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Memorable March - week 4

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    Memorable March - week 4

    What a lovely poem Dill!
    Thanks sister
    I think it's true that we all can do what we really want to do. Never give up, determination (or stubborness as I sometimes think of it) is key

    Papmom, i had a slice of dairy free Swiss cheese on my black bean burger for lunch today. How's that for a splurge???? :H :H
    Maybe the universe did have MWO in my life plan, I don't know....maybe. Just very happy that I found it, that's for sure
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Memorable March - week 4

      Good morning...

      Nice verbal celebrations for you Lav. Hope you had a good day. As the others stated, you have helped me and so many others. Your resolve and willingness to post daily on so many threads has made a difference for all of us. I also like how you are not afraid to say it like it is. Many times when a slip happens you reframe it as a choice, a hard truth to hear, but a truth. After all we have been through, all we have learned, it is a choice now. We have the tools here, the experience, and the time AF, we know what to do. We just need to do it. Hope you did something nice for yourself yesterday.

      Dill, great poem, having fun on your trip and enjoying the warmer weather.

      Pap, hope things are going well.

      Cyn, you have made it through hell and back, now for the self-care. I don't know how you don't get sick with not sleeping and pulling an allnighter. Whew, it is time for you.

      DTD, hope you are doing well, nice to have you on our thread.

      To all, have a great Thursday.
      Formerly known as redhibiscus


        Memorable March - week 4

        Good morning all!

        Star - you must be a super-early riser - it's early here in the east, and you already posted! How is your new-ish job? I've missed out on so many things in the past 2 months; it will be nice to be here every day and catch up. BTW - I honestly don't know how I did those long days and the terrible flights to and from without getting sick. Plenty of oil of oregano, and I think my Mom sent some guardian angels...

        Lav - that was SOME PARTY you gave yourself...a slice of veggie cheese on your black bean burger...woo hoo! But seriously, I hope that you heard that we ALL have gained so much from you and your Lavanitude! Stars in your crown!!! Thanks so much for the Quit info.

        PapMom - dear me, I'm so sorry to have worried you. All is well for me , thanks to our little craft here in the sea of MWO. I look forward to hearing how your health issues are coming along - sounds like you must be doing well.

        Dill - another great quotes/poem! Thanks so much. I took that poem to heart; it made me realize that these days I've been reduced to just getting through, and of course that's not real life. But I would not have connected 'real life' to belief in oneself - that was a great perspective to be given, thank you. Hope that the temps keep rising where you are...supposed to get to 40 here today. Whatever - anything but that terrible wind from yesterday!

        Dream - hope to hear more from you - I love the pics of the villages that you posted a while ago.

        Where is Rusty? Last I remember, she was off on a long work/travel stint. Thanks Lav for saying Happy Hump Day - it still makes me miss Sooty, and Rustop. I will eventually get back to my fledgling Facebook site and try to catch up with people - no time at the moment for that.

        OKay, off to the mines. I got a big project accomplished for a client yesterday, that was a relief. Hoping to get another one off today, but I must FIGURE OUT MY HEALTH INSURANCE. (Lav - what do you have, as a self-employed person?)

        Cheers all -
        to the light


          Memorable March - week 4

          Good morning friends!

          I think I see some sun out there & the rumor is the temps will be rising to the mid 40's, oh joy :H

          I must have been unknowingly overexcited yesterday as I found myself waking repeatedly during the night!!! That's OK, those big days don't come often Thanks again for all the shout outs yesterday.

          Star, we all have picked up some useful tools here at MWO & aren't we all grateful? I hate to think where we would be otherwise.

          cyn, I sure hope you are catching up on some well deserved rest! We have to take care of ourselves, no one else can do that for us

          Dill, hope you are basking in some warmth & not seeing any snow!!!!!

          DTD, you must be exhausted after your stalking yesterday carrying all those gorgeous coffee mugs with you - thanks so much!!!

          OK, need to get myself, my day & my animals organized.
          Have a great AF Thursday everyone!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Memorable March - week 4

            Hi Everyone! The wind finally died down this morning and it got just shy of 40. Hope the trend continues.

