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Memorable March - week 4

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    Memorable March - week 4

    Good morning friends!

    Yep, here we are starting week 4 already!
    I found some early tulips popping through the ground yesterday so I choose to ignore weather reports of snow coming Tuesday

    Looking at today's date reminded me that it's only 3 days until my 5 year anniversary!
    It's taken a long time to feel at home in this AF & smoke free body, especially with everything else going on :H But I do feel comfortable in my skin even though I was never sure I would. That 'not knowing' is what kept me stuck in my addictions for way too long

    Wishing everyone a great AF Sunday!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

    Memorable March - week 4

    Hi Lav, thanks for starting us off on week 4. This is a huge week for you, the week of your 5 year anniversary! You have truly turned your life around and it is awesome.

    I am travelling and am checing in on my ipad. Driving south is fun because you gradually see the winter landscape fall away and become green and springlike. I've actually seen magnolias and daffodils and blossoms on trees along the road. It does my heart good.

    Checking in is a bit more difficult because I don't get much time alone while travelling. I'll do what I can tho.

    Have a great AF Sunday all!

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      Memorable March - week 4

      Good morning...

      Sorry I could not check in yesterday, something wrong with the MWO site, and I did not have time to mess with it. Still slow today it took three attempts to get on.

      Lav, wow, five years, that is great. The decision and hard work to staying AF has changed your life...despite the hardships and challenges you have faced. I think it is that way for all of us, to be AF means living a life facing problems, having integrity, and learning to enjoy life on life's terms. Moments of unreasonable happiness, that decision to be healthy and clean, (alcohol pollutes the body and mind) builds over time and becomes the only way to live. :h I have some frozen looking little daffodil buds outside, they will not bloom anytime soon, it is too cold. In the teens this morning and the next few. I am so ready for warmer spring weather.

      Dill, you are so lucky to be driving into spring!!! How wonderful. Enjoy your road trip. It will be fun to see your daughter, too.

      I had a great weekend, went to baby stores and it was so fun. Looking forward to being a Grandma. To all, have a great day!
      Formerly known as redhibiscus


        Memorable March - week 4

        Good morning friends,

        Wishing you a safe & happy road trip Dill
        Enjoy the sun & warmth & a great visit with your daughter!

        Star, yep, cold & cloudy once again. Tuesday night we are supposed to get snow, rain, whatever
        I hear the bulk of the storm will be hitting New England so I am thinking of Papmom.

        I have a massively busy day ahead & will have the boys here from 12:30 until some time tonight.
        Send prayers & energy - please :H :H

        Have a great AF Monday!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Memorable March - week 4

          Good morning...

          Lav, hope your day went well yesterday, taking care of little ones is no joke. I wish they could give us some of their energy! We are do for some snow today, hopefully around an inch only. I ache now when it gets cold and snowy again. I am really looking forward to spring.

          Dill, hope you are having a great trip. May you keep driving into spring.

          Pap, hope the weather is not to bad up there. Thinking of you.

          Cherishing my healthy waking up, feeling good and staying AF. It is really a gift in this long dark winter. Have a great day.
          Formerly known as redhibiscus


            Memorable March - week 4

            Hello AF friends,

            We're having a wonderful time visiting with my daughter and her family. The weather is not as warm as it should be this time of year but it is way better than Ohio, so I'm not complaining! It's lovely to see things with clear and present eyes and mind. We passed by a bar last night on our way to our cottage. There were out door tables and chairs and the patrons were so loud and obnoxious! Some were arguing and vulgar language was flying. Glad I was passing by and not a part of that scene!

            Have a great AF day everyone!

            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


              Memorable March - week 4

              Good morning friends!

              Cloudy & very cold, awaiting a bit of snow here as well Star.
              I'm basically in denial about it so I really hope it's not too much :H
              This weather makes me ache too, no kidding.

              Dill, glad you are enjoying your visit
              There will always be loud, obnoxious drunks to deal with I suppose. Just makes me proud that I will never be one of them, none of us want that, right?

