Hiya tt ...did you notice the lazy greeting?that covers all times of the day!!how are you doing?still putting together your travel plans?hows the teenager scene ?is the sea calm?As for the birds doing their chirpy chirps...in the field up from us there is a little lake..and there are loads of Canadian geese who frequent it...all you can here are honking geese!!
Morning bear ..how are you today? well did the car pass its mot? costs a fortune that racket nowadays.
mornin Sam ..hows you this fine day? hey you didnt expect the lawyer thingy to be over just like that did you?not when there's dollars involved!!
hiya Lav.....one hooge massive brew for you.....how did you get on with the destruction team?you any nearer to getting out in the garden?
hiya Pauly glad you are feeling better..yep it is weird how drink affects us all isnt it?any plans for today?
hiya SF hows you today?feeling better after the dodgy af beer?
SL..mornin to you...how are things today?glad your presentation went ok ..as far as nerves go...anyone who says they arent nervous for me isnt real..everyone gets nervous...its a reaction and an energy..the trick is to harness it and turn it into a positive force for you..I aint about to tell you how to do presentations ..but I used to have to do them on security issues and things like that not just in my home establishment but all over the service..I found a couple of things worked brill..when you walk in ..just look around the audience ...someone will stand out..use them as your spring board into subject matter..or audience participation is another good one ..it also keeps them on their toes..sheeit whens she gonna pick on me syndrome!! see all this for nothing!!!!!!!
right peeps for the orf have a great day
wife was looking in a music shop and saw a set of bagpipes,
"Look dear," she said "they remind me of you."
"Why?" I replied, "just because I'm Scottish?"
"No, " She said, "they're mis-shapen, full of wind and sound f.cking horrible."
Daily Mail online: "Retired teacher, 67, was trampled to death by an elephant in 'one-in-a-million' accident in India."
I can't see how that's possible.
David Attenborough said there was only about two thousand left.
I'm so addicted to coffee, when I die I want to be buried facing mocha.
The wife and I just got a cat, but the stupid animal won't do a thing.
Not even feed the cat.
I finally found out why I keep losing socks after putting them into the washing machine. They were made in Malaysia.
I was quite seriously beaten and had my wallet stolen, but I wouldn't like to be him when he opens it.
There was only a picture of my wife in it,
I had to dump my cross-eyed girlfriend today.
I thought she was seeing someone else.
I saw a woman today, standing on 10th floor ledge of an office block.
I rushed up to try and talk her down.
"Don't try and stop me," She sobbed, "Life isn't worth living, I'm so ugly!"
"That's nonsense, you're beautiful, I would love a girlfriend like you." I replied.
"Really?" She sniffed.
"Yes really, will you be my girlfriend?" I asked.
She jumped at the chance.
So I'm still single.
Then they said they're fed up with me laying around in my underwear drinking beer, stuffing my face with their food, messing with the computer and making fun of people.
Pffftttt...stupid Walmart greeters.
Lav/Pauly...here you go ..if the kids misbehave just show them this!!!!!!

ermmm..building fault???

Ankhor Wat

Sunset over Ankhor Wat

rubbish pic ...this is a pic looking at the bottom of the stairs in the A380 emirates airbus ..it is massive..first class upstairs complete with beds and showers if you want them!!!!

School at Ek Pnom Cambodia the one leaning over is the teacher!!!
