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AF Daily ~ Monday March 17

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    AF Daily ~ Monday March 17

    Top o' the mornin' to ya :H
    Happy St Patrick's day to everyone!

    Watching it snow at the moment - will be back later.
    Have a great aF Monday everyone!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

    AF Daily ~ Monday March 17

    EloMae everybody,Happy St.Patrick's day not quite sure what it is except green beer and guiness here in Vegas and the bars start EARLY! i have on my green socks with beer mugs on 'em,too many childhood memories of getting pinched for not wearing green haha,had a lovely sunday with the kids and hubs,i'm very grateful for that,after they leave though the clean-up is hard work! Louie is like a tornado hit my living room,he has to pull out every toy he has,play with it for two seconds,then on to the next,kitchen gets destroyed with the big kids and their snacks,i'm sure Lav understands with all those grandbabies,well hope everyone has a great Monday,love you guys dearly
    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


      AF Daily ~ Monday March 17

      happy paddys day to you all....was also my mothers birthday...well here we are back in Britain,weather cold ,rabbits out ,cases emptied and washing on...but cases havent been put away yet never know!!so how is everybody?will need to catch up on all the posts ...that was some experience ,cant really call it a holiday, but well worth it ...3 countries,each with a completely different infrastructure...but with a common theme.a fair amount of corruption..for instance going through the border from Thailand to Cambodia there was a massive queue...and there were a load of forms to be filled in...2o$later ...approx half an hour we were over the border and the forms had been completed for us ..including signatures!!!what is locally known as the express service..Was awake at 3 this morning..according to my new Rolex oyster watch!!! $4 Vietnam :H:H..just starting to go through my pics now so will put some up later..take care will fill this out after
      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        AF Daily ~ Monday March 17

        The floating market at Can Tho Vietnam

        Ankhor Wat Cambodia

        fancy a climb?

        floating village Tonle sap lake

        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          AF Daily ~ Monday March 17

          Morning all except its actually Tuesday morning. I was out most of Monday sight-seeing with a visitor and it was lots of fun.
          Saw a few people getting plastered with the excuse that they could because they were wearing green but St Patrick's Day has never been something we celebrate in my family.

          Hope you are whizzing through the Monday business as usual!


            AF Daily ~ Monday March 17

            Interesting pics Mick - I can see the trip would be exhausting!


              AF Daily ~ Monday March 17

              Wow, cool pictures, Mick! They will float anything on the rivers, huh?
              Interesting about the forms getting filled out and such! I'm just glad you're home safe and sound, we all missed you!
              Happy St Paddy's day! xo, B
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                AF Daily ~ Monday March 17

                Welcome back Mick! I was able to behave when you were gone (but not really gone:H)
                Mondays - blah! But better than hungover mondays.
                Hope everyone who celebrates the green has a safe day - I celebrate the blue and will wait till november,,,
                “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                  AF Daily ~ Monday March 17

                  Happy St Paddy's ABerooooos!

                  whew, what a manic monday. Sooooo grateful to be pleasantly un-hungover.

                  Mick, what fab pics! thanks so much, hope you have more......

                  TTops, to answer your question from sat, we don't have to move out completely but we do have to have all my crap out so we can professionally clean the place. every day is trips to the storage back is going to be really strong!

                  well, back into the corporate vortex for a bit....

                  be well everyone
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    AF Daily ~ Monday March 17

                    Hello my Abs Friends, sorry to be MIA yet again. It's been a weird couple of weeks, and I have been a bit of a mess internally. I'm sorry that I did not share this with you. Everything is okay now. My sister went on a rant on me, arguing with me via text, etc., and I was having mild anxiety attacks and really not being myself at all. I was having difficulty concentrating (part of not posting) and getting my work done and was giving her much more brain space than I wanted to give her. I also felt rather bad for her, because she is truly sick, and she really has zero insight into how she drives people away. It was also stirring up unpleasant childhood memories of the conflict I had with my mother. At any rate, I had to tell her that I would go to the police and charge her with harassment if she continued, so she has left me alone, at last. Additionally, Maddie moved out this weekend, which is wonderful and terrible. I already have plans for what I am going to do with the bedroom she vacated, but I know I will miss her a lot at times. She was rather put out when I told her that I expected her to really MOVE OUT, i.e., she no longer gets closet space. If she wants to store things here, she has to pack them up and put them in the attic. She has 1 month to do this, or I will take any remaining stuff to charity. Mean Mommy! LOL

                    There is some good stuff too, thank goodness. I was contacted via my Psychology Today profile and asked to apply for a job as Clinical Director for a mental health center in the next big town west of where I live. I don't know if I would want it or if they will want me, but it was very validating to be sought after. The other job that I have gotten is not providing me with the kind of income that I need, so this is very timely. Also, I have been asked to "farm sit" again for my friend with the sheep, goats and chickens in May during the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival. I am thrilled about that!

