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Memorable March - Week 3

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    Memorable March - Week 3

    :flower::lilflower::flower::yougo: YAY SPRING!!!

    We are going to celebrate the day by going to the lake and reserving our boat slip. There will be a stop along the way for lunch at a favorite barbecue spot!

    Star, a drinking dream after all this time? Al must be trying to trick you through your subconscious. It truly is cunning, baffling and powerful. You said you played it out to the end. I am thinking you meant after you woke up you finished the scenario realistically? I had a dream the other night where I went to the store to buy wine. I knew I shouldn't but was going to anyway. When I got in the store the shelves were empty of all white wine. (My drink of choice) So I left without any. But it wasn't due to willpower on my part, just happenstance. Still, it was MY subconscious that set up the empty shelves! :H

    Lav, don't get your hopes up too high about winter being gone. I think I heard on the news last night that Mother Nature has plans for yet another wintery storm.:upset:

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      Memorable March - Week 3

      Hello everyone! I swear to god I posted on Tuesday nite!! Just wanted to let you all know I was alive and kicking!

      Its been very busy at work-putting in a lot of extra hours but it should be over soon (I hope!).

      Next week I "graduate" from cardiac rehab! Can't believe 12 weeks have gone by so fast! I also see my doctor on the 28th for an echocardiogram. I'm hoping he'll clear me to join the gym and get back to agility-basically lift all restrictions. Hope I'm not being too optimistic!

      I've read back a bit so I'm pretty much caught up with everyone.

      I am soooo ready for some warm weather. My pooper scooper is still stuck in the ice and the yard is becoming one big poop carpet! Poor boyz. and poor me when I can finally start cleaning it up!!

      Hope I'll be able to post more next week when the pressure is off a bit.
      Have a great nite everyone!
      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

      KO the Beast!!


        Memorable March - Week 3

        Good morning...

        Dill you were right. I woke up this morning and everything is covered in snow. Seriously, I am done with this and feel kind of depressed. Originally today and this weekend was supposed to be warm and sunny, now just the opposite. My daughter is driving up today and really looking forward to seeing her, going to go look at baby stuff.

        Lav, I want spring! Now! I was so excited as most of the snow had melted by yesterday. I guess I was taken by surprise this morning. A good cup of coffee this morning will help. Maybe two or three.

        Pap, so good to hear from you. I guess there have been problems with the MWO website, so sorry your post was lost. My friend graduates from rehab on Monday, she is feeling better and proud of herself. Hope you are too. :h

        Lots to do today in preparation for guests. At least my house will be cleaner. Have a great Friday.

        Formerly known as redhibiscus


          Memorable March - Week 3

          Good morning friends!

          Supposed to be in the 50's today - I'll take it because I know it will be getting colder again.

          Star, I hope you have a nice visit with your daughter. Happy baby stuff shopping

          Nice to see you Papmom! Awesome on the rehab graduation!!

          Greetings Dill & anyone else dropping by today!

          I have an appointment with a vampire this morning, a stop at Curves then the supermarket. Then back here for some work until my daughter & granddaughter arrive - busy, busy
          Have a great AF Friday one & all!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Memorable March - Week 3

            Star, have a wonderful visit with your daughter! It will be fun to shop for baby things together. Will she be staying 2 nights?

            Lav, It's in the 60's here. I've been cleaning today and have worn myself out. My goal here is to rest my back for a few minutes then get outside for a walk. It's gorgeous outside!

            Papmom, good to see you. Sorry 'bout the lost post. The site has been playing up lately. Have any of you taken the survey yet? I have not, but do plan on it.

            Cyn, I hope all is well with you.

            We leave Sunday for our road trip. Looking forward to it. I should be able to post while on the road, but I don't know how regular I will be.

            Off I go for an AF walk in the woods!

            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


              Memorable March - Week 3

              Good morning...

              Dill, have a wonderful time at your daughter's, enjoy the road trip, and all the experiences. We will miss you.

              Lav, I know, it is supposed to get cold again, but at least no blizzards and 10 below zero.

              Pap, hope you get a chance to rest this weekend.

              I will be busy shopping, cooking, visiting, just hope the weather stays reasonable. Have a good Saturday.
              Formerly known as redhibiscus


                Memorable March - Week 3

                Good morning all!

                A barfing dog woke me up at 6am. She's fine now so I'm just checking in before the girls get up

                Dill, hope you have a safe road trip & enjoy some nice weather along the way!

                Star, enjoy your company & shopping

                Greetings to Papmom, cyn & anyone who may be dropping by today.
                I'm looking forward to spending some quality time outside with the girls today before the weather turns on us again.

                Have a great AF Saturday!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

