a friend (indoors of course) picking out paint, cleaning, grocery shopping and whatever else comes up. Could never do this if I was not AF. Have a great day.
