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af Thursday 20 March

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    af Thursday 20 March

    MAE absteroos. How is the week going?

    I think I caught Mick?s lurgy ? without going into details I will just say that I had to stay close to the house today. Hope you are feeling better today Mick. I?m OK now.

    Here?s the latest in my domestic adventures. Last night I decided we would have take ?aways. This is not usual but every so often I enjoy the battered sole fillet the shop does. Partner and daughter consume other greasy delights and hot chips (I am not a fan of chips). So last night partner comes home with the parcel ? and guess what ? he forgot my fish. Says he just forgot ? no malice intended. I accepted the apology but jeez, it's a bit much!

    Sounds like you are having fun Det. Well done on staying sober and even better that you are happy as well.

    Sam ? your situation sounds exhausting but that's the weather and life on a farm. Hope you get some clear skies.

    Same for you Lav ? look all that happened was that you skipped spring!:H

    Hi there SL and SF, PPQP (all those initials!) and Yah. Big shout also to our favourite hairdresser ? Pauly!

    I?m off to cook dinner ? its blandish food tonight - home made fish cakes and salad.
    Catch you wonderful sober bunnies later!

    af Thursday 20 March

    Hiya folks well tis I again....and how are we all today? sun is shining yet again here..thats 2 days on the trot somethings going on ...speaking of on the trot ...yep me stomachs a lot better now!!!!end of detail!!got quite a bit done in the garden yesterday ...hopefully get a bit more done today..we had the budget here yesterday...increase personal allowance before tax..increase ISA allowance tax free, no increase in fuel prices,whisky and cider prices stay the same ,better pension and tax be honest would you really be surprised if I told you there was an election on the way????

    Anyway off we go..on wi the show....and before we stew...lets have a brew!!!!

    just checked and found tt has started the fred already...

    hiya are you doing?hows the weather with you over there? today Im planting up sweetpeas, strawberries bell peppers potatoes lettuce and radish and spring onions...all under cover just in case!!with the lettuce radish and spring onions,going to plant a row 3 -4 weeks apart..see how long I can keep them going...still looking for the next series of Levis gang ..but cant find it anywhere ..was supposed to be on..was in the shops yesterday and saw Thomas the Tank toothpaste..immediately reminded me of you..well not you but you know what I mean ....(phew!!!!)

    Hiya Pauly hows you? so you cant do too much with me hairstyle ..apart from paint it???yep we are the same here ...all the bits and pieces ,the cards school reports ,bookspics photos ..letters from Amys first boyfriend etc..personally Id have put him in the loft but thats another story!!!so what are the snippy shears up today then?

    Hiya tt are you today?? oops ..sorry about the gippy tummy...theres nothing worse than having lots of places to go and things to do ..but to do so would be a no brainer...if you get my drift!!!glad your feeling better.still putting together our travel log and itenary?hows everything else doing ..ok now I hope.

    Hiya Sam...playin in the mud?...thats straight to bed for you my lad tea or telly!!!yes you re right ..I love travelling..tried to work it out...think I have been to 38 different countries in my time probably missed a few...the cultures are so different..and before you get there you dont know what to expect from the people or what they are like..and to find that we are all very similar is fascinating...anyway you get those seds sorted ..what are you planting up?

    Hiya Det hows you today? still on a high? good man ..instead of making it a peak..keep it up there as a hear me boy? hows that for Americanish!!!yes those tunnels were pretty small....the VC definitely didnt spend too much time in Maccy Ds or KFC!!! Didnt think of sword play as ex but yes you are right cardio posture stretch its all there

    hiya ppqp ..hows you doing? ok ..remember er you time dont be wearin too many hats!!!

    right peeps offski time so have a good one take care.

    I've just been to a ventriloquist's funeral - they sang the hymn "All Things Gright And Geautikal!"

    ok now be honest ..did you try and say the above ? I did

    I think the new shape pound coin is great. You'll be able to use a spanner to get one out of a Scotsman's hand.

    Sat next to my philosophical, narcissistic sister who plays brass, for an entire long haul flight. I got deep, vain, trombone sis.

    I asked my wife what she wanted for her birthday this year.

    "Something that'll make me feel younger" she said with an impish grin.

    So I got her a little hat with a propeller on it.

    The FBI is now aiding the Malaysian government's investigation into the disappearance of the missing Malaysian airliner.
    Don't get your hopes up though, It took them 12 years to find Osama bin Laden.

    I took my new girlfriend home to meet my parents the other day.

