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Thursday AF 27 March

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    Thursday AF 27 March

    Greetings Fellow Travellers! Have you all survived Lav?s 5th anniversary bash? Most important have you survived Lav? No hangovers and no regrets ? isn?t it great. Also with a virtual party there is no mess to clean up!

    Bear ? I guess you will be on your way to work soon - so have a great day.

    Mick ? waiting for you to start the brew. Have you tried a cake pop? I honestly have never come across them but daughter said she has and they were delish but sickly. After an extended google search I have learned that you don?t have to use cake mix ? and that there are many variations on the sugar, fat and flour theme. I don?t have any plans to take this up as a new career. But since I am going to the US soon ? I will seek them out - purely in the interests of research. I am also off to Canada but will have to wait for PPQP to let me know if these creatures have made it north of the border. :H

    So I will sign off now and wait to see how everyone is on Thursday ? maybe you are also recovering from the Bard?s verse!:H

    Thursday AF 27 March

    mae are we all? nope I aint late ..been in the garden again this mornin staining fence panels!!!!mind blowing isnt it..Det get yourself over here ..youre into fencing arent you?making a new side gate too much to do not enough time ..also need to get some exercise done...still got those holiday lbs to lose ..despite the stomach issues put 5lbs on...

    hiya tt ...nope havent tried those cake pops..but they certainly look the dogs!!when are you off on your travels?

    Morning bear are things with you? hows the af journey going for you?

    Hi Sam..hows you today?is the weather letting you get out and about?

    good morning SL....How are you today?we still on track for a clean sheet March? you can do it you know you can

    Well Lav....hows you today?after all the dramas of yesterday.......that is probably the longest list of well wishers I have seen..just shows you how high you are held in esteem on this here you go ...another big brew for you ..Quite a few of my plants have suffered while I was away on holiday..gone all leggy and stringy...speshully tomatoes ..going to replant some more

    Hiya ppqp are you doing? I know you are busy ,but nice to "see "you

    Hiya SF your turn o phrase ..."no bullshit!!" how are you doing is it me or havent you been on here for a wee while?

    hi Pauly ...and how are you today?ok I hope...what are you up to today then? hows the af road doing for you ?

    right ..time to take care everyone safe sober.

    I see the Kremlin ordered a fireworks display to celebrate Crimea joining Russia.

    Either that or one of Putin's rivals tried to start his car.

    Paul McCartney has joined a campaign to get a tortured elephant free from its captors.

    The old grey dishevelled beast is said to be in serious need of food.

    And so is the elephant .

    I said to my mate, "My wife is so stupid she wouldn't even know what to call a mechanism consisting of a rod pivoted at a fulcrum."

    He said, "Lever."

    So now I have a new girlfriend with a much better understanding of mechanical engineering.

    I can still vividly remember when JFK was assassinated.

    It was 1963 and we won the pub quiz.

    I was stopped in the street by a woman from WWF.

    "Did you know that in Africa there are still elephants being poached?" she asked.

    "That's unbelievable," I replied, "I thought that in this day and age everything was being microwaved."

    I was impressed when my Italian American actor friend told me he was starring as the Don in a big theatre production.

    Turns out he was playing the front half of a donkey in the local panto.

    I'm not going to answer to the Jehovah's Witnesses outside.

    Just because they're dressed up like cops and saying they have a warrant, it's still not going to make me open the door.

    There I was standing at a very busy bus stop in town today and everyone was giving me funny looks. What's the matter with them? have they never seen anyone take a leak before.

    Hope you enjoyed your tea, I picked the mushrooms myself, how were they?" Asked my wife.

    "F.cking magic," I replied, as I flew around the garden on my dragon.

    Paddy and Mick are sitting at the bar.

    Paddy says my wife has been complainin' to me yesterday about how much toilet roll I use."

    "Do you really need so much?" says Mick.

    "Loads," says Paddy, "but not any more. She told me how to unroll the f.ckers."
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


      Thursday AF 27 March

      Good morning Abbers,

      Tis the day after.......:H
      I must have partied too hard yesterday. I ended up waking up repeatedly during the night just feeling oddly calm & happy! Thanks everyone, it was a great day

      TT, I actually have the special cake pan for making the cake pops!
      You cake bake anything in them - I've even made them with gluten free flour. I don't use all the sugary fondant icings though. I just dip them in a light glaze then let the kids decorate them with little colorful sprinkles, ground nuts, etc. I just make it into a fun (but messy) activity for them

      Mick - magic mushrooms? :H
      And here I am living so close to the mushroom capital of the world - I am quite sure they don't have any for sale!
      Happy to report yesterday's snow has melted, that was kind of sad. People just want Spring around here, no more snow. I want to get some plants growing too - have fun in your garden

      I need to take care of some work stuff this morning then see what the afternoon brings.
      Thanks again everyone for yesterday's celebration. Made me feel like a :crowned:

      Wishing everyone a terrific AF Thursday!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Thursday AF 27 March

        Mae everybody,its because you are a queen Lav,mwo would be pretty worthless without you around,you ade motivating and positive to everybody,a force! Mick,that toilet paper joke was cute,raising 4 kids we were always going through alot,i hate to admit this but i drank tuesday,i'm ashamed of myself,but my oldest daughter Michelle was leaving to move to WA state,i woke up with nerves going nuts all day,got through work,came home and was stupid!
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Thursday AF 27 March

          Ahoy ABeroooonies!!

          egad, so much for the good weather as we have snow today.

          thanks for the kickstart TTops, where abouts in the US will you be visiting?

