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Saturday, 19 May 2007

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    Saturday, 19 May 2007

    Hello Absville,

    Well, I'm the first one up (apart from Aussieland, of course ...). I'm still trying to get Tawns-ville to fill up her 2 posts short of a senior membership! Hey!!! I just coined a new saying!!! What's Tawny like? Oh, she's ok! She's just 2 posts short of a senior membership! Ha, ha, ha, just kidding ;-)))

    Hey, forgot to tell you, a couple of days ago, we had an earthquake here - well, we were not at the epicentre, but on the 14th floor it was shaking pretty badly. 4.3 or so on the Richter scale. The last earthquake recorded here was 1964 or so ...

    Other than that, I'm still coping with the remains of the cold, but otherwise ok. Not as yet 100 % AF, but happily moderating ... It's funny though, I can't get myself to post on the moderation thread, I got so used to posting here ...

    Anyway, ... hope you guys have yourselves a good weekend.
    Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:

    Saturday, 19 May 2007

    Hi Paddy! It's only friday night here around 6:30 pm -- but your bright morning voice sounds cheerful Only Day 2 for me, finishing it off anyway and it seems I'm last to post in the morning so I thought I'd say hi while I could --so HI and Wow! earthquake hey! hadn't seen it on the news i sure as heck wouldn't want to be on the 14th floor of anything during any earthquake! My sis lives in CA and seems to be used to them. What gives?

    We hit our first 102 last week so any residual cold is gone. what the heck it's just heat right? Well have a great AF weekend!

    AF 21, March 2010

    "First say to yourself what 
you would be; and then do 
what you have to do."


      Saturday, 19 May 2007

      Padster - You know I only speak when I've got something to say ... grin


        Saturday, 19 May 2007

        Tawny you are killing me here.........
        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


          Saturday, 19 May 2007

          So much for me sitting on my mouth, or should I say sitting on my palms ...

          Lushy made me write this ;-)))
          Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


            Saturday, 19 May 2007

            Good morning Paddy, Tawny, Lushy, Padme and fellow abbers to come! Off to work today, my only alcohol craving has been coming up during my last massage of the day and then it goes. Hope it stays that way, but I now have 20 AF days. No more caffeine headaches, so that addiction is put aside, but haven't been too seriously dieting. Too much too soon. Lotsa paper has piled up on my desk, hubby has kept house tidy, but my office is a mess! Beautiful day today, gotta walk the dog before it gets too hot!
            "There are two types of education... One should teach us how to make a living, And the other how to live.? ― John Adams


              Saturday, 19 May 2007

              help with quitting caffeine

              Zin, did you quit caff. cold turkey? I like my AM coffee and Diet Coke -- I not too extreme but I know it is not good -- any suggestions for quitting? I am Day 38 AF... I have lost weight & that is not an issue ... I seem to have lost my appetite and I'm only doing 50mg of Topa ... I do not smoke ... so I guess caff. is my current vice... suggestions? Anyone?
              I enjoy all of your posts -- feel sort like an outsider ... LaLiz


                Saturday, 19 May 2007

                Good afternoon everyone! Just glanced at Weemelon's Sunday post - couldn't bring myself to get so far ahead so I wanted to touch base with you guys here first! I have enough trouble sorting life out hour to hour let alone following a time warp to tomorrow! So I'll be along soon, Weemelon!

                Anyway, glad to hear Paddy's 'shaking all over' Used to live in California and you do get used to them, though you know California building codes are very high when it comes to earthquake protection so they weren't too worrying - any codes in Vietnam??!

                Looove my morning cup of tea (or 3!) and no way I'm quitting that too - my main problem is eating all the sweet stuff now - gotta get that L-Glut that people recommend as despite working out, quitting drinking etc. those sweets, crisps, croissants, chocolate, ice cream etc, sure aren't good for my figure (or health for that matter!) Never had a weight problem before so got to hit it on the head!!

                And LaLiz - know what you mean - it's a little weird talking to people you don't know and will probably never meet - a little like sending a message in a bottle not knowing if it lands anywhere or if it does if it's read by anyone... Stick with us and hopefully you'll feel less of an outsider - this is one of the most comfortable forums for me as you often meet the same people on a more regular basis - it was also really nice when a couple of people PMd to say hi which made me feel as if I existed and I wasn't just talking to thin air! - come to think of it, more people listen here than at any other place in my life so thank you!