    After saying hello, My dad pulled me away and whispered, me, you could have done better than that son. She's the ugliest pig iv'e ever seen.
    She must weigh 25 stone, Covered in spots, lips like a cod, She's got a beard.
    She's cross eyed, got a bald head, size 15 feet, And she F.cking Stinks...!!

    I said............ "No Need To Whisper Dad... She's Deaf....!!

    I've got one of those things that lets me park my car anywhere.

    A gun.

    So I've just found out they're bringing out the new 8 sided pound coin 2 weeks after being sold a trolley token for life from my local supermarket.

    I'll see you in court ASDA you lying gits "Sell your car for free." off, I want at least five hundred quid for it.

    Oscar Pistorius is probably hoping he gets community service and has to wear an anklet.

    Apparently today is Taxidermist Appreciation Day.

    They can all get stuffed as far as I'm concerned.

    fish farming on the Mekong river

    a one stop shop!!

    guess the fave mode of transport

    look closely at this pic! see the woman behind the red scooter pushing her cart a cross the road?also look at the bike in the foreground ..check the number of people on it ..including the kid sleeping!!

    lastly ..anyone fancy wine??if so take a look at this ..watched them making snake wine ..and yep thems real snakes!!!

    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


      af Thursday 20 March

      Hiya folks well tis I again....and how are we all today? sun is shining yet again here..thats 2 days on the trot somethings going on ...speaking of on the trot ...yep me stomachs a lot better now!!!!end of detail!!got quite a bit done in the garden yesterday ...hopefully get a bit more done today..we had the budget here yesterday...increase personal allowance before tax..increase ISA allowance tax free, no increase in fuel prices,whisky and cider prices stay the same ,better pension and tax be honest would you really be surprised if I told you there was an election on the way????

      Anyway off we go..on wi the show....and before we stew...lets have a brew!!!!

      just checked and found tt has started the fred already...

      hiya are you doing?hows the weather with you over there? today Im planting up sweetpeas, strawberries bell peppers potatoes lettuce and radish and spring onions...all under cover just in case!!with the lettuce radish and spring onions,going to plant a row 3 -4 weeks apart..see how long I can keep them going...still looking for the next series of Levis gang ..but cant find it anywhere ..was supposed to be on..was in the shops yesterday and saw Thomas the Tank toothpaste..immediately reminded me of you..well not you but you know what I mean ....(phew!!!!)

      Hiya Pauly hows you? so you cant do too much with me hairstyle ..apart from paint it???yep we are the same here ...all the bits and pieces ,the cards school reports ,bookspics photos ..letters from Amys first boyfriend etc..personally Id have put him in the loft but thats another story!!!so what are the snippy shears up today then?

      Hiya tt are you today?? oops ..sorry about the gippy tummy...theres nothing worse than having lots of places to go and things to do ..but to do so would be a no brainer...if you get my drift!!!glad your feeling better.still putting together our travel log and itenary?hows everything else doing ..ok now I hope.

      Hiya Sam...playin in the mud?...thats straight to bed for you my lad tea or telly!!!yes you re right ..I love travelling..tried to work it out...think I have been to 38 different countries in my time probably missed a few...the cultures are so different..and before you get there you dont know what to expect from the people or what they are like..and to find that we are all very similar is fascinating...anyway you get those seds sorted ..what are you planting up?

      Hiya Det hows you today? still on a high? good man ..instead of making it a peak..keep it up there as a hear me boy? hows that for Americanish!!!yes those tunnels were pretty small....the VC definitely didnt spend too much time in Maccy Ds or KFC!!! Didnt think of sword play as ex but yes you are right cardio posture stretch its all there

      hiya ppqp ..hows you doing? ok ..remember er you time dont be wearin too many hats!!!

      right peeps offski time so have a good one take care.

      I've just been to a ventriloquist's funeral - they sang the hymn "All Things Gright And Geautikal!"

      ok now be honest ..did you try and say the above ? I did

      I think the new shape pound coin is great. You'll be able to use a spanner to get one out of a Scotsman's hand.

      Sat next to my philosophical, narcissistic sister who plays brass, for an entire long haul flight. I got deep, vain, trombone sis.

      I asked my wife what she wanted for her birthday this year.

      "Something that'll make me feel younger" she said with an impish grin.

      So I got her a little hat with a propeller on it.

      The FBI is now aiding the Malaysian government's investigation into the disappearance of the missing Malaysian airliner.
      Don't get your hopes up though, It took them 12 years to find Osama bin Laden.

      I took my new girlfriend home to meet my parents the other day.