            Cyn-so glad you are home for a while and can get some well deserved rest. That oil of oregano sure does work, doesn't it? I thank you for turning me onto it a couple of years ago.

            Lav-glad you had a good day yesterday!

            Dill-that was an awesome poem! You find the greatest poems/sayings to post!!

            I graduated from Cardiac Rehab yesterday! Whoo hoo! A little scary but I am excited to work out like a "normal" person!!

            I am about half way to my weight loss goal. Here's a sneak preview-A little embarrassed to post the "befores" but they were reality.
            The before pics are one year apart-2012 and 2013. My "after" is really a halfway after pic. I still have 30 lbs to go. What a dif huh? I can't believe I was that big and that I ran agility in that body!! I always thought I looked like a tick in pics-you know, big round body and a very small head. Now I think I look more in proportion. I'm still in shock!! I can't wait to show you the final "after" pic.

            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!


              Memorable March - week 4

              Wow, Pap, you look so healthy and happy. What a difference change in diet and guided exercise make, I am sure this is positively affecting your health. What an accomplishment I guess you made lemonade out of lemons.

              Cyn, I do get up early, it is a family trait as we get older. I check my computer first thing and MWO is always on the list. Rusty quit the thread, got mad about something, (I don't remember) and left. It was sad and we miss her. She is always welcomed back. My new job is coming along, I love the people I work with, it is closer to home, so that is all good. I still have Fridays off, and that is the way I like it. Going to a neighboring town this afternoon to meet friends for dinner, and I am really looking forward to it. No one drinks, the husband has been in recovery for years. He was such a different person drinking, so lovely AF. Just like all of us, I am sure.

              Lav, the weather is warming up here too, actually woke up to the 40s. I want spring, and I know you do too. Hope you had a celebration yesterday, that cheese on black bean burger was out of control.

              Dill, safe travels, visit us when you can.
              Formerly known as redhibiscus


                Memorable March - week 4

                Good morning -

                Wow, PapMom, CONGRATS! What an amazing journey you've been on. No, you don't look like a tick in the other photos (I've known a few ticks in my day), but you don't look like you feel very well in those photos. In the most recent one, you positively glow!!! Great job taking such good care of yourself, and I wish you all the best moving forward - I know that you'll make your goals!

                Lav, I loved the phrase 'have to get my self, my day and my animals organized'. That is it exactly - although I don't have chickens...I can't imagine if I did. I've been taking care of SD's dog along with my 2 this week, and it has had its challenges. She's coming for the weekend tonight, I'll be glad that she's here to snuggle her own dog.

                Well, spring has officially arrived here - a bear ripped the suet cake cage off of the tree and pulled it apart, leaving the evidence a ways up the hill. So much for feeding the birds that way...

                I'm still under the gun for deadlines, but fewer each day, so I keep telling myself to put one foot in front of the other. I'll feel a whole lot better when I get caught up.

                Cheers to everybody - Star, hope you are OK. Dill, enjoy the flowers for all of us!
                to the light


                  Memorable March - week 4

                  x-post, Star!
                  to the light


                    Memorable March - week 4

                    Good morning friends!

                    Strange things happening outside - windy, dark & over two inches of rain on the way. Just saw pictures on the news of tornadoes & golf ball size hail in the Midwest

                    Papmom, you deserve a standing ovation :wd:
                    You've done a great job lady & I am very happy for you!!!!
                    Stay well & on your current path, it's obviously agreeing with you

                    Star, you may be interested in another vegan website I've run across: Vegetarian & Vegan Recipes: VegKitchen with Nava Atlas
                    Last night I made their Miso ginger red beans & broccoli dish, yum! Served it over brown rice & even YB came over & ate it too. Glad you are enjoying your Fridays off & with friends!

                    I need to get my animals fed & watered then get to Curves.
                    No work for me today either so I will either do some straightening up in my shop this afternoon or take a granny nap - we'll see :H

                    Greetings to Dill & cyn!
                    Have a great AF Day everyone!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Memorable March - week 4

                      X post cyn!!!!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Memorable March - week 4

                        Papmom ...congrats to you
                        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                          Memorable March - week 4

                          Good morning to all...

