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af Saturday 15 March

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    af Saturday 15 March

    MAE ? now on to the Saturday thread even if I posted on the Friday thread. Thanks Guys for your very kind words and I really appreciate this.

    Det ? you sound chipper and I think the decision to make some changes will be a good one. I took your advice and did some quality stress relief today ? went out with my daughter and had a lovely healthy lunch, then a bit of shopping for her. Purchased a very pretty dress to go with the new hair-do that amen she is now super-happy with.
    Probably not the stress relief you had in mind Det! :H

    Pauly ? praise be to the Goddess of hair-stylists ? daughter now happy and an excellent cut. I think if a woman is happy with her hair she carries herself differently ? until the next crisis! :H

    PPQP ? sorry you have to work on Saturday. You sound exhausted and in need of a cuddle ? if I am reading between the cyber-lines. Lots of hugs.:h

    SL ?thanks for the message and sorry your ex is causing grief. I hope its not too bad for you ? remember drinking won?t solve it. I don?t usually go shopping on a Friday late afternoon but had to yesterday ? and I was amazed at how many people were buying AL ? and quite a lot too. I thought of you and your vulnerability at such times. That was me once ? clank, clank ? drunk, drunk. Normal Friday/Sat and the rest of the week as well. :eeks:

    Lav ? yes I totally agree that we can?t get our other half to change if they don?t want to. I will be away from my family for almost a month later in the year. That won?t solve anything. He will miss me and realise some of the demands of running the home ? but it will be same old soon after I return. I told my daughter that she will have to be involved in domestic matters also.
    Let?s hope you get some sunshine soon - more snow - I don't believe it.

    Sam ? how?s the head and sinuses? Hope your weekend is going well. You too SF, Yah - and I think Mick will be back soon to kick us all up the you-know-what.

    Be good all and enjoy your Saturday in the snow, spring or whatever.

    af Saturday 15 March

    Good morning TT & all Abbers!

    Enjoying some coffee while waiting for the sun to make an appearance
    We've been promised a warmish day so I will get outside & do something, that's for sure.
    Rebounding to cold & snow the next two days.

    Glad you are sorted out TT & your daughter as well.
    It's true about the hair thing & also the skin for women - when they look & feel right then we are pretty much happy campers. At least that's true until someone pisses us off :H :H

    Greetings going out to Sam, SL, Det, PQ & SF, YahYah (where are you?). Mick - on the way home??
    Have a wonderful AF Saturday!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      af Saturday 15 March

      Hiya all just managed to get on mwo now. .in Saigon now was at the war remnants museum yesterday. .and shopping today in the mad market. .leaving in 5 hours on to dubai then home. . Should arrive Manchester 1120am local Sunday. .been really good. . Not a holiday but an experience. .tt and sl keep your smiles on girls..remember this is the real deal not a rehearsal hi to Lav Pauly ppqp and everyone else in our little gang!! Will post Sunday sometime just had a great time and booze did not figure once in it..despite everyone else around drinking. .so pleased take care all
      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        af Saturday 15 March

        Mae everbody,TT,glad your daughter is happy with her 'do,i agree on the hair thing the other day i was being lazy and just put mousse in and scrunched my hair for work,well not only did i feel like a slob i felt ugly and wanted to hide every time i glanced up and saw myself eeks! Sheesh talk about people buying alcohol,yesterday we had to go pay bills and everyplace we went people were buying TONS,hubs asked me whats up i says duh St.Patrick's day weekend,even the non-irish feel the need to party it up,i've had some doozies bleh! i was watching some celeb gossip show last nite and they were talking about George Lopez passed out on a casino floor(pic included)he says he drank 52 shots,im sure he was being a smart ass 52 shots would kill someone?anyways off to fix my face and fro for work bleh,working Saturdays makes me wanna cry! have a good one peepshi Mick
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          af Saturday 15 March

