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af Sunday 16 March

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    af Sunday 16 March

    MAE everyone ? a rainy Sunday here. Goes with the writer?s mood I am afraid. My partner is even worse today in terms of his snide remarks and its like walking on eggshells. I think he is in one of depressive phases but he takes this out by criticising me. I will be glad when the weekend is over and I don?t have to be in the same building as him. I don?t like saying that but its got to that this weekend.

    On that cheery note ? welcome back to the UK Mick ? are you awake/asleep/sleep walking? What?s the post-trip scenario with you and the Missus ? lots of clothes washing, gardening, shopping? Good on you for not drinking AL when everyone else was ? but I didnt think you would be tempted.

    Did you go swimming SL? Hope you and the girls are having a good weekend.

    Sorry you had to work Pauly. Is Sunday a day at home (more work I bet ? just different!) for you.

    Quick wave to SF, Det, Yah, Sam, Lav. I look forward to reading of your adventures.

    af Sunday 16 March

    Good morning Abbers,

    TT, sorry to hear your OH's behavior is worsening
    I really think YB is bi-polar & living with someone like that is not easy. Our current arrangement is probably the best thing since he is so resistant to change. Sounds like the timing of your trip couldn't be better

    I thoroughly enjoyed yesterday's balmy 60 degree weather & spent the day outside. Lots of cleanup needs to be done, I did a little. Tonight the snow returns, supposedly just a few inches. I guess my daffodils know winter is not over yet & that's why they haven't made an appearance yet.

    Mick, I hope you are getting some rest after your travels!

    SF, glad to see you popped in, was wondering about you!
    I've been a home owner since the age of 20 but starting to get tired of all the work involved. I just don't think I could find an apartment willing to take me & my zoo :H
    Your thinking will continue to change as you put in more AF time, my sure did!

    Just noticed only 10 days left until my 5 year anniversary. How big of a party should I throw here, huh? :H I need to make a LOT of cake & coffee :H

    Wishing everyone a great AF Sunday!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      af Sunday 16 March

      Morning all
      Lav, the forecast I saw for here was 3-10 inches of snow. Guess it will be what is, great for the pastures because it will be short lived and the grass is already starting pop only after a few warm days. It is going to get intensely busy here.

      TT, sorry for your situation, I can only hope that it gets better. It is hard to raise kids and be in an environment that is tense, perhaps even intimidating. Seems to me if it persists, you have to say something, I'm sure easier said than done.

      Mick, glad you're home safe and sound. Love to see some pics!

      I've been aving a hard time with the MWO site here this week, anyone else?, from not getting on to people's avatars missing (not that that is any big deal)

      hello to all and have an enjoyable day.
      Liberated 5/11/2013


        af Sunday 16 March

        Mae everybody,sorry about the situation at home TT,,sounds stressful and home should be our sanctuary! Sam,ive noticed that also,plus "new posts"sometimes aren't popping up sometimes,they're probly just working out some bugs,my goodness i bought some nasocort for my horrendous allergies never again! my heart was racing all nite and kinda still today,maybe cuz its a steroid spray?the pharmacist said not enough gets into your blood stream to cause that,he lied! welcome back to reality Mick,bet those bunnies missed you,hope everyone has a nice Sunday
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          af Sunday 16 March

          Hi all...
          No bikini for me, but loosing weight - no more bikinis in my life, but would like to feel good enough in a swim suit!
          No swimming yet TT - i think our community pool opens end of May, not sure.
          Lav, I also had my own house at 20 - that was why it was so hard to lose the house because of my ex's crazy ideas - I am in rent to own, but need security of home ownership - hopefully in just over a year (but downsized in a HUGE way)- I think this is a british thing, needing to own?
          Sunny again today - up to take #1 girl to her pet shelter gig, then a few errands and maybe some more Vit D time!
          Lav - 5 years - that is truly wonderful - icecream sundaes???
          Have to say I love sober Sundays - I was brought up with lots of drinks on Sunday - started with cooking the Sunday roast, then the G&T's before lunch then carried on all day...that was what Sunday meant to me - this is a whole different way to be....
          “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


            af Sunday 16 March

            No probs with the MWO site here so the problems must occur when I am asleep


              af Sunday 16 March

              hiya are we all?well thats me home..cases unpacked,washing on,and things is a bit different...originally supposed to come back via KL....but thankfully we came in via Dubai. thats another experience done ,was absolutely brilliant..I have seen some cracking things,and also some not so great,poverty corruption lotsa pics so be prepared to be bored!!!!and guess what...on the scales ..approx 2lb more than when I left so happy with that.Bit tired tonight so guess I will start proper in the morning..take care all of you...coupla jokes to get back in the swing of things!!

              I hate when Doctors asks questions such as: "Are you sexually active?"

              Depends on what you mean by "active".

              There are plenty of "active" volcanoes that haven't gone off in over 50 years.

              I'm so excited, I've just received news I've been voted the Most Gullible Person in the World.

              The prize includes a mansion in Beverley Hills and $10,000,000 a year for the rest of my life.

              I'm so excited, I've just received news I've been voted the Most Gullible Person in the World.

              The prize includes a mansion in Beverley Hills and $10,000,000 a year for the rest of my life.

              I wanted my mother in law's funeral to be memorable.

              So I replaced my father in law's oxygen tank with nitrous oxide.

              I went for an interview at a big IT company today for the position of 'Computer Hacking Investigator.'

              The boss asked me, "So, what makes you suitable for this job?"

              "Well," I replied, "I hacked into your computer and invited myself to this interview."

              I just brought some oven gloves.

              Now my hands will be warm when I put them in the oven.


              My mate's just been given six months inside for stealing microwaves.

              He should be out in three and a half minutes.

              Daily Mail online: "As world's oldest tortoise celebrates his 183rd birthday, we take a look at the changes 'Jonathan' would have seen in his life."

              About ninety cardboard boxes and the introduction of colour newspaper?

              I'm going to see how this Oscar Pistorius trial plays out.

              Before giving my wife the sexy little 'burglar' outfit I've bought her.
              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

