First the great news - 30 days for Pauly and SL. Well done Ladies!
So no kicks for you SL ? I will leave that to Lav to administer. 30 days is superb and no small feat especially with all the other crap you have to deal with. Hope you get some ?me? time
Speaking of which ? PPQP must be on me time now. Just what is needed.
Hope that you SF are doing well and not having a funk or fug or whatever we call it. I am very gently now doing a few yoga asanas every morning ? its been years and I am appalled out how unsupple I am. I used to be so supple and it was a breeze ?so gently gently I am trying to ease back in.
How did the job interview go Yah? Hope you get it! I had to do a telephone job reference this morning for someone who has applied for a job in Hawaii.
Lav ? you and the locust boards. And men in the garden. That's another source of friction in our happy happy nuclear family. Hope you don't get too exhausted from all the visitors.
Mick ? glad your ?ahem? or what they euphemistically call a dodgy tummy has settled. Mine hasn?t and I think its due to some new medication that the Dr has me on (an alternative to Statins). I?ll give it a few more days and then do a Google search. My new strategy is to not read up on side effects for me before I take any medicines (not serious ones) ? as a way to try to counteract the psychosomatic effect.
Hiddy-ho Bear. Yes, modding as we all say here is madness. Its just another stress too that you don?t need.
Det ? I am amazed at your calm about selling the house. Maybe its because you and Dex reached a decision and see it as a positive that must be done. Keep the enthusiasm up.
Sam ? hope you survive the crazy weather and get the farm, bees and all sorted soon!
Big shout out for a sober and happy Saturday - its not over yet for me soI will try to raise a few smiles!