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Abundant April AF ~ week 1

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    Abundant April AF ~ week 1

    Looked at my pictures from the party. I think I was too tired to get good pics :H
    I did get one of the three boys singing happy birthday

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Abundant April AF ~ week 1

      Thanks for the pic, Lav! That's a spirit lifter for sure.

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        Abundant April AF ~ week 1

        that is a GREAT pic Lav!!! The boys are getting so big and it is really nice to finally see your son!!! I look forward to checking in with everyone whenever I can too!!

        Dill-amen! Never again and I do just surf those thoughts until they go away. I also wish I never had a heart attack but "if wishes were horses, beggars would ride" as my dad is fond of saying!! Just got to find the good in everything right?

        Speaking of good-I had a fabulous followup visit with my cardiologist today! My cholesterol numbers were "superb" according to him! In fact, my LDL is so low, the machine couldn't register it :H !! He was so pleased with my progress in such a short time and the best thing is... He lifted all restrictions!! I can go back to agility, train to run a 5K and of course shovel snow next winter (oh joy!!!)!!!
        I had my fitness assessment with the personal trainer tonite. We weren't able to do the bike test because even tho I have no restrictions, I still have a stent and am not supposed to raise my heart rate above a certain point. But we tested my flexibility, my body fat (ack!) and my upper body strength. Next week I get my personal workout plan which will include a lot of work on my hips which are in bad shape in terms of flexibility. As far as training for a 5K, he's willing to help me with that but wants me to be open to the possibility of not being ready to run it by the fall. Maybe a combo of walking and running or just walking it. Nothing to do with my heart-he feels my hips will be the limiting factor. We'll see. Lots of work ahead but I'm ready for it. I'm also going back to agility classes, possibly this Wed nite!!

        Well the rain has returned with a vengeance! I get to sleep with wet dogs tonite-yippeee!!
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          Abundant April AF ~ week 1

          Good morning,

          I just had a long post and lost it. No time to rewrite. Just greetings to all and Lav, loved the pic. Have a great day.
          Formerly known as redhibiscus


            Abundant April AF ~ week 1

            Good morning AF friends,

            My doldrums are still holding on to me but I am beginning to feel a little relief. I find myself wandering from place to place, even room to room, hoping to find a place where I will feel better, but the cloud follows me everywhere I'm afraid, indoors and outdoors! Today we meet with Children's Services for a quarterly review. We've been meeting with them regularly since son and grandkids live here. It's because his ex wife was on a safety plan due to child endangering (due to alcohol and heroin abuse) that CS became involved. They remained involved when son acknowledged he too needed treatment. Things are going well with our son's recovery as I have mentioned before, but his wife has not made any measurable progress toward getting clean and getting back with her kids. Usually these meetings are humdrum and everyone just states what is currently happening as relates to the welfare of the children. But due to their mother's continued lack of any significant progress I'm thinking something major is going to happen at this meeting today.Perhaps the looming meeting has been at the root of the dark cloud? It's certainly factors iin.

            Star, I am so sorry your post was lost! I was looking forward to seeing your post this morning. How is your daughter's pregnancy going? You mentioned that she is getting bigger. Everything going OK?

            Cyn, did you get those Corporate taxes done? I wish mightily that someone would put a referendum on the May ballot calling for simplification of the tax code.. That way while all the pain is fresh in everyone's minds we'd get a say so in it! The tax system in this country is totally and completely out of control, unfair and incomprehensible! Maybe this is another reason for my black cloud. We just mailed ours yesterday.

            Papmom, I say that "if wishes were horses" saying all the time! LOL! Never-the-less, I wish you had never had the heart attack either! At least it has been a catalyst for healthy living and you are reaping the benefits from all your efforts. I bet you'll really notice a difference in your agility during your dog's agility training!

            Lav, I think Meema's house looks like an especially warm and comfortable place. Your gkids are so fortunate!

            Have a great AF Tuesday everyone!

            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


              Abundant April AF ~ week 1

              Good morning all!

              Can't believe I was in bed until 7:30 this morning - completely unheard of for me :H
              I think the weekend took more out of me than I realized.

              Dill, I'm sure having home visits from CS is disconcerting. My DIL has been involved in that with her internships. The welfare of the children has to be assured & I'm sure when they meet you they see that everything is going well. Your DIL is missing out on the best years of her life & that's very sad but it is her choice. You need to give yourself a huge pat on the back for providing a stable home environment for your son & his children. They will all grow & thrive in your loving care :l

              Papmom, congrats on the good report from your Doc! You have done a great job getting back in control of your health & future! Pace yourself lady & don't worry about running a 5K - Geez!!!