                          Lav, loved the website, I subscribed and will explore more today. Thanks for sharing. It was a little chilly here yesterday, but still warmer than its been. Today, lots of home stuff to get done and a little walking.

                          Cyn, its nice to be home and have time to organize and get things accomplished.

                          Dill and Pap, hope you are doing well.

                          To all, have a great SAturday.
                          Formerly known as redhibiscus


                            Memorable March - week 4

                            Happy Saturday all -

                            Sunny here - hope it dries up the lake at the bottom of the dog yard steps, eeeek! Getting 12 muddy paws clean is a challenge these days...

                            I heard an interesting interview on our wonderful, wacky, smallest-NPR-station-in-the-nation the other day, talking about how to do spring cleaning for our bodies like we do our houses. Lisa Headley is an Ayurvedic practitioner, and she has a weekly radio blog about reducing stress in life. She was talking about our insides being kind of like the spring weather - damp, a little mucky, etc. Makes sense to me! I'll try to find the link to the radio spot to share, but in the meantime, I just found her website...she probably has a blog post about a similar subject. Lah Life | Luxury Wellness Posts & The Shop
                            I'm going to challenge myself to do something different this weekend - take a soaky bath, maybe?!
                            Have a great AF day all.
                            to the light


                              Memorable March - week 4

                              Good morning friends!

                              52 degrees, cloudy & a whole lot of rain on the way today ~ swell.
                              I guess I'll be forced to stay in & clean up my living/work spaces :H

                              Star, there seems to be no end to healthy eating websites & blogs
                              Dare to try the Miso ginger red bean & broccoli dish - yum!!!

                              cyn, I sure hope you are out of the way of the line of rain coming up the coast!
                              I know there's going to be some serious mud to deal with this weekend. I tossed an extra half bale of straw into the chicken yard last evening. They do a great job of spreading it around perfectly evenly :H At least that helps to keep them from sinking into the mud.
                              I listen to NPR station in Philly in my car & in my kitchen all the time. I don't care much for the current music & listening to the older stuff just makes me feel sad. NPR has been a good companion & helps keep my brain functioning as well

                              Greetings to Dill, Papmom & lurkers. Have a great AF day everyone!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Memorable March - week 4

                                Good Sat evening all!

                                Thank you so much for the sweet words about my pics! And thank you Cyn for not thinking I look like a tick! I can't get that analogy out of my mind tho and find it mind boggling that losing just 26 lbs has altered my appearance so much! I can't wait until I hit goal-not sure how long it will take but I will get there eventually.

                                Thanks for the website Lav! I too have signed up and as soon as I can afford to go grocery shopping again, I have a couple of recipes bookmarked that I will be trying. In the meantime I'll use the ingredients I have on hand and try to put together a few dinners.

                                Cyn and Lav-I too have migrated over to NPR (the 2 boston stations) whenever I am in my car. I do listen to Country 102 on the way to work just for something different and to wake me up. I have the Stitcher app on my phone and get to hear all the shows I miss, like Wait Wait, Car Talk, Prairie HC etc. There are lots of other shows/podcasts too so long car drives that take me out of range are never boring!!

                                Today started out kind of nice but quickly deteriorated in terms of weather so no cleaning of the dog yard for me .
                                I was fairly productive. Popped in a yoga DVD which gives you the choice of different modification levels and found that I truly enjoyed it! The last time I took a yoga class I could barely breathe or get through the poses. I still have a long way to go but didn't feel so uncomfortable. However, I do need to put the dogs away the next time I decide to do this :H. Not exactly a meditative experience LOL!!
                                Also worked on the wall hanging for the CR group. got the binding machined sewn and now i'm hand sewing the sleeve onto the back (didn't plan that one out very well!). Might even get it done tonite and that will do it for this project.
                                Tomorrow is cleaning and cooking. Might even take a break and do some reading-haven't done that is ages!! I am loving these weekends off but come April it's back to 4-6 days of demos. My devil dog cost me $600 on Wednesday and Mick is scheduled for a dental on the 14th (another 600-700). LM is due for blood work as well. Just when it looked like I was getting ahead.....sigh.
                                Have a good rest of the weekend everyone!! :l
                                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                                KO the Beast!!

