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af Monday 24 March

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    af Monday 24 March

    Hi Guys, I?ll start the Monday thread as Mick may still be unwell. Mick you should get to the dr and have some tests ? if you are still crook. You might need some drugs to deal with any unwelcome intruders in your body.
    Det?s weapons won?t be much use!
    Its great that Lav and Sam are starting to get out after the dreadful weather.
    SL and Pauly ? let?s hope you feel a bit better as well. To be honest ? just in case anyone couldn?t tell :l I wasn?t feeling so flash myself mood wise lately.
    And more sick reactions ? SF ? that's dreadful with the AF beer. Stick to your iced tea in future! Hope the reactions have gone.
    Hayfever is bad here ? I didn?t think it attacked in autumn but it does.
    Bear ? either you decide to quit or you don?t. Its not the first time you have been derailed in your plans by going to weekend things.
    Yah ? any news about the job?
    PPQP ? we will be sending out a search party soon ? give us a wave when you can.:wave:
    Caysea ? good to see you. Yes we try to be a dedicated AF lot here. Sometimes people have setbacks but the commitment to being AF is very determined. I don?t think we are undecided about where we stand on that in our lives.

    I better go and think about feeding-time. Lovely autumnal, sunny warm day ? birds doing their chirpy-chirps. The light is lovely at this time of the day. No need to be clutching a glass to enjoy it.
    Hope your Monday is great as well.

    af Monday 24 March

    Morning everyone,back on it and feeling rejuvenated after long sleep.I have got my shit together about what CBT techniques and tools I need to use when I feel like this again.before and while I'm in the situation.

    Feeling positive and day off,car MOT and spending vouchers and bit of house cleaning and decluttering for today.
    one day at a time


      af Monday 24 March

      Morning all, how's everyone today?
      How's your day shaping up TT? Funny to read about fall as we head into spring (I hope). Makes me want to have fall all over again, it is my favorite time of year.
      Bear, how you doing? sleep is a wonderful thing. I get kinda cranky without it.

      well off to see lawyers again, this land thing is taking an agonizingly long time, but at least it is a cooperative endeavor!

      Best wishes to everyone for a good AF day
      Liberated 5/11/2013


        af Monday 24 March

        Good morning Abbers!

        Sun peeking thru the clouds a little but it's cod again! Just can't seem to get rid of the last of winter.

        TT, I do love autumn too after the summer's heat. Get out & enjoy when you can

        Mick, hope you are feeling OK pal!

        Glad you've got your plan bear!

        Sam, good luck with the lawyers meeting. Doesn't exactly sound like a lot of fun.

        I have a bunch of stuff to do this morning then go get the boys at 12:30 & keep them until sometime this evening. Please pray for me, they suck the energy right out of you :H :H

        Have a great AF Monday everyone!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          af Monday 24 March

          Mae everybody,much better today thank heaven,i think i was just overly tired from the nite before,i dont do 1 a.m anymore! SF,yeah steer clear of that a.f beer sounds weird,maybe a wheat sensitivity?i dunno i don't even like beer,even though thats all i ever drank,i would drink it warm,frozen,flat whatevs just for the buzz,i was so ready to fall asleep at 5 yesterday but Kell and Louie went to a birthday party and she locked her keys in her car,so i went along for the ride to stay awake,luckily hubs saved the day with a wire coat hanger,alright last time on paws,i read only some people get it,maybe only super-duper drinkers like me who knows,who cares,supposed to be the brain re-wiring,Kuya had a good explanation once,i wish she was still around,feel better Mick,hello to all and i hope everyone has a good Monday
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            af Monday 24 March

            hiya all..well here I am ..gotta good sleep last night ..well is lovely over here today tho its supposed to be pretty rubbish the rest of the making the most of it ..fixed the bench outside and replaced all the rotted wood and stained it..planted up a load of leeks,did some weeding and cut the grass,cleaned out the greenhouse too..stomach isnt playing me up as bad tho..its doing the gurgly thing ok so what is everyone up to?heard from ppqp...she is sound just got a bit of stuff to deal with so thats it cancel the search team!!!out in the garden this morning...just happened to turn round and look where these 2 are!!wow didnt realise the time ..1300...not a pot washed!!!!better get me skates on see you all later

            My wife has informed me she is leaving me for my best mate.

            To be fair, he was just a mate until she told me.

            We are the illiterati. Fere us.

            What do you call it where a man who kills someone for ?20 ends up getting a TV, a PS3 and a lifetime's free gym membership instead?

            The English Judicial System.

            German customs officers have intercepted a package from a South American country, bound for the Vatican, containing 14 condoms filled with ?40,000 of liquid cocaine.

            A spokesman said, "We will not tolerate condoms at the Vatican."

            I can't believe I've been charged with 'refusing to provide a DNA sample'.

            Nonsense. I spat in the arresting officer's face twice

            recently met an Egyptian who refused to admit that he couldn't swim! he was drowning in de Nile

            Welcome to Mastermind. Our first contestant is Paddy Murphy, a construction worker from Ireland. Paddy what's your specialist subject?"

            "Questions that require the answer 'pass'."

            I've just been and bought myself one of those new Polaroid televisions.

            It's not bad, but when you switch it on you have to shake it and wait twenty minutes before you get a picture.

            first thing 6.15 am

            and now look at these 2!!!

            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


              af Monday 24 March

              They're searching desperately for something to munch on Mick :H :H
              Glad you are starting to feel better - take it easy!

              The sun is out here but it's 34 degrees & a bit windy. Too cold to keep the kids out for too long so they are wrecking my house - swell

              Pauly, sleep makes all the difference, don't you think? I'm glad I slept last night or these grandsons of mine might kill me today :H
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                af Monday 24 March

                Hi all - Monday, long office day - bah humbug! Weekend was way to quick...
                Did sleep last night too - better than the wonky sleep night before - and was still asleep when alarm went off - does not happen too often, and I really don't like it.
                Big meeting and presentation today - I am more of the quiet worker bee, but my boss says I have to be more visible - so ran a meeting today - was stressed and nervous - maybe the reason for weird sleep. Went ok - maybe too okay, as I have to do another one on Thursday - hells bells!
                “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"

