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AA Thread - March 2014

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    AA Thread - March 2014

    Good morning.

    Solitaire, hope the meeting gives you support and comfort. I certainly support you and send you encouraging energy. Teens are challenging, you do the best you can and it is hard when they go through the, I hate my parent stage. It hurts.
    Formerly known as redhibiscus


      AA Thread - March 2014

      Sol: I was a high school teacher all my adult life. Yes, challenging. It was especially so when my own children were, at home & at work. Remember that the teenage brain is not fully developed. Many times I felt like I was dealing w/an active alcoholic while dealing w/teens. Yes, the next right thing is all you can do. A meeting w/sponsor is the best idea...especially if you're thinking amends.

      Take care. Mary
      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
      October 3, 2012


        AA Thread - March 2014

        Is it selfish of me to post so much about me and my personal life? Who is interested anyway(old thinking).... In AA I am learning to accept love (big part of last night's meeting...)

        My 17yo needs professional help. There has been talk about suicide before. So, I'm off to the doc with him this morning...

        Amends right now with him? It will just unleash more reason for aggression from him. He can not HEAR me right now... So, short delay...

        But I intend making another one today, something that I "forgot" about... This alkie mind of mine...

        I am in a much better place though, thanks to me HP and AA

        Love always!
        Sol xxx


          AA Thread - March 2014

          Sol: We must open up about ourselves. When I read your posts, it helps me. Yes, AA is about love & help.

          I definitely would wait to make an amends to your son. When I made mine, I checked w/my sponsor before each one. I don't think I could have done an adequate job otherwise.

          Good luck w/the doc. My son (& daughter) had issues. We're human & issues come w/the territory. You're on the right track getting him help so early in his life.

          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
          October 3, 2012


            AA Thread - March 2014

            Sunny day after 2 weeks of heavy rains!! (very unusual in my part of the world, floods, etc.)
            We had a social last night, hotdogs and movie. I have seen Smashed before, but the reaction of the others was very interesting:
            The movie doesn't have a happy ending, but: she stays sober....
            What I got from it last night is, NOTHING is worth drinking over!

            I have nothing planned for today! So happy about that! Maybe I will read? Or maybe I should make pesto, my basil LOVED the rain!! There must be 50 plants,3 feet high?!?! Any ideas?

            Love always,
            Sol xx


              AA Thread - March 2014

              I make pesto & freeze it in globs (2 tablespoon amounts) on waxed paper lined cookie sheets. When they are frozen, I put them in freezer bags & use them sauces, soups, stews, etc. I find that a little pesto goes a long way. M
              Wisdom, Courage, Strength
              October 3, 2012


                AA Thread - March 2014

                I thought I'd bump this up to the top.

                I just got a sponsee. We're working on step 1 right now. I'm doing the writing assignments along w/her. It's been illuminating.

                I've been making the effort to get up & go to early meetings. It's a great way to start the day. I'm generally a night person, but I hope this can be something I do a few times a week.

                I hope all is well out the in MWO-land. Mary
                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                October 3, 2012


                  AA Thread - March 2014

                  Last night at a newcomers group, we had a topic discussion:
                  The chairman asked: when did you accept that you can not drink anymore?
                  When did the penny drop?
                  Not those morning-after guilty, empty promises....
                  It was very interesting!
                  I shared that I was 4 months into my programme when it hit me, that I will NEVER have a drink again. I was sad for a moment. Similar to saying good bye to a long-time friend...
                  Have a lovely week-end!
                  Sol xxx


                    AA Thread - March 2014

                    For me not drinking is mainly one day at a time. I don't think very much about the long term wo/alcohol. That said: I don't miss it one bit. Tonight we're having a dinner party w/wine. We only have 2 small bottles which will be more than enough wo/me drinking. If I were drinking, I could consume 2 bottles myself (& then some). I don't have to worry about all that any more:
                    -how much can I drink.
                    -how should I space them.
                    -who might notice.
                    -am I slurring.

                    All that crazy thinking is behind me. I'm working w/a sponsee on step 1. It's been interesting, as I'm doing the assignments along w/her. How was my life unmanageable? I made a list, & it wasn't pretty.

                    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                    October 3, 2012


                      AA Thread - March 2014

                      that realization was weird for me too. it happened right before I started AA. I realized that aby amount of alcohol would send me into chronic drinking, just like it had in the past. i joined AA to learn how to live without my "beloved" alcohol, and it was a loss. i did mourn it. but now, i am grateful to have it off my back and out of my thoughts. to not have the obsession in the best part of recovery for me (and no hangovers!).


                        AA Thread - March 2014

                        Tell me about your meetings?

                        Hello friends,

                        Some people dream about exotic island holidays, trips to the moon, etc....

                        I dream about attending different meetings in different countries!!

                        I attend at least 4 meetings a week:
                        Monday is my home group, Very structured.
                        1st Monday of the month, we have a local speaker.
                        2nd Monday we invite a speaker from another group.
                        3rd, topic or open discussion.
                        4th, open meeting, Alanon joins us.
                        And if there are 5 Mondays in the month, we do Traditions.

                        Thursday is our newcomers group. We started it 14 Feb 2013, and we've grown to 25-30 people in this short time! I love the energy of newcomers!

                        Saturday at 9am is Big Book study in a lovely garden under a huge tree. People from all the groups in my city attend.

                        And on Sundays, I go to a meeting at a 12Step rehab, about 45 people, half patients/clients and half outsiders.

                        Let me know about yours?

                        I am meeting with a new sponsee this afternoon, she is in and out of the rooms for more than 3 years, but just can't stay sober. She approached me yesterday.
                        RESPONSIBILITY PLEDGE

                        I am Responsible.
                        When Anyone, Anywhere
                        Reaches Out For Help,
                        I Want The Hand Of A.A.
                        To Always Be There.

                        And For That,
                        I Am Responsible !

                        Sol xxx


                          AA Thread - March 2014

                          Sol: I loved your post...especially the responsibility pledge. I too just took on a new sponsee. It's jump-started my program.

                          My meetings:
                          Mon. - women's meeting (varying formats)...afterwards meet w/sponsee.
                          Tue. - 1 speaker meeting followed by a discussion.
                          Wed. - am step meeting.
                          Thurs. - first 164 pages of BB study.
                          Fri. - step meeting
                          Sat. - topic discussion.
                          Sun. - BB study...the whole BB stories & all.

                          I don't go to all the meetings, but those are the main ones. I also vary...sometimes there are meetings in other areas I go to. I try to hook up w/another woman as much as possible. I build connections that way. Usually, I text ahead & tell her I'll be at a certain meeting. Often, we sit together & talk a little...sometimes go out for coffee. I feel strongly that I have to keep my relationships w/other women strong.

                          Take care one & all. M
                          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                          October 3, 2012

