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April 1st

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    April 1st

    WHITE RABBITS!!!!!!!!!mae everyone ...and how are we today?ok I a new month!!just thinking..32 years ago this month..I went to the South Atlantic (Falklands)and 24 years ago I was involved in the biggest prison riot this country has ever seen no I didnt start it! ..doesnt time fly!!
    anyway nuff o that ..judging by yesterday ..dont have to make a massive brew...only 4 of us here??whats that all about ? has someone emptied the world when we werent looking?

    been raining all night and yep got some work to do in the garden......

    ok on we go ...Hiya Lav and how are you today?ok...good ..well was a lovely day yesterday I ordered a ton of stone chippings for where I changed the veg beds around..and they arrive today so looks like I will be in the rain!You had a chance to plant anything yet?Im still learning how to work this tablet ..might help if I read the instructions!!

    Hiya Det how are you doing? best of luck with your trip mate carefully.

    Hiya tt are things wih you today? hope your daughter is feeling better..

    SL CONGRATULATIONS WELL DONE YOU:good:ointup:another good month coming up for you....knew you could do it!!so now you are off call what do you do ? time off or still at work?

    well folks that was short and the other 44 viewers from yesterday..big hi

    take it easy ebberyone!!

    The 'Irish Wildlife Association' have put penguins on the 'critically endangered' list.

    After their two month expedition to the North Pole, they didn't find a single one.

    I hate pub quizzes, everyone staring at you and expecting answers.

    "I'll have a pint please." I said, eventually.

    NEWS: Crimea has moved their clocks 2 hours forward to keep in time with Russia

    Surely they will also have to change the date back another 50 years if they really want to stay on track with Russia

    As the wife was getting undressed for bed, I asked her to leave her shoes on.
    As she crawled up the bed she asked me , " Does it turn you on ?"
    To which I replied, " No , it's just that I'll only be a couple of minutes so you can nip outside after and put the bin out "

    There was once a wise woman.
    Wait this book belongs in the fairy tale section not the non-fiction.

    Liverpool are top of the league !

    According to this month's national crime statistics.

    When I serve my girlfriend breakfast in bed why can't she just say thank you instead of who are you and how did you get in here...
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    April 1st

    Good morning Abbers & Happy April Fools

    Sunny & warming up to 60 degrees this afternoon - nice!
    Still too wet to do any planting but that's OK.

    Mick, I'll pray for your back while you move all that stone around - be careful
    Let me know when you are finished getting your garden together - mine will be waiting :H

    Greetings to Det from yesterday's thread. Wishing you a safe trip today.

    TT, hope everything is OK with you & your daughter

    SL, CONGRATS to you!!!
    AF is the way to go & I can see you growing stronger every day - great!!!

    Hellos going out to PQ, SF, YahYah, Sam & anyone else I'm missing at the moment.
    Have a great AF Tuesday one & all!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      April 1st

      Thanks Mick, and Lav! Now another AF month. My best was end of 2011, and managed 42 days - today is 39, so have another few and then will be in uncharted waters....
      I am off call, but the call is "extra" - in office doing the main aspect of my job, but hopefully that means phone is not supposed to go at all hours....
      Mick, my brother was in Falklands too - was it really that long!
      TT - how is your daughter?
      Hope noone is made too big a fool today....have a good Tuesday all, see you later...
      “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


        April 1st

        Quick hello - just been diverted with daughter's needs. Its not a crisis so dont worry but its sure easier to handle when I am not drinking in the evenings.

        Sorry about your back Mick - you take good care.

        Well done SL:goodjob: on zapping the month of booze. Just keep plodding along....plodding is good:H
        Lav and Sam - are you plodding through the mud?

        Pauly - don't be shy - we know you had a binge and you know that we are supportive (not of the binge not at all!) and want you to get well and be calmer - this bingeing is doing you no good.

        Waiting for the sun to show itself - its still dark here - Wed morning already. Lots of coffee on offer !!:danthin:


          April 1st

          Well, my day is about over & I survived spending the afternoon & evening with my son & grandsons :H
          They were looking for lunch company & the day just went on & on. The youngest turn 3 on Sunday so I seriously hope the 'Terrible Twos' will come to an abrupt end - OMG :H :H

          Glad you are PK TT, daughter as well!

          SL, work can really suck the life out of you - especially the medical professions. Be sure to take care of yourself first & foremost

          Greetings & good night wishes to all!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            April 1st

            Good evening - here at least.
            Yes, the medical profession is a bit ass backward isn't it Lav - we spend so much time caring for others and forget ourselves. Not sure I know how to care for myself - have you learnt how to Lav??
            A young co-worker is having open heart surgery today after an MI. It is so sad, he is cured following a bone marrow transplant for leukemia, and as his thanks for life, he was in team-in-training for a bike ride - he was training and managed to ride 29miles with his indigestion......not!!
            TT - anything we can do to help? Understand it is not a crisis, but it is obviously bothering you - please share if it will help.
            Hump day tomorrow, thank goodness...
            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


              April 1st

              TT-I hope that your daughter is doing better. One of mine is dealing with a lot of crap from kids at school. Kids can be so mean and rotten. We are thinking about pulling him out and home schooling. It is big in these parts with a lot of support.

              SL-congrats! It is chartered good water

              Lav-seems like the weather is shaping up. I know I am enjoying it here.

              I have tendered my notice at work. We haven't agreed on my last day. Due to the situation they offered us an option to leave with severance. I decided to take it. It was a bad situation where they are only making it worse. They pretty much announced "we are aware this is bullshit and it is going to get if you want to leave......" I don't think they were expecting 15 of us to take the option leave, which is over half the staff....and I think more will have resigned by Friday. I have some options and I am sorting them out.