          Morning all - feeling great here - posted a long message on another thread, so quick check in here and going about my business.
          Yep TT - afternoon shopping is hard, so I don't do it!!
          Felling so good about myself just now - loving that feeling.
          Det - you are sounding great - it is lovely to hear you speak of dx that way...
          Mick - will be glad to have you back safe and sound - glad it has been a good trip, but you will be exhausted!
          Sorry you are working Pauly - I have a Sat off and do relish it!
          Lav, hope you get some Vit D exposure...
          TT - I love the good times with my daughters - glad you had girls therapy!
          See you later....
          “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


            af Saturday 15 March

            Mick - thats the kind of holiday I love - an experience that is! I imagine that all the history etc does put things in perspective. Hair dos etc become unimportant.
            I once tutored a refugee from Laos. And my daughter's primary caregiver at baby daycare (it was only part-time) was from Cambodia. She was fantastic.

            welcome home and we look forward to the pics - you don't need to include the ones when you were on the loo!:H

            Ladies - what I haven't mentioned is that for the past 3 years my daughter has also had seriously bad and painful acne that has required specialist treatment and medication. Plus the braces. So its a relief when she feels positive about her appearance. She is not obsessed with it thank goodness but we all know where it can lead if it gets to be a problem -esp with teenagers.


              af Saturday 15 March

              Ooh TT,i feel for your daughter i had cyst-like acne for years as a teen it cleared up ok,only to hit again as soon as i turned 30, freakin hormones!
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                af Saturday 15 March

                Really quiet thread today - hope everyone has had a good day - it has been sunny and warm today, girls even got bikinis on and it's still winter!!
                TT - sorry about your daughters skin, that must be so very hard to deal with - their confidence is so rocky at this age, that percieved flaws are hard enough, never mind real struggles. I am so glad her hair is a win for her.
                “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                  af Saturday 15 March

                  Get home safely Mick

                  TT, some of us never have great skin! I was in the dermatologist office at age 16 & every once in a while now (a hundred years later) my skin will break out a little. Adolescence is tough - definitely not for sissies. Oddly, my skin was great during my pregnancies. Anything you can do to keep her from dwelling on the situation would help. Moms know best!

                  Hi there pauly, SL & everyone!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    af Saturday 15 March

                    I have been enjoying the weather and lost in some books. I was going through a phase of getting 1/2 way through the book and not finishing it. Finally landed a few that have me lost in time reading them. I do think sitting outside and reading helps though

                    TT-sorry things were tough with your other half. Hubby and I go through times like that....after all these years together you would think we would know we can't change each other. But, we both still give it a good go at times. Consiously loving a person, even though somethings they do and don't do nearly drives me me depth as an individual. Recently read something like, "don't put your desire crap onto someone else, you alone are responsible for it".

                    Today we looked at condo's to buy. We are all set with our loan, but when we got honest with each other....we both love apartment living. I like having the fitness center, pool and business center all here. Plus, after owning for so long....I like the freemdom of being able to move when we want...without hassle. So after all our condo shopping, we opted to move to the apartments across the street. We like the layout better and the kids closest friends live over there. Big plus...the pool is a bit fancier and I no longer have to stare at the bar across the street

                    Somehow though....I just felt like since I am just shy of a year without drinking...I wanted more time without the hassle of owning. Anything at all goes the complex to come fix it If something comes up that we love, we can opt out of the rental easily at anytime. I like having the option and no pressure.

                    We have a friend who is one of the top songwriters in Nashville and he credits the depth of his writing with getting sober. Before I got sober he was always saying, "two years". I always felt like..."WTF, 2 years before I am somewhat sane again". I get it now. Glad to have almost one under my belt.


                      af Saturday 15 March

                      heya ABeroooos!

                      TTops, thanks for the great start. you're sounding really good.

                      Mick, thanks for the adventure report.

                      Lav, hope you defrost soon!

                      shouts to Pauly SL and SF

                      had a fantastic sword class today and we ended with traditional Scottish wrestling which I've never even seen before. one this is for back is already sore so tomorrow is going to hurt! but hey, it's the hurt from good healthy exercise and I get a smile every time I feel a muscle spasm

                      packing like mad folks here and the house is a bloody disaster, but it's very exciting.

                      interestingly, AL hasn't even been distantly on my mind lately. perhaps the 'off the table' mentality is really settling in again like it was for my nearly 3- year run of sobriety.

                      Sam, you hangin in there?

                      be well loves
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        af Saturday 15 March

                        Det - so do you have to leave the house permanently before its even sold?

