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mon 31th March

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    mon 31th March

    mae all are we today? was struggling to get on site earlier on, but seems to be ok now..was absolutely shattered last night ..went to bed at 9 ..but to be fair ..had been up since silly o clock and driven for 5 hours!!pretty good day on we go with the show..sustenance is available for those requiring it included!!

    hiya tt ...and how are you today? ok I hope was Monday at work ?are they as bad there as here?:H are you doing? good to see you getting into the planting mode again..had another idea about the garden so there may be more work getting done plus I ve got quite a few seeds to sort out...hey how does it feel to belong to I dont drink .com???:H

    Hiya Det want some more stuff for your garage sale ...gotta a load of might come in handys here!!!As for monty python ....ace that and fawlty towers got to be my all time faves!!

    hiya Lav..hows you today?ok I hope yep we will sell plots o land on Polynesia!!Julie bought me a tablet yesterday ..her and Amy decided I dont spend anything on myself!!!aint quite true but who am I to argue?pretty smart its a Hudl...can take it on me jollies ..instead of trying to peer into a phone screen!!up till yesterday I thought a tablet was somefink to make you better!!!:H ok ok jokes over ..brew time! you got plans for today?

    Hiya seem things are going on down your working neck of the woods.....excellent that the mananger apologised for all the heavy duty crap.....did you keep it in the back pocket as a just in case??"yep thats ok,but you must realise that it did affect me not only at work but in my domestic and social life ..Iwas worried ,and in fact stressed out by all this unnecessary harrassment /bullying ,,,think I am ok now but just wanted to make you aware of how much damage it had caused....oh and by the way I ve put it in writing ..just in case you try to give me the elbow in the future!!!:H apart from that lot hows you?

    This puter is really slow this morning its really windy outside so it may be that the connection is having to fight through the wind to get here!!!!:H

    right folk ..time for potato purchase aka tatty bye!! se you all later big shout to those mia ...seem to be loadsa them!!

    People always mock Manchester United for having legions of fans who live nowhere near Manchester, but I think it happens at most clubs.

    For example, I'm a Derby County supporter and you'd be amazed at the number of Welshmen who tell me they absolutely love getting behind the Rams.

    My redneck mate didn't get his mum anything for Mother's Day, the git.
    "F.cking hell, I'm not made of money" he said, "I splashed out on her for valentines day only last month"

    How's your new stairlift nan?"

    "It's driving me up the f.cking wall."

    My teenage daughter just came home with a huge bouquet of flowers.

    "What have you got them for?" I asked.

    "Mothers Day." she replied.

    It goes to show how much attention I pay, I didn't even know she had a kid.

    I'm really getting fed up with all the nuisance phone calls

    I'm going to start looking for something else to do

    Ok mothers, You've had your day, may I suggest you get up a bit earlier today and get stuck into that massive pile of dishes that are left in the sink. The house will probably be a bit of a pigsty as well.

    This is rather embarrassing, I volunteered to take an Alzheimer's patient on a day out to the zoo, and when the day was done, I couldn't remember where I had parked my car..

    I went into a dingy gym, and a huge bodybuilder sidled up to me.

    "Are you the guy with the 'roids?" he asked furtively.

    I said "no, I just didn't feel like sitting down."

    Scientists say the effects of climate change are irreversible.

    Must obviously be a woman in charge, a man could reverse them easily.

    I went on a murder mystery weekend recently.

    It wasn't much of a mystery, if I'm honest.

    I got bored after an hour and stabbed everyone.

    My wife said that she wished to spend Mother's Day alone, to meditate and recuperate.

    I'll get the boys to call her later from our holiday in Australia.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    mon 31th March

    Good morning Abbers!

    Chilly & windy here too but BUT it's not raining or snowing or anything :H
    The weekend's soaking rains ended up turning into snow for about an hour yesterday, my heart sunk. Thankfully it didn't last long

    So Mick, you got a gift for Mother's Day? Really?? :H
    Your girls are very thoughtful, that's nice & I hope you enjoy your new tablet. I can't do much on my phone either - must be an old person thing
    Hopefully the ground will dry out over the course of the week so I can think about dropping some seeds in the ground next weekend.

    Greetings to TT, SL, SF, PQ, Det, Sam & everyone! Pauly & bear - where are you??

    Wishing everyone a terrific AF Monday!
    I'm off to Curves as soon as I finish waking up :H

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      mon 31th March

      Last day of March and in a few hours another goal achieved!
      Off call now after 10 days - and I am knackered (great word!!)
      Not much to say today - windy here, and cold - new storm coming in....
      see you later....
      “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


        mon 31th March

        Quick call in- been dealing with daughter who is not well. Hope everyone is OK.


          mon 31th March

          happy un-hung Monday ABeroooos!

          whew, what a day. zooming like a madman. glad to be in good health and rested, that's for sure.

          Scottish Lass, kudos on your AFness! time for some rest eh?

          thanks for the kickstart Mick, yep, garage sale is the word of the day (as it has been for a few weeks!).

          packed up for trip to Fresno tomorrow via the snowy mountains...could be a slow day of driving.

          TTops, hope nothing serious is ailing your daughter.

          well, more packing and then time for homemade guacamole

          be well everyone
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)