                Take care all - beautiful day here in France though I'm now back at work - painting the town red later hopefully - if I find the energy! Taking a complete day off tomorrow to spend time with my girls and relaxing so can't wait

                Have a wonderful rest of weekend everyone :l
                :rays: Arial

                Last first day - 15th April 2012
                Days 1-7 DONE
                Days 8-14 DONE
                Days 15-21 DONE
                30 days DONE
                60 days
                100 days


                  Saturday, 19 May 2007

                  Top of the weekend AB-landers! glad to hear the fun and happy stories.
                  Stillcrawling consider yourself an INsider ok?
                  Arial, just after having come down with this bad cold I've been on a huge sugar unlike me! I'm eating all the chocolate in the house. If I lived in France I'd be in huge trouble with all the wonderful pastries you have.....yummmmmmm.
                  Zin, the north end of NV is also beautiful and eerily devoid of wind....hmmm.
                  we well everyone! and remember a garlic a day keeps the warewolves away
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    Saturday, 19 May 2007

                    Morning loons!!!!
                    Just coming backwards in time to see how everyones Saturdays are progressing!
                    Paddy, we had a rare tremor here a few weeks ago....they happen all the time in other parts of NZ, but are infrequent on the top of the North Island where I was rather exciting, as I am a Pommie, and not used to the ground being anything other than stationary.....I live in a pole house, which means that my house literally is sort of 'hung' on wooden poles above the ground as it is very hilly here, and so we feel every car and bus that goes past normally....we just thought an articulated truck with a load of hippos from the zoo was driving up our road, and were a little disappointed the next day when we found out wot the rumbling and trembling really would have been nice to be aware so we could have all got a proper fright.....ho hum pigs bum.....

                    Sugar binges????? The melon, who hasn't really ever had a sweet tooth, even when she was just a small fruit on a vine, used to regularly dispose of 400gm bars of dark chocolate in one sitting when first AF, and put on a substantial number of kilos...The l-glut helps, as does phenylaline and another amino acid (can't remember which one) in controlling those urges....unfortunately, the coffee is a stayer, but I have read a post on the rooibos tea and so will try that caffeine levels are higher than Deets garlic ones!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                    Get those posts in Tawns.........the first seniorfroglet member.........
                    Happy day all....and then when you've finished with your saturday yesterday, please come forward to melons tomorrow where she has started the sunday thread .............
                    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


                      Saturday, 19 May 2007

                      Hey Ho All!

                      Day 150! Decided to go for a new "sophisticated" breezy look today to mark the event!

                      It's evening.....Just got back from nephew's Communion party. Hubby couldn't make it (work from home) so I took the kids. Lordy the wine between the ladies was flowing today! Everywhere I looked there was a huge glass of red wine in front of me. Not tempted, no cravings, nothing....At one point I was sitting eating and 2 glasses of wine were in front of me (people plopped them down) & an aunt goes "where's my wine-oh there it is". And I piped in "oh of course all the booze is in front of me-I'm double fisting" with a big smile on my face. Some know I have a problem with alcohol & I love making the phony-in-laws laugh & feel uncomfortable!

                      Another AF event.

                      I hope everyone had a good day!

                      LaLiz-consider yourself family now!
                      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                        Saturday, 19 May 2007

                        Breez, congrats on Day 150 that's wonderful

                        Tawny, stop deleting pictures just to avoid getting to 1000 posts

                        All of you who are abstaining are such an inspiration to me.
                        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                          Saturday, 19 May 2007

                          I'm still pretty new, but aim to my rhyme? Anway, day 11 for me. Does that get me in the club or do I have to wait until I have more days under my belt. Today being Saturday we were busy, getting stuff for our new motorcycle. Fun stuff. Talk w/u soon!


                            Saturday, 19 May 2007

                            Hi everyone (again),

                            As for Arial's point on earthquake building code in Vietnam, well, no. As the last earthquake recorded here was in 1964, there was no need for enforcing any building code of that nature. Moreover, as there is so much corruption going on in the building industry and elsewhere, enforcing such a code would be very difficult here. Same elsewhere in Asia. I remember in Laos, for instance, the Japanese donated money to build a new airport in the north of the country. In the end, the runway was short of 150 metres, and the provincial governor drove around in a new Mercedes ... That's how the cookie crumbles here ...

                            Anyway, hey, as for LaLiz's concerns on feeling like an outsider - you're most welcome to PM us. Sometimes posts can be a bit intimidating if you're shy ... Everyone is different. But I have to agree with everyone else, this thread is generally a very easy one to start off. Alternatively, you can start a new one in General Threads airing your concern, and you'll see how many people will respond to it ... That'll put your mind at ease, you'll see.

                            And yes, Beaches, Tawns is afraid of the REAL YANKEE welcome to the Senior Membership (paper falling off the sky, Fanfare, etc ...) grin ... that's why she's dragging her feet to the 1000! Anyway, patience is a virtue. The more she waits, the bigger the party!!!
                            Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


                              Saturday, 19 May 2007

                              Hi guys , this Sunday the 20th thing is weird to me. At any rate ...
                              Breez - HAPPY 150th, may you have many, many more. :day5:

                              Permission to come aboard Sir. ? ? ? :beach:

                              I drove 13 hours today :racer: all in Texas; (800 miles) and I am now the proud owner of a 1972 sportster. It is going to need a lot of clean up and some work, but it doesn't look that bad. It is good to "see" everone here when I got home. I missed you. :groupluv:

                              What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
                              ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?

