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Memorable March ~ week 2

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    Memorable March ~ week 2

    Good morning friends...

    Hey, the blizzard did not last long, but it is cold again, around 4 degrees. Tomorrow is supposed to be in the 40s, so this is spring this year I think. Crazy extremes. We will probably have a great growing year due to all the moisture. I drove to work, it was no big deal, it had stopped snowing by the time I left. Schools were out, those poor kids will be going to school till July.

    Work and normal duties today, but it is all good with a good nights sleep, and AF. Again to anyone who reads this and is trying to make up their mind about quitting, go for it. There is no down side. I have never once opened my eyes in the morning and said, "Wish I had drank last night." Never.

    To all, have a great Thursday.
    Formerly known as redhibiscus


      Memorable March ~ week 2

      Again to anyone who reads this and is trying to make up their mind about quitting, go for it. There is no down side. I have never once opened my eyes in the morning and said, "Wish I had drank last night." Never.
      Amen to that, Star!

      Star, you mentioned last week about choosing our HBs when we were young and how we choose for different reasons perhaps than we would today. I thought about that and whether I would have chosen differently if I had it to do over. I decided no. Mr. D was the right one for me and tho I rarely tell him, but I am very glad of the choice. Maybe I should tell him that today! Of course there are things about him that I wish I could change, but I'm sure that's mutual. Over all he has been a wonderful life partner.

      Lav, this weather won't last long. Spring is beckoning!:flower::flower:

      If this thread doesn't pick up steam perhaps we can start posting on the 100 day thread or the af daily? It seems as though it is just down to us 3 keeping the home fire burning. (with the help of Papmom and Cyn on occasion) What do you gals think? I don't want to lose touch with your support and friendship. Not sure what to do.

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        Memorable March ~ week 2

        Good morning from one of the 'regulars' :H

        I'd like to see this thread continue if at all possible. I look forward to hearing from the folks I've known the longest around here
        We've shared a lot of personal ups & downs over the past several years, it would be nice to continue.

        I haven't seen much of papmom on FB this week. I think she is working to meet a deadline at work. We all know how that works!

        Absolutely nothing special on my plan today, just hope to catch up with some house stuff.
        Grateful to be happy & healthy. Only 13 more days until I throw my 5 years AF anniversary party here - YES!!!!

        Have a great AF Thursday everyone!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Memorable March ~ week 2

          Good morning to all...

          I am willing to continue this thread and wish there were a few more regulars. Lav, are you saying that if people from the past come, it would be nice for them to find us? I have thought with Rusty's abrupt leaving that maybe we should go to the daily with fun Mick or something. I am sure they would not mind. Or the 100 day thread. It would not be the same though.

          Dill, how long have we been posting on this thread? I remember when I first came to MWO, I could not connect with anyone and it was important for me to do so. This thread has helped keep me on the right track, plus, I do care about everyone who posts. Five years of posting I think, that is a long time. But, I understand what you mean with so few left. If you decide to go over to another thread, then that would be it, I would probably follow. So, let's decide ladies.

          Off today, in the 40s, possible sunshine later today. Woke up after a good nite's sleep, no alcohol on the horizon, being AF is the best. Have a great day.
          Formerly known as redhibiscus


            Memorable March ~ week 2

            Hello AF Friends,

            You know Star, we have been posting together since at least April 2010. Lav and I hav been friends since 2009 and the Newbies Nest days. I think we have had a really good group of supportive friends and I still miss many of them: LBH, rustop, spedteach, SDlovespackers, Rusty, Lilmea, Sooty. They are still with me somehow even tho they stopped posting. Anyway, I'll be glad to keep posting here longer but I do think that one day maybe we should migrate over to the AF daily or the 100 day club. I used to post on the AF daily years ago. That way we won't lose touch with each other and we can add to their threads, I hope.

            Lav, do you remember Peanut and Lilmea? I have Lilmea's phone number but haven't called her since 2011 sometime. She was doing GREAT and remaining AF. I worry about Peanut. After all this time I still think of her up there in Canada with her hb/partner (I don't remember if they were married) that just didn't get it. He was constantly sabotaging her by buying her wine. I wonder how she is these days. I also wonder about Sped.

            Well, onward and upward. I've planted some dill and cilantro in our greenhouse. It's been 3 days so I hope to see some green poking thru today. Mr. D has started tomato plants. They are 3-4 inches high now. I brushed my fingers over the leaves yesterday and then enjoyed the scent of tomato plant leaves on my fingers for a few minutes. What a pleasure that was! Spring is coming, even if Winter doesn't want to loosen it's grip!

            Happy AF Friday everyone.

            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


              Memorable March ~ week 2

              Good evening kids,

              I thought I broke the website this morning :H
              I posted in the Newbies Nest then the site shut down on me :H
              Glad everyone is OK!

              Had a few peaks of sun today & the temp hit 52. Half a foot of snow predicted for Monday - St Patrick's day, no kidding

              Dill, I remember Lil & Peanut, of course
              As far as Sped, I remember LBH telling me that she had some serious emotional problems going on - remember they lived near one another. LBH pops up on FB fairly frequently as does TDN.

              Boy would I love to have my greenhouse again. Unfortunately we left it at the old place!!
              We were going to build another here but that never happened, oh well. Enjoy your baby plants Dill!

              I vote to keep this thread going for now. I like that's is relatively small & easy to handle :H
              I post everyday on the Daily thread too, old habits die hard I guess.

              Have a nice comfy & AF night everyone!

              Papmom- Wo bist Du??
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Memorable March ~ week 2

                Good morning to all...

                It was really warmer and sunnier out yesterday. So nice. We went and bought an anniversary present and ran errands. Just to be outside. After Valentine's Day, he is taking no chances.

                Dill, so I agree with you, eventually we may have to go over to another thread, but for now, it is OK the way it is. I remember all the names you mentioned, hope they are well, and AF. Miss them too. Its just nice to check in, remind ourselves of how far we have come and continue to move forward. I wonder if anyone besides us reads our thread?

                Lav, I post every day too for the most part unless I am traveling or have house guests and no privacy or something. MWO is part of my morning ritual, almost a promise to you and myself that I will live this day the best I know how. More painting at my house today, I hope and walking with a friend this morning. Colder but not bad. any special meals planned for St. Pat's day? I'm thinking about it.

                Hello to Pap, Cyn, and all, have a great day.
                Formerly known as redhibiscus


                  Memorable March ~ week 2

                  Good morning friends!

                  Heading to 60 today, nice!
                  Colder tomorrow then snow on Monday - n.o.t. t.h.r.i.l.l.e.d

                  I don't eat corned beef so I made a pot of vegan potato & leek soup the other day & have been enjoying that
                  Keep in mind I don't have a drop of Irish blood in my anyway :H

                  Wishing everyone a great AF Saturday!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Memorable March ~ week 2

                    Greetings All,

                    Lav, What?!! Not a drop of Irish blood?!! It's the first thing we've come across that we don't share in common! :H LOL! I have a good portion of Irish. But hey, don't they say everybody is Irish on St. Patrick's Day?

                    Star, yes many people read our thread. I think for every one of us posters there are 10 lurkers. If you look at the column to the far right on our thread you will see the total number of people that view the thread. It's to the right of the column that tells how many replies there are on the thread.

                    I'm happy to be AF on this Ides of March.

                    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

