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af Sunday 30 March

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    af Sunday 30 March

    How?s the AF crew this weekend? Sounds wet and cold for the folk on the East side of the USA. Hope the farmers market is not too miserable Sam. And that you don?t get bogged down in that mud Lav! Yuk!

    Looks like you are busy in the garden with the fencing Mick (well not right now as you should be asleep). Liked your joke about the Somerset folk and them getting back to using their 4WDs for the purpose they were intended. I did have a 4WD but that was in Kenya and I used it off-road a lot.

    Deep breaths SF. Sounds like the yoga recovery class was what you needed and it verifies that we need to feel comfortable with the ways we deal with our recovery and the ?experts? leading this.

    Lav ? I am with you on seeking out women drs. I had a dreadful experience when I was younger with an old conservative male gynaecologist ? he was so moralistic. If it was today I would be filing a complaint.

    SL ? that's great that you almost have a month of zero booze. I bet your daughters are proud of you too.

    Hello there to everyone else ? not sure what you are up to.
    I have been for a walk, picked some blackberries, attacked some of the jungle outside and am about to do some of my own work. Calm here today.

    Don?t sleep in on Monday ? UK people ? with turning your clocks forward. We do our daylight saving next weekend and get an extra hour?s sleep.

    af Sunday 30 March

    big shout everyone ...clocks have changed its 5.05 am ...and just onmy way out of the door now!!!finished fencing yesterday tt...yeehah....Lav ..polynesia for me too.
    SL...well done you..a coipla days and thats the whole month ...told you could do it ...dont take your foot off the gas now are on the road.....

    tt got rid of my 4wd ..only reason I had it was to get to work ...and guess what.....unlocking prisoners aint really top o my list nowadays...!!!:H:H:H more worried about me tomatoes growing

    Hiya Sam ok ? bet that shakers museum was interesting ..for some reason used to get them and moravians mixed up!!!

    ok folks time to drive revoir see yawl later
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


      af Sunday 30 March

      Have a good Day Mick - about ready to take myself off to bed - so goofy with the time changes that we work thru! I know you said I could do it, and I was not going to let you down.
      TT - the ex came round today for the girls and said - so the girls tell me you have stopped drinking - is that true? It was good to be able to say that it was
      Wet and cold on west coast too - some tornadoes and funnel clouds around here, and some earth wobbling a little south of here....even had to put the heating back on and last weeks tan is fading:H
      Love blackberries - a little zap in microwave and serve over vanilla icecream - yum!
      Well, see you later when today really comes....
      “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


        af Sunday 30 March

        Woohoo - great that you can say that to the ex with confidence SL. :goodjob:
        I am making a wee (and I mean wee) blackberry pie - daughter is slaving at homework this week and so I want to give her treats.


          af Sunday 30 March

          Woke up early....but, even 3am is a bit too early for me.

          Apparently something hit the shit fan at the office. Manager called me today to apologize for all the threats and was extra nice to me. I think someone spoke up loudly to HR. The whole thing was kind of nuts. I am on track to exceed my year easily, as well are the others who were being threatened. I still recognize that I need to deal better with stress. I tend to internalize too much, which is why I will feel like I have the flu when stressed. When it comes to work though....I have learned to keep my mouth shut. He was asking me all kinds of questions, that quite frankly he really did not want to hear the truth on how it affects people. So I did the old....."tell him what he wants to hear".

          SL that is great being able to say that to your ex. Had to feel good that it came from the kids.

          TT-sounds like you had a lovely day.

          Think I will read for a bit.....or I'll just get up and be productive.


            af Sunday 30 March

            Good morning Abbers,

            SF, I hope you were able to catch a few more zzzzs.
            I was up by 7, one of my dogs refuses to sleep in, no matter what day it is
            Glad to hear your work stress is easing a bit.

            TT, blackberry pie sound good
            I small slice with a scoop of coconut milk ice cream sounds even better!!

            Mick, if Facebook is right I think we'll have a lot of company on Polynesia :H
            Hope you have a good day!

            SL, protecting your quit will also protect your self esteem! Be confident & proud at all times & don't let anyone shake or push you off your newfound path! I'm happy for you!

            Greetings to PQ, where are you this weekend?
            Det, how's the packing?
            bear, what's up with you?

            Have a great day everyone - I think I'm watching the boys this afternoon so there will be no napping for me :H

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              af Sunday 30 March

              happy Sunday ABerooooooos!

              blackberries rule! just love them. I grew up on land overrun with them as a wee lad in WA state before we shoved off for Oz.

              Dx and I had a 'romantic' day of sorting out dusty cobweb infested junk from the shed to make ready for garage sale next weekend.

              Mick, I'm a huge fan of Monty Python and use their lines when sparring at fencing practice!
              also lines from the movie 'The Princess Bride'.

              things are very busy and stressful but I do indeed choose happiness and life is truly grand I'm happy to say.

              had fun watching the SoCal swordfighting finals on the internet live-feed last night, cheering on my club. the action was so furious you could see sparks when the blades clashed at times. yikes! it's a good thing they wear good armor.

              more packing today, then we'll wind down and watch a movie. I have to be on the road Tue-Thu but am not really dreading it at all. my AFness is strong and happy.

              be well loves
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                af Sunday 30 March

                Back for real today...
                Lots of homework here too TT - was dreaming of blackberry crumble too, with ice cream of course!
                Happy Mothers day to the missus Mick - hope you are all being good to her??
                It was good to be able to answer with strength - and so good it came from the girls SF, I have not made a big deal of it to them - just shows doesn't it?
                Hope work goes better for you now SF...
                So much rain yesterday - sun today then next storm tomorrow - bought some strawberry plants and thyme today. I remember your comment Mick when I planted my mints - would be wonderful if these were "time" plants!:H
                “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                  af Sunday 30 March

                  Hi Bear - let us know that you are OK please?

                  We are not trying to derail your therapy - we often give lots of opinions and advice here that is at odds with what works with us as individuals.