              I finally got the boys out of here at 9:30 last night. Talk about being tired & aching :H
              EB is 5 & is not a problem but the youngest, who is turning 3 soon is a WLD MAN! I decided as soon as I picked him up yesterday that it was going to be a good day to make him toe the line (like it or not) & he did. I figured I'd better expend the extra energy on him now while I still can :H

              I hope everyone has a great AF Tuesday! I'm going to take it a little easier today!!!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Memorable March - week 4

                Morning everybody!

                Let's celebrate Lav's five sober years!

                14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                  Memorable March - week 4

                  Wow Lav, five years AF. So firm in your resolve to live without alcohol, you have helped so many, thanks for being you! :h

                  Have a great day and do something special for yourself.
                  Formerly known as redhibiscus


                    Memorable March - week 4

                    Congrats, Lav!!!!!!! I joined this thread in the autumn of '09, and Star is right - you have helped countless people to follow the AF path, me among them - THANK YOU!! I hope you get tons of testimonials today on all the lives that you have helped change. But 9 hours of babysitting yesterday?! Holy Cow!

                    Hello all - sorry again to be so out of touch. The days in NE working on my mom's apartment were incredibly intense. Other family members live within driving distance and can pick up where I left off, but I felt the responsibility to get as much done as I could while I was there. I worked from 7 in the morning to 2 in the morning each day, and then pulled an all-nighter before getting in the airport shuttle at 4:55 AM. (I figured why not, instead of waking up every hour wondering if I was going to oversleep...) That schedule, combined with delayed flights on the way home (I finally arrived at my house at 9:30 at night) really took a big chunk out of me. Since then I have been trying to do Estate work from afar, and catching up on all the work I missed in March. So, I'm tired to the bone, and I don't see a respite for awhile yet - maybe this weekend, who knows. I'm trying to just get things done and keep my spirits from falling to my toes - yesterday I wasn't too successful, but today will be better.

                    Thank heavens for all of you here, and for the support to be AF. I can't imagine what a mess all of this would be if i were still drinking - the prospect is too bad to even think about. Dill, I cherish the idea of you seeing spring down south - that's a great visual! Lav - we escaped the snow last night, but it looks like you might have gotten hit - you OK? Star - hope you didn't get too much more snow. DTD - what an adorable mug message; how are you doing?

                    I'll be here regularly now - it feels like I've crossed some watershed of sorts. Again, so grateful for your company.

                    To the Light! At least the sun is stronger and the light warmer --
                    to the light


                      Memorable March - week 4

                      Lav - one quick question for you. My SIL went back to smoking after 20 years off, and really needs a leg up to stop again. I remember that you used a website that you checked in with every day. Could you give me the name? I can't bear to think of her ruining her health like this, with a great husband, (my brother), 2 fabulous kids and 7 grandkids to live for...
                      Thanks for any info and guidance you can give me to help her...she does want to quit again, she told me as much...
                      to the light


                        Memorable March - week 4

                        Good morning friends,

                        Happy Hump day & anniversary day
                        Freezing cold & windy but grateful there's only about an inch of snow on the ground!!!!

                        I'm grateful for a whole lot today!
                        How different my life would be if I had continued on the path I was on before finding MWO! It's hard to even imagine, I'm sure it wouldn't be good.

                        Greetings Star, thanks & I hope you have a great day!

                        DTD, thank you for the coffee mugs - Stella will be pleased :H

                        Cyn, glad you are home once again after such a grueling time.
                        I hope you can finish up the estate work quickly & enjoy some quiet time to heal yourself

                        The quit smoking website is: Quit Smoking All Together: the Web's Largest Quit Smoking Community
                        My 5 year smoke free anniversary is coming up there on May 19 - so grateful for that as well!!!

                        Have a great AF day everyone!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Memorable March - week 4

                          Hello All, Good to see you Cyn! I hope you have calm sailing for awhile. You have come thru some tumultuous waters! So glad to have you back.:l

                          Greetings DTD.

                          Star, I hope you haven't been getting much snow. I looked at the temp for my region in Ohio and it was 15 degrees! Yiiikes. It's not too great here, but at least it's not that bad! I think we're in the 40's now and climbing to 60 as a high.

