I am not trying to derail therapy and I truly hope that if its working for you Bear, then that's fantastic. If you have a good relationship with the therapist and you are in-tune with the 'package' on offer thats the main thing. Hows the weekend lined up?
How?s the garden Mick? I bought a few plants at the school fair today. Alls OK here on the home front. The family has found a new unity in arguing over curtain decisions:H. We have put off getting new ones for so long that the existing ones are falling to bits. Now what would my ex-therapist make of that? Hang-on, he wasn't into the symbolic interpretations.
Det ? good luck with the garage sale next week. I wouldn't like to be the sucker who tries to argue with you over the price of anything these days :H Esp if you are brandishing one of your new toys.
How?s ?Vegas baby? (I saw that post!)?:yougo: Hope you are not getting sad about your baby moving away. It will probably be good for her (and that means for you too). I bet you two are on the phone or txting away all the time!
How?s everyone else?s weekend? You OK SL? Sam? It will be good when PPQP and YahYah return to the Boards. Hi there if you are lurking away!
Things to do now but you all have a lovely Saturday rain or shine. Or murky grey wobbly clouds in-between.