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af Thursday 13 March

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    af Thursday 13 March

    MAE everyone - I started the wrong thread for today.
    Its Thursday already and I am looking at a beautiful sunrise over the Pacific ocean. Should be a good day but bad weather predicted on its way for the weekend.

    Mick - your trip sounds fascinating, fun and incredible. Are you going to become a Buddhist? Can't quite see it mate!

    Sam - stay indoors, poor you - hope you feel better soon.

    Lav - is it muddy now? My friends in the UK are posting photos of spring on FB - lots of lovely flowers poking through the ground. I have spring bulbs to plant - mustn't forget.

    Think I have got over yesterday - daughter was physically unwell and I think that affected her mood a lot. She seems to have her spark back - just as well as she is its homework madness time - big assignment due tomorrow.
    Partner still doesnt get it (about how he talks to me) but he is a kind soul - flawed like the rest of us. He has promised to help me sort out a database this weekend! Thats bound to lead to some fireworks as he curses a lot at the computer but I am useless with databases.

    SF - thanks for the link - I will listen later in the day I hope. I appreciate that.

    SL - how did your meeting at school go. I hate those meetings but they are not usually as bad as I anticipate. I do think teachers need to sometimes remember not to be patronizing - and I can say that as I work in the education sector!

    Yes, quiet here lately - where is Pauly?
    How are you Yah - busy with work - hope the sister is not distressing you too much.
    PPQP - big waves from afar!

    Det - hope you survived Stockton - the radio programme I was listening to said that the Apple barge that was in San Fran bay had moved there but no one knows why??

    You all have a good Thursday when it comes and I will peek in later and check!!.

    af Thursday 13 March

    Just popping into the future as I saw this and thought of Lav....

    Will post when I get to Thursday.....PPQP


      af Thursday 13 March

      Hi love the cartoon P and needed a smile - hopefully this is an omen for tomorrow...
      TT - wrote on yesterdays thread today - hmm....back form school meeting, bit of anticlimax - tears running here now, not sure I feel we got anywhere...
      The Google barge is here - SF said it couldn't stay and and had to leave, Stockton said we need the money some come on over - and here it is...
      “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


        af Thursday 13 March

        Ah! I didn't see this thread & just started another one for Thursday!!!

        TT, the only thing growing in my garden right now is mud :H
        It's well below freezing here this morning, nothing blooming yet.

        PQ - thanks for the cartoon!
        I actually saw that on FB a while ago

        Hi there SL!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          af Thursday 13 March

          Morning all
          busy here looks like for so early. We all getting used to the time change?? Wish I could say I was.

          Lav, we're getting about 2 doz per day from about 32 hens. The 15 new ones have been laying steady for about a month. The old bunch are about half. My wife never lets go of the old ones so we end up having a retirement home for hens.

          TT, I sure wish I could stay inside, the March winds are howling today, but so are the critters so I need to get out and feed. BUT today I do feel better! Thanks.

          Pq, now I understand why the old hens aren't laying!

          waves to you SL, SF, Det, Yah Yah, Pauly, and our ever present world globetrotter Mick!
          Liberated 5/11/2013


            af Thursday 13 March

            Mae everybody,cute cartoon thanks for sharing PPQ,we had Louie's bbq birthday party on sunday and it was so warm nearly hot when you stood in the sun,now it's cool and windy,i guess that's March for ya,hope everyone has a good thursday
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              af Thursday 13 March

              Hope you are all taking care of yourselves today.
              Its Friday here already - Woke up at 5am - busy day so wanted a head start.


                af Thursday 13 March

                I'm used to be guilty of running the nursing home for old hens myself Sam :H
                It was really hard in the beginning to work up the courage to retire the older ones. Now I just thank them for their service & send them off to the Amish guy :H
                I just don't have the room to keep them all. I'm also know for nursing dogs to the very end as well

                OK, it's Thursday evening & TT hasn't started the Friday thread yet - right? :H :H
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  af Thursday 13 March

                  Good day all - almost Friday and a weekend off - it is warm and sunny here, and I am looking forward to sleep and no school or work - I think we need to breath!
                  Just because it is nearly weekend and we have fabulous weather, thoughst turned to cold white - but was able to work it out and realised it was the ritual I was looking for and not the drink, need help unwinding.....gonna have to work on that for summer...
                  “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                    af Thursday 13 March

                    greetings ABerooooonies near and far!

                    Lav, horseradish is a great idea. I love to 'bread' a filet of fish with grated horseradish and then grill it. soooo yummy. Sam, keep up the good work on the garlic breath! you have my full approval!

                    the SF bay charges such ridiculous doc fees that they have about put themselves out of business. Not surprised Apple has selected another doc for the barge.

                    well, super duper busy day today but still managed a load to storage. back is feeling better so I must be getting stronger. I'll have to make a DVD for my 'sell your house workout'.

                    Lav, what are you going to do to celebrate your magnificent 5 year birthday? I'm thinking massage and full spa treatment.

                    Pauly, good to see you doing well and positive.

                    well, off to make a snack.

                    be well peeps
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      af Thursday 13 March

                      ok, if anyone needs a drug and AL-free way of changing their mood i think this music video should do the trick

            [/video]]Gary Young - Plantman - YouTube
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)