      After saying hello, My dad pulled me away and whispered, me, you could have done better than that son. She's the ugliest pig iv'e ever seen.
      She must weigh 25 stone, Covered in spots, lips like a cod, She's got a beard.
      She's cross eyed, got a bald head, size 15 feet, And she F.cking Stinks...!!

      I said............ "No Need To Whisper Dad... She's Deaf....!!

      I've got one of those things that lets me park my car anywhere.

      A gun.

      So I've just found out they're bringing out the new 8 sided pound coin 2 weeks after being sold a trolley token for life from my local supermarket.

      I'll see you in court ASDA you lying gits "Sell your car for free." off, I want at least five hundred quid for it.

      Oscar Pistorius is probably hoping he gets community service and has to wear an anklet.

      Apparently today is Taxidermist Appreciation Day.

      They can all get stuffed as far as I'm concerned.

      fish farming on the Mekong river

      a one stop shop!!

      guess the fave mode of transport

      look closely at this pic! see the woman behind the red scooter pushing her cart a cross the road?also look at the bike in the foreground ..check the number of people on it ..including the kid sleeping!!

      lastly ..anyone fancy wine??if so take a look at this ..watched them making snake wine ..and yep thems real snakes!!!

      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        af Thursday 20 March

        Morning all!
        there's this orange orb outside, by god I believe they call it the sun, it has been very elusive lately.

        Mick, I do believe that the snake wine MUST BE a deterrent to alcohol abuse, no frickin way!!!

        off to the mines, hope everyone has a lovely day and if you even think about a drink, envision a slurp of venom's vine.
        Liberated 5/11/2013


          af Thursday 20 March

          Good morning Abbers & HAPPY OFFICIAL FIRST DAY OF SPRING
          The longest winter in recorded history ends today :H

          TT, hope you are feeling OK. Isn't it just so special when you are accidently 'forgotten' on the takeout list? :H It's happened to me too :H

          Mick, I'm only going to post once if that's OK with you
          Your pictures continue to fascinate me & I sure hope you didn't pick up some funky waterborne organism while on your trip.
          While you were away YB got a call from LEVI! The locust boards for the raised garden beds were finally cut & ready to pick up!!!! So the boards are here, now I just need to get the beds put together - yay!
          I'll pass on the snake wine - YUCK!

          CONGRATS to Det for 30 AF days today Yay!!!!
          Glad you are doing so well!

          Hi there Sam - don't get lost in the mud today!

          Speaking of Thomas the Tank Engine - my grandson's 3rd birthday is coming up in a few weeks. I need to start searching for something Thomas related for him although I think he already has just about everything!!!

          Have a great AF Thursday everyone!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            af Thursday 20 March

            Mae everybody,TT,isn't it funny how they "forget"your food or it's messed up but theirs is perfect?asses,speaking of male P.M.S,hubs came home in a shit mood last nite complaining about everything,i went to my room,he's usually so mellow and positive,he brought me down last nite had to get away,Mick,how the heck do you get around with all those scooters cramming up everything?looks like downtown manhatten haha,snake wine pic should be in the "toolbox"that would scare a person from drinking for sure! ugh another day,Det,you're sounding real good,i was gonna ask you if you take any supps?i know you are really into nutition,but i was wondering if there's something i can add to my list,well hope everyone has a good thursday
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              af Thursday 20 March

              hey Pauly you take it easy....just for you..make ya smile

              My husband bought me a mood ring the other day. When I'm in a good mood it turns green. When I'm in a bad mood, it leaves a red mark on his forehead.

              A young couple got married and went on their honeymoon.

              When they got back, the bride immediately called her mother.

              "Well," said her mother, "how was the honeymoon?"

              "Oh, mama," she replied, "the honeymoon as wonderful! So romantic..."

              Suddenly she burst out crying. "But, mama, as soon as we returned Sam started using the most horrible language - things I'd never heard before!
              I mean, all these awful 4-letter words! You've got to take me home... PLEASE MAMA!"

              "Sarah, Sarah," her mother said, "calm down! You need to stay with your husband and work this out. Now, tell me, what could be so awful? WHAT 4-letter words?"

              "Please don't make me tell you, mama," wept the daughter, "I'm so embarrassed they're just too awful! COME GET ME, PLEASE!!"

              "Darling, baby, you must tell me what has you so upset. Tell your mother these horrible 4-letter words!"

              Still sobbing, the bride said, "Oh, Mama ... he used words like: dust, wash, iron, cook..."

              "I'll pick you up in twenty minutes," said the mother.

              ?Mama, there?s a man at the door,? said little Johnny.
              ?He says he?s collecting for senior citizens. Do you think we should hide Grandpa??