                    Anyway, enough of me. Mick it is great to see you back. Those are some wonderful pictures! I can imagine it was quite a whirlwind of a trip. I would need a vacation after such a trip.

                    Lav, it looks like you've been holding down the fort, along with the rest of the gang. How much snow did you end up getting? We got 6" here in Maryland. How are your chickies handling this winter? I have been brave, but I am at the point where I am starting to whimper. How about you?

                    Hi ya, Pauly! I hope you are having a good day.

                    Hello, TT. St. Paddy's was fun back when I lived in New Orleans, but even then, I couldn't stomach beer of any sort. They didn't think to make green wine. LOL

                    Hi Byrdie!

                    I'm so glad you're getting to work on selling the house, Deter.

                    At any rate, I wanted to post so that I didn't lose concentration before I got it done. Now I'll have to go back and read about what every one has been up to.

                    Take care all!
                    AF as of August 5th, 2012


                      AF Daily ~ Monday March 17

                      Happy St Paddy's ABerooooos!

                      whew, what a manic monday. Sooooo grateful to be pleasantly un-hungover.

                      Mick, what fab pics! thanks so much, hope you have more......

                      TTops, to answer your question from sat, we don't have to move out completely but we do have to have all my crap out so we can professionally clean the place. every day is trips to the storage back is going to be really strong!

                      well, back into the corporate vortex for a bit....

                      be well everyone
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        AF Daily ~ Monday March 17

                        OK, finally I am back

                        Mick - those are some pictures!!!!
                        I don't know if I could do a trip like that.....I'm getting kinda soft :H :H
                        Glad you are home safe & sound!

                        Hi there pauly & Det!

                        YahYah, sorry you've had so much to deal with lately.
                        One thing I know for sure - nothing is ever fair, easy or normal where family is concerned, right?
                        I hope your sister continues to lay low (an maybe get on some meds?). She obviously has no idea she is impacting others in such a negative way.
                        My kids still have a fair amount of stuff stored here but none of it is in my way - lucky them. I hope your daughter loves her new place!
                        How exciting about the job prospect! Is that something you think you'd like to do? Very cool indeed

                        Not sure about the snowfall total here, maybe 4 or 5 inches. I am done with shoveling after this long winter so I'm going to let the sun & warmer temps take care of it tomorrow & Wednesday. I am tired as hell of dealing with winter.
                        My hens seem to be happy enough - too young to know the difference I guess :H

                        Have a cozy night everyone!
                        Hi to PQ & SF too!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          AF Daily ~ Monday March 17

                          Check in in my evening hours..
                          Yah - sorry you had to restort to the police to get some peace of mind, I hope that it has the right effect.
                          Hope all the moving goes well - hope you don't fall in love with it once it is all clean and tidy - I am sure the decisions you are making will give you a better place to be, but once it looks ready for someone to buy I wonder why I put that effort in for others and not for myself:H
                          Lav - more snow! So sorry - we have sun here agian, but lots of wind and the pollen is EVERYWHERE - the street is yellow, I daren't go outside!
                          “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                            AF Daily ~ Monday March 17

                            TT hope everything has settled at home. I know those days of going to work to escape home.

                            Lav-I doubt they let chickens into apartments

                            SL-no bikini's for me either. A friend of mine posted a pic of her in a bikini on vacation. Lets just say....she really should not have been wearing one, much less posting it.

                            Mick...your trip looks fabulous.

                            Sam...yuck on the snow.

                            YahYah...sorry to hear about your sister. I left a lot of stuff at home that my mom packed up and saved. One trip home she demanded that I go through everything left behind. It all ended up in the trash.

                            We went to look at one last condo yesterday. Of course we fell in love with it. We are sitting on the whole idea....hopefully someone else will swoop in and buy it.

                            The South just doesn't celebrate the big drinking holidays. St. Patricks Day, Cinci De Mayo or Fat Tuesday. Up North we had a huge parade and it seemed the entire city started drinking by 8am. Don't miss that.

                            Yet again today I had a funky day. I sincerely am grateful that I am well aware that I cannot drink wine or liquor. I think I would have tried to sneak some home tonight. Beer just is not that easy to hide when you have to keep it cold...not to mention it makes you reek.

                            I think my funks are tied to remembering when hubby and I would just go let our hair down, get a good buzz, talk about nothing and laugh. Everything seems to have to be so serious in sobriety. When we go out it seems to turn into a draining conversation about kids or work. I do like when we go out to listen to music, but then I have to hear him talk endlessly about his hobby of music.....and he really isn't into a great yoga conversation Of course my brain is over blowing this whole idea. Making drinking seem like it will just fill us up with romance.

                            I am not sure I can handle another one of these "wishing drinking" funks sober.

