Just spent ten minutes being creative and have deleted the whole thing! (told you I was a computer idiot!) - so a brief 'Hi' to everyone now before bed

Breez - Many congrats on 150! :happy: Thanks for the continued inspiration! D, I really hope you're feeling better soon; Popeye - welcome back!; Jacy - oh yes, so familiar - but don't focus on that, focus on the 3 days AF and as Breez says, focus on something other than the not drinking. This journey isn't easy, but it's all part of the same one - learn from it so you can arm yourself better next time and it will gradually become easier. And families - as I've said before they should come with a health advisory: "Warning, prolonged exposure can lead to high blood pressure"; "caution, can lead to stress and acute anxiety"; "keep out of reach"; "take only in limited doses."...

Love to everyone and have a wonderful weekend! :l