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Friday~ May 18

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    Friday~ May 18

    Hello All!

    Dreary, wet & cold Friday here....but the flowers need water.

    Have my nephew's Communion tomorrow & my hubby can't make it (it's his sister's son's Communion). Again this would have been an opportunity in the past to drink (dealing with phony-in-laws, another party, any miserable excuse to drink). But I won't bacause I will have 150 days tomorrow and why break the streak? It'll just be another notch on my security belt proving the point I can do it. I can even go to a phony-in-law party alone with the kids without the booze and SURVIVE.

    Mind you if I was drinking I would be hung over because I would have been still partying from last week (I'm a week binger) and would definately be sneak drinking tomorrow. I'd have alcohol attitude toward my sister-in-law who decided to leave my daughter's Communion last week 5 minutes into it b/c someone behind her said it was 2 hrs long & her kids would get fidgety (they are 7 & 9) but came to my house for the food. My son (5)& my nephews(3 & 5) stayed for the whole 1 1/2 hr ceremony-they sat in the church hall where you could walk outside if you wanted to. OK, I still have attitude but at least I don't have alcohol attitude. I know taking alcohol out of any equation now makes situations better. that out of my system...LOL!

    Have a great Friday everyone & enjoy your weekend!
    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic

    Friday~ May 18

    Breez, 150 days is fantastic! i agree with you, situations are much, much easier to handle without the booze. I used to find it so hard to cope with some social situations and so would drink to deal with them. I now feel like both my feet are on the ground. Im more mentally secure without the poison eating away at me, telling me how weak i am. Have a good wknd. Bella xxx


      Friday~ May 18

      Alooooha Friday to AB-land!
      Sounds like you've got a handle on dealing with the phonies Breez.
      I also drank a ton in social settings Bella. Maybe it was the nervous anxiety...don't know, but the drinking made it tons worse. By the time I had drank enough to feel ok, I was blotto!
      Well, feel like total doodoo today and wondering if this is a flue and not cold....oh well. Got to get bloodwork done and go to work at least for a while.
      Beautiful sunny morning in the high desert. Be well friends.
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        Friday~ May 18

        I too used to drink to deal with obnoxious family. In the end, it only make it worse since I would get just loose lipped enough to say what I really felt. OH BOY did that get me into some deep sh** a few times. Better to stay sober!
        Congrats on 150 days. :goodtime:
        Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


          Friday~ May 18

          Breez - 150 AF - wow! Drinking to deal with family is very familiar to me as well. My last visit to my sisters got VERY strange b.c. of all the wine we were drinking. One sis is a worse drunk than me, the other is more of a social drinker. I am leery of moderation partly because of how icky family gatherings are due to drink. I'll have to abstain at all of them, I think, if I choose to mod. I'm tempted to tell my older sis about MWO, but then I won't be able to talk about her here! Working this afternoon and evening. Hope it's busy, need the $!
          "There are two types of education... One should teach us how to make a living, And the other how to live.? ― John Adams


            Friday~ May 18

            Good Evening All,
            I just got back from work about an hour ago. Tired but glad to be home....and here.
            Well done Breez.:wd:
            I'm a bit busy now, so I'll catch up later on.
            This is a great place.


              Friday~ May 18

              For any reason

              I pretty much did for whatever reason. I think that is why I am struggling so much lately because it has been a part of my life for so long. I know this may sound really sad, but it is like saying goodbye to my best friend. I really need a AF weekend desperately. Please all wish me luck.


                Friday~ May 18

                My shrink says when we give up drinking we go through grief just as if our best friend was gone. Because alcohol has become our best friend - though a terribly destructive one. Grief is normal - believe it or not is a sign that you are finally strong enough to say goodbye to your "friend."
                Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                  Friday~ May 18

                  That is so true. After reading what you said I started to tear up. I really want to do it this time and I am so frustrated with myself when I give in. Yesterday I was on day 3 until the end of the day I decided to go get some and I called my cousin. I really regret it today because I know he knows I was drinking and I feel like a fool.:nutso:


                    Friday~ May 18

                    Hi Gang!

                    Back online again after a busy week. How's everyone? Have been missing you all. Hey, how's the Mack's clan? Haven't seen them online for a while? Are they ok?
                    Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


                      Friday~ May 18

                      Popeye, I missed you. What AB day are you on?

                      Breeze, congratulations on 150. Sounds like you are going strong.

                      Jacy, your story reminds me of something I read in Caroline Knapp's book. She calls it "Dial a Drunk". So many of us, do that number. We call people when we are drunk.

                      Good words of comfort Mags, I can use them.

                      Z-Zen, oh boy, I can relate to telling off the relatives when we were all loaded. Not a pretty site. Would you feel "safe" coming to the boards, knowing your sister was here too?

                      Hello Bella and Determinator, good day to both of you.

                      I am back on Campral now, and hope it will help me, say No.


                        Friday~ May 18

                        Hi Mona,
                        I missed you too.
                        Day 48 and counting


                          Friday~ May 18

                          Hey everybody! 18 days for me...just flying by to check in. TGIF for sure.
                          have a lovely weekend abbys!


                            Friday~ May 18

                            Hey Paddy- I was wondering myself, haven't seen them lately.

                            Welcome back Pop! Missed you!

                            Jacy~sometimes you need to look at patterns of why. Why did you go & get your booze? What could you have done differently? When I get moments like that I focus on other things because the cravings do pass. The more you focus on them the more you will convince yourself to drink. Instead try to slip that suggestion to drink out of your mind & focus on something else- a chore, a walk, come post here, etc. Make it hard for yourself to pick up that drink. Let the craving pass. None of us got it right the first time. It's all baby steps.

                            Hey Mona-luv the newest kitty

                            Hi Mags & Di

                            and zin, don't work too hard.
                            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                              Friday~ May 18

                              Hey Jacy, Good luck.
                              Many, many times I've felt as you do........honestly.
                              There are a lot of physical and emotional ties invovled in drinking and not drinking. It must take a while to get things straight and settled.
                              Best wishes for the weekend.