              Mary, why did you kick your brother in the stomach?! exclaimed the angry mother.
              ?It was pure accident, Mama. He turned around.?

              Mrs. Peterson went to the doctor: ?I?m terribly worried about my boy. He thinks he?s a chicken.?
              The doctor asked, ?And how long has this been going on??
              ?Almost a year,? Mrs. Peterson replied.
              ?Well for goodness sakes! Why didn?t you bring him to see me sooner??
              ?Because we needed the eggs!?

              A Chinese man rings his boss, ?Me no work I sick.?
              Boss says, ?When I?m sick, I make love with my wife. Try that.?
              Two hours later the Chinese man rings back, ?Me better, you got nice house.?

              Husband- When I got mad at you, you never fight back, How do you control your anger?
              Wife- I clean the toilet.
              Husband-How does that help?
              Wife- I use your toothbrush

              Wife, stark naked, stands on her head in bed.
              Husband: What the hell are you doing?
              Wife: I figured if you can't get it up, you could surely drop it in.

              Before marriage: Roses are red, sky is blue. U r beautiful, I luv u.
              After marriage: Roses are dead, I'm blue. U r my headache, one day I'll kill u.

              Husband: Let's go out and have some fun tonight.
              Wife: Okay, but if you get home before I do, leave the hallway light on.

              Why doesn't law permit a man to marry a second woman?
              A: Because as per law you cannot be punished twice for the same offence!
              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                af Thursday 20 March

                hidy ho ABeroooooos far and wide!!!

                Mick, yer on a roll with the jokes! Sat next to my philosophical, narcissistic sister who plays brass, for an entire long haul flight. I got deep, vain, trombone sis.

                Lav, about the only Thomas I know is Jefferson (one of my heros)

                Pauly, my main dietary weapon is a no-sugar low to moderate carb, high-fat diet. it really helps me greatly.
                supps I take in addition to my anti-dep are: magnesium, krill oil, and D3 during low sun-exposure months. I've also been experimenting with nootropic supplements for brain health and am really liking them. I'm taking 'alpha brain' from and take their 'new mood' at night before bed. I really like both of those products.

                Mick, I'm really embracing the 'even keel' outlook and resisting the 'ups and downs'. it's a big help maintaining consciousness of my emotions and not letting myself get upset over stupid crap.

                back laterish

                be well
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  af Thursday 20 March

                  Haha,those were funny Mick! i'm gonna check out that vitamin site Det,thanks for sharing
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                    af Thursday 20 March

                    Quick check in - tough times just now, struggling with personal stuff - but staying AF.
                    Det, did I read today is a big three zero for you today? I am one day behind - following in your footsteps, so keep on walking:H
                    See you later - I am reading daily - no energy to post much....
                    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                      af Thursday 20 March

                      Hi all, just checking in quickly. I've gotta get up early (for me) tomorrow. I just wanted to let you know that I got a call to interview for the Clinical Director position that I applied for last week. It will be interesting to find out more about it.

                      Everyone sounds pretty good. Looking forward to checking in over the weekend.

                      Meanwhile, hugs to all!

                      AF as of August 5th, 2012


                        af Thursday 20 March

                        x-post YAH - my title is Clinical Director! We can be twins!!!
                        “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                          af Thursday 20 March

                          Good luck Yah for the interview - Clinical Director YahYah - sounds good so make it true!


                            af Thursday 20 March

                            Hey everyone,decided I need to come back,I'm on day 20 here and determined to make this my ladsting quit.I've been having CBT for anxiety,depression and we agree now I need to quit.this is not about the amount I drink,or any awful consequences recently,I have drink limit wise been pretty moderate.

                            The amount I drink tho is a red herring,outwardly yes I have cut down from 30 to 50 units a week to mostly 14.BUT I use booze to block out anxiety, depression,low self esteem and it means I am never at my moderating isn't fun as I want to get smashed so its too much of a battle to enjoy it,and I am setting up psychological dependence,or have it already I would say. I am also not getting as fit,healthy and together in my life as I would like.

                            I was able to BS myself before that 'I'm not that bad look how I've cut down,I don't drink much now so I can moderate' if it was just about units that could,mostly be true.its about my quality of life though and staying locked into destructive patterns.This stops me feeling like a fraud and that I am making a mountain out of a molehill when I try to quit,so many of my friends would say I don't drink that much,could have a few,for a people pleaser like me that's a disaster!

                            Off sick v heavy cold today and enjoying sober time.I'm looking forward to catching up with you all.
                            one day at a time

