Its Thursday already and I am looking at a beautiful sunrise over the Pacific ocean. Should be a good day but bad weather predicted on its way for the weekend.
Mick - your trip sounds fascinating, fun and incredible. Are you going to become a Buddhist? Can't quite see it mate!
Sam - stay indoors, poor you - hope you feel better soon.
Lav - is it muddy now? My friends in the UK are posting photos of spring on FB - lots of lovely flowers poking through the ground. I have spring bulbs to plant - mustn't forget.
Think I have got over yesterday - daughter was physically unwell and I think that affected her mood a lot. She seems to have her spark back - just as well as she is its homework madness time - big assignment due tomorrow.
Partner still doesnt get it (about how he talks to me) but he is a kind soul - flawed like the rest of us. He has promised to help me sort out a database this weekend! Thats bound to lead to some fireworks as he curses a lot at the computer but I am useless with databases.
SF - thanks for the link - I will listen later in the day I hope. I appreciate that.
SL - how did your meeting at school go. I hate those meetings but they are not usually as bad as I anticipate. I do think teachers need to sometimes remember not to be patronizing - and I can say that as I work in the education sector!
Yes, quiet here lately - where is Pauly?
How are you Yah - busy with work - hope the sister is not distressing you too much.
PPQP - big waves from afar!
Det - hope you survived Stockton - the radio programme I was listening to said that the Apple barge that was in San Fran bay had moved there but no one knows why??
You all have a good Thursday when it comes and I will peek in later and check!!.