          Mick, trying to trick me into the wrong kind of fencing I see

          Pauly, glad your with us and didn't go into an extended binge. do you have anything/plans/tools to help when things get to be 'too much'? I've made sure I have a battery of anti-anxiety supps etc for when things pile up on me.

          Lav, put me down for a gluten-free cake pop! wish starbucks had a more healthy array of goodies. I used to cave and have a nasty treat when I'd stop there for coffee but have managed to abstain from such things and put up my 'pastry blinders'.

          I see actor David Cassidy has admitted to being alcoholic after his 3rd DUI.

          well, off to see the wizard

          be well everyone
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            Thursday AF 27 March

            He got another one?actually hubs did work on his house back when he was doing plumbing(hubs,not David)haha,hubs didnt recognize him at first,but then he gave hubs an autographed c.d,kinda cool,he also worked on Steven Adlers house(guns and roses drummer)some famous old people i cant remember Steve and Edie?they gave him shit for his pierced tongue we both got on our 13 th anniversary,(didnt drink back then)oh shoot,Jenny Craigs house in San Diego,alot of others i cant remeber or dont care,admiiting your an alchoholic is easy,quitting and staying quit is the hard part that matters most.
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              Thursday AF 27 March

              pauly, it's time to scrap the old coping technique.
              Picking up a drink to handle stress, anxiety, sadness or anything only keeps you stuck in old patterns.
              You can get through those tough times without AL, you just don't know it yet!
              That's what a plan is all about - choose your 'new & healthier' coping mechanisms before you find yourself in a tense situation. Here's a good page:
              How Do We Cope with Life?

              Det, my condolences on the snow
              I'm hoping Spring will come - eventually!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Thursday AF 27 March

                I know Lav,i know,i know,its just the al brain is so powering! bad day at work,drink,trouble with kids,drink,so stupid and dumb a total waste of money and precious time,why did drinking ever come into the picture,i didnt start til i was 32, i drank every single day,it was fun at first,relaxing,laughing,then it all went. Poof,all the fun was gone,it turned into a nightmare,how could a rational,sane person go back to that?i just dont get it
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  Thursday AF 27 March

                  Thanks for posting that lav, something I need to bear in mind,even tho I only lapse in social situations its because I'm using booze to mask anxiety and low mood.pauly,we can do this,we just need to learn new coping techniques.exercise is a good one for me,i overeat too.
                  Good to be back friend over tonight, she drank wine,I was happy to chat and drink diet lemonade,it was the chat I needed.
                  one day at a time


                    Thursday AF 27 March

                    You know Bear,on the subject of exercise,for some strange reason i think of drinking?maybe its the endophins,or shoot i dunno,gotta keep at it,doc gave me campral shoulda taken it
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      Thursday AF 27 March

                      one thing that's helped me in my most recent quit is coming up with thoughtful daily affirmations and saying them very often to myself and out loud MANY times per day. Not just in the morning.
                      it could be something simple like: "I don't drink because I choose life" or whatever. I have several.
                      during the first days it's critical to establish a new, solid foundation of thought. we really do become what we think. so control the thoughts NOW, in preparation for future challenges. my rusty two cents
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        Thursday AF 27 March

                        How can you drink and exercise Pauly? Even that's got me stumped


                          Thursday AF 27 March

                          Hi all - hopefully that is end of crazy days for this week, tomorrow doing the email catch up.
                          Yes Mick, I am hanging in, fairly confidently - and plan to end the month free and clear, tehn it will be on to my 2011 record of 42days....then uncharted waters....
                          “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                            Thursday AF 27 March

                            Glad you had a good chat with your visiting friend bear

                            Det, I worked hard on getting my thinking into the positive zone before I made the final attempt to quit - obviously it worked! I had picked up my husband's chronic negativity over the years & it really sunk me. I had to scratch & fight like hell to haul myself out of that pit of despair. Now you know why my Lavanittude is so strong - I'm not going back there :H

                            pauly, you have to believe in yourself, really & truly believe that you can do this. We all can but we just don't know it at first. Take that leap of faith & believe
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Thursday AF 27 March

                              I don't drink and exercise TT,i said for some odd reason execise got me thinkin bout drinkin,so dumb,i know,i just want to break free.
                              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!

