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AF Daily ~ Thursday March 6

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    AF Daily ~ Thursday March 6

    Good morning Abbers!

    It's after 8 am already & I'm still sitting around drinking coffee like I have nothing else to do :H
    Please help yourselves!

    I need to focus on finishing up some work today & getting it shipped out tomorrow. Work, work & more work for me while Mick sits on a beach in SE Asia

    Wishing everyone a terrific AF Thursday! I'll check in later

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

    AF Daily ~ Thursday March 6

    Well, Lav, Mick is NOT on a beach, today's text sez:

    'On the way to Cambodia today....4 hour drive in a is nice n to drink lotsa water. '

    He sends his hugs and love!!!

    So he's out seeing the world! I've have a cuppa that coffee, Lav, but I must get to work! More rain and cold, ugg! Hope everyone has a great day!!! Byrdie
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      AF Daily ~ Thursday March 6

      MAE All,

      Thanks for keeping us in the loop, Byrdie! Mick is sure having a switch-up from a dreary winter here in the northern latitudes! I'm happy for him, and it is nice to hear updates on what he is doing. It's also nice to have you popping in here!

      Lav, I have a fireplace in the room I use for an office, and the gas line into my house comes in right near it. Makes me wonder about having it converted into a gas fireplace to use for heating rather than installing a wood burning stove. I don't really want to mess with wood either.

      Anyway, Sam, I noticed that you started a thread too, and I posted here because there were already two posts. Come on in here and join the crowd!

      Hugs to all!
      AF as of August 5th, 2012


        AF Daily ~ Thursday March 6

        Ok, well here am I .... so I be

        I saw no fred started so I started one but, hey that's ok, I'm easy.

        So how be everyone today, I'm feeling kinda fiesty, must be that 2nd cup of java. Off to the mines... hope everyone has a pleasurable day.

        Liberated 5/11/2013


          AF Daily ~ Thursday March 6

          Great minds think alike Sam - we started threads at exactly the same time

          Thannks for the update on Mick's travels Byrdie
          His hands & feet should be as cold as mine right now :H
          Oh well, life's not fair :H

          YahYah, I don't really care for dragging firewood all the way around the house, through the snow & into the door down here. Too much like work :H
          I really should stop complaining & just go look for a space heater, there's one around here somewhere. I'd go with the gas hookup for the fireplace

          OK, time for a break. I have to run into town to pick up a refill on my big dog's thyroid medication. Maxie is down to 96 lbs. now, looking much better!!!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            AF Daily ~ Thursday March 6

            Not sure which one is the real thread.

            Stressed out today. Nothing really beyond the reguar stress stuff. But, the regular stress stuff is no picnic.

            Wonky thoughts I am having. A break from being sober. Wore out from emotions and kind of just want that "I don't feel a thing" feeling. Hangover will suck. Not today...too much to do tomorrow. I see an open slot 2 weeks from now where I could drink, no one will be home, I can call off the next day.....

            But, if those breaks from thinking and feeling were so great....why would I have ever wanted to stop? Guess I am forgetting exactly how sucky they were.

            I guess the good news on that it is two weeks from now that I can even see an open slot to do something incredibly stupid. And by then it most likely will have passed. Most likely the whole to do in my head will have passed by tomorrow.

            Hubby came home last night after a few cocktails....I had just returned from my recovery group. He is blabbering away until I look at him and say..."do you think it is a good idea to be buzz talking to someone after they have just come home from a recovery they attend because of alcohol?" He said he was sorry and walked away....then progressed to watch bomb dropping tv shows too loud while I was trying to go to sleep. I kept thinking...WTF....did I really just have to explain that to you?

            I am thinking of getting a therapist. I haven't had much luck with therapists and due to our healthcare I would be assigned one vs. me picking one. It is free.....can't hurt to go talk to someone who HAS to listen to me

            Off to plunk down on the couch...and zone out.


              AF Daily ~ Thursday March 6

              There sure are times when it would be easy to say WTF and just let it rip, but we both know thru bitter experience, being a good drunk is actually harder work than being sober. It is just exhausting. The whole cycle is insane.

              Would it be nice to throw the occasional bender? You know, not really. We have grown beyond that. We know there is more to life than being " Numb and Number". That just carries too high a price now. Its just NOT an option! Tomorrow will be a better day!

              Hang in there, don't give AL one inch of wiggle room. Its NOT negotiable! Hugs! Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                AF Daily ~ Thursday March 6

                Hi all.
                SF - not sure what to say, but don't do it! You have what I am struggling to attain, and it is not worth it to blow it - I wish i had something good and wise to say, but as you are thinking what I spend so much time thinking I am not full of any bright ideas.
                And as to your hubby, that's just not nice now...I am lucky (in some ways) as I am by myself, so only have to worry about my drinking and not his - I am pretty sure I would not be doing as well as I am if I had a drinker around.
                I saw this today on fb (haven't learnt how to post photos :upset

                It starts with a dream
                Add faith,
                and it becomes a belief.
                Add action,
                and it becomes part of life.
                Add perseverence,
                and it becomes a goal in sight.
                Add patience and time,
                and it ends
                with a dream come true
                Many steps to attaining what we want....
                “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                  AF Daily ~ Thursday March 6

                  hey.... another thread! thanks Lav.

                  SF hang in there, dealing with stress is something I'm still learning and it can be a toughie for sure. get in a good hard yoga class if you can (best I can think of).

                  I got in a super hard workout on Tue for the first time in WAY too long. nobody will guess what my new sport is. never! ok, you guys have to guess it's something that goes back to the 14th century (officially).

                  be well everyone
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    AF Daily ~ Thursday March 6

                    SF - First read back over your recent posts - you were adamant that you were over AL for good - you really were - so read again and again. Mick would suggest that you make the pros and cons lists as well.

                    Now I am going to go out on a limb and I don't think you will like this. My take is that you while you say you are stressed - what you are - is angry. And I think that anger needs to be addressed - not through just yoga class (although that would help of course) but through talking - and I think the idea of a therapist could help here. I'm suggesting someone who deals with family or relationship dynamics. Not necessarily a big deal but you might want to consider this.

                    When we quit AL we are confronted by many emotions and states of being - anger, sadness, boredom, - as well as tension and anxiety. I personally don't think these are bad - its how we live with them without hurting ourselves (through AL) and others - and without going crazy. I think too often today we dismiss a lot of feelings, including anger - as stress. I think the word or condition of stress needs to be broken down into its elements.

                    thats my take and it may just reflect where I am at.In the meantime - don't plan on a drinking sabbatical - whats the point of this? Why are you thinking this? If you really want to drink AL - why go to these elaborate ways to do this away from the family?

                    Sorry if I sound direct but we all want to support you to stay sober.:h


                      AF Daily ~ Thursday March 6

                      Det - does your new sport have something to do with wearing cod-pieces? A sword involved perchance?


                        AF Daily ~ Thursday March 6



                          AF Daily ~ Thursday March 6

                          I agree with Treetops......It would be great to talk to someone instead of stewing inside. Also...please have a real review of ALL the things you wanted and are getting being AF...its such a big investment....youve achieved sooo much. Protect your investment. Vent away here all you wish..thats what this forum is all about