                          Hello Papmom.

                          :h:hLav, you've come a long way and I feel blessed to have shared your journey. You are an inspiration to so many! Here's a little gift from me to you. I think it describes you and your attitude of success to a "T":

                          Believe In Yourself
                          ? Sagar Satpathy
                          Believe in yourself and you can achieve,
                          Things you never thought possible.
                          Believe in yourself and you can discover,
                          New talents hidden inside you.

                          Believe in yourself and you can reach,
                          New high that you thought immeasurable.
                          Believe in yourself and you can elucidate,
                          The problem that defy every solution.

                          Believe in yourself and you can tackle,
                          The hardest of all situations.
                          Believe in yourself and you can make,
                          The complicated things seem simple.

                          Believe in yourself and you can enjoy,
                          The beauty of the nature's creation.
                          Believe in yourself and you can learn,
                          Skill of gaining knowledge from experience.

                          Believe in yourself and you can discern,
                          New depths in your life.
                          Believe in yourself and you can perform,
                          Way beyond your expectations.

                          Believe in your aim and work towards it,
                          With elation, determination and dedication.
                          Believe in yourself and you?ll feel blessed,
                          As you are the god?s special creation.

                          Source: Believe In Yourself, Inspirational Poem
                          Family Friend Poems

                          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                            Memorable March - week 4

                            Hello All, Good to see you Cyn! I hope you have calm sailing for awhile. You have come thru some tumultuous waters! So glad to have you back.:l

                            Greetings DTD.

                            Star, I hope you haven't been getting much snow. I looked at the temp for my region in Ohio and it was 15 degrees! Yiiikes. It's not too great here, but at least it's not that bad! I think we're in the 40's now and climbing to 60 as a high.

                            Hello Papmom.

                            :h:hLav, you've come a long way and I feel blessed to have shared your journey. You are an inspiration to so many! Here's a little gift from me to you. I think it describes you and your attitude of success to a "T":

                            Believe In Yourself
                            ? Sagar Satpathy
                            Believe in yourself and you can achieve,
                            Things you never thought possible.
                            Believe in yourself and you can discover,
                            New talents hidden inside you.

                            Believe in yourself and you can reach,
                            New high that you thought immeasurable.
                            Believe in yourself and you can elucidate,
                            The problem that defy every solution.

                            Believe in yourself and you can tackle,
                            The hardest of all situations.
                            Believe in yourself and you can make,
                            The complicated things seem simple.

                            Believe in yourself and you can enjoy,
                            The beauty of the nature's creation.
                            Believe in yourself and you can learn,
                            Skill of gaining knowledge from experience.

                            Believe in yourself and you can discern,
                            New depths in your life.
                            Believe in yourself and you can perform,
                            Way beyond your expectations.

                            Believe in your aim and work towards it,
                            With elation, determination and dedication.
                            Believe in yourself and you?ll feel blessed,
                            As you are the god?s special creation.

                            Source: Believe In Yourself, Inspirational Poem
                            Family Friend Poems

                            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                              Memorable March - week 4


                              Happy Anniversary Lav!! You deserve much more than 6 lousy emoticons that's for sure!!

                              I am so proud to call you my friend. You have been such a role model for me and I know many others. When I get down and feel like life is just beating up on me, I think of you and all you've been through and how you handled it all with such strength and grace. Do you sometimes feel like you were meant to find MWO and that this was part of your life's plan? I do beleive everything happens for a reason, good or bad and that we come out stronger on the other end.

                              All of us here have you to thank for getting us out of our vicious circle with AL. Star, you are dealing with winter so much better now! Your whole outlook is sunny and positive, even when things are tough. Dill, there is no way you could have handled your son's issues and the invasion of your home (too strong a word?) if you were still using AL. Cyn, I was so worried about you for such a long time and now I use you as a role model as well!
                              We've all been through hell and back in our own way but our constant thread has been Lav and the Lavattitude she has shared with us!!

                              Enjoy your day my friend, be good to yourself and splurge!! Love you!

                              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                              KO the Beast!!