              Star, lost posts go somewhere - maybe limbo?

              Greetings to Cyn & anyone else popping in today!
              I hope the sun appears this afternoon as predicted, miss that thing when it's gone too long.

              Have a terrific AF Tuesday everyone!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Abundant April AF ~ week 1

                Morning all!

                Sorry not to post yesterday; the weather change really did a number on my joints (at least I'm blaming it on the weather) and I had a vicious headache in the early part of the day...even blurry vision, so I had to take a break from 'screen time'.

                I loved my hike on Sunday, but I didn't disciplinemyself to stretch afterwards, as I have been doing - maybe that was a contributing factor yesterday...

                Star, waaaah, so sorry you lost your post - ditto Dill, I always look forward to your perspective on things. I hope your day is a good one today - is work becoming more satisfying for you?

                Dill - I know exactly what you are talking about - wandering from room to room thinking that surely something is going to take the unease away. I used to think how great it would be if getting happy was as easy as pulling up to a McDonalds and ordering a happy meal. I imagine that you are right - the stress of this upcoming meeting must be contributing, plus the feeling of not having your own voice in your own house -- it must be so hard. Congrats for navigating all these issues so well everyday. Remember - you are just circling around the dark side of the moon...

                So funny - after my quick trip into the city, I was very cranky on the 2+ hr ride home - it seemed endless, and brown and cold. I had completely forgotten the pleasure of seeing our friend just hours's all perspective, I guess. And we have control over that!

                Lav, of course you are right. Instead of fighting those feelings, just noticing them is truly the way to go. Why is that so hard to remember when the blues hit?! We live in such a 'check-it-off-the-list' culture, that instead of feeling what we feel, we tend to see a dark cloud as an issue to be solved and gotten rid of. This is all a great reminder for me. Thanks for the link to Davidji - so far so good, I'll try one of the meditations posted online, and then maybe go for the CD - big help! And great pic of your 2 generations of boys! I agree with Dill - what a warm, cosy place you have. I'll be right over...

                PMom - congrats!!! Wow, what changes you have made. I'm sure the Agility community will be thrilled to see you back in the saddle (so to speak). Sounds like a good plan for the 5K - slow and steady wins the race.

                Wishing all a soft, warm-ish spring AF day ---
                to the light


                  Abundant April AF ~ week 1

                  X-post Lav!
                  to the light


                    Abundant April AF ~ week 1

                    Good morning to all...

                    Another decent day, spring is definitely on the way, we have hope.

                    Dill, has it been raining a lot your way? That could be contributing to the blues. I have been fighting them off too, isn't that weird? Staying at home a lot does it to me. I don't get it, but many times once I get out of the house, I feel better. It would be scary to have CS come to the house. Hope it goes well. On your part and your son's part, everything to keep the children safe and taken care of has been done. I think in some states there is a time limit: so many months and if the parent does not get help, do certain things, they lose parental rights. Very scarey stuff. My daughter is doing well, third trimester and I am going to visit her this weekend, taking the dresser and a blanket. I am so excited.

                    Pap, so happy you are feeling so well, it is amazing how you made changes and they worked.

                    Lav, the picture was so cute, he looked very very happy. How great you could host his party. I have read some articles about being the observer of your feelings and thoughts. Just sitting back and practicing this, to not be at the mercy of every thought and feeling that comes up. Good grief, it is exhausting. And, where do these mostly critical and depressing thoughts and feelings come from? Really important to have positive affirmations and use them.

                    Cyn, so glad to hear you are making sure to take care of yourself. My good friend is off for spring break and we are meeting daily to exercise, fun as I love to socialize. I understand the let down for you after visiting with friends. Work is slowly getting better, but with a different schedule day to day it is really hard to plan my day. However, I am doing it, telling myself that change is good. I could always look for a 9-5 job, but don't want to. There are payoffs for everything, Finding a job that is a good fit and pays well is a life long journey.

                    OK, off to walk and work. Have a great day.
                    Formerly known as redhibiscus


                      Abundant April AF ~ week 1

                      Good morning friends,

                      Hump Day it is, yay!
                      I ended up bringing EB here for the afternoon yesterday, he's good company. He is suddenly concerned about being prepared for Kindergarten in September so we worked on letters & word recognition a little then kicked a big ball around in the yard for a while

                      Star, changing my thinking patterns, I believe is what helped me the most. Daniel Amen refers to them as ANTS automatic negative thoughts. In his book & talks he talks about killing the ANTS!!!!
                      It takes some practice but like anything becomes easier in time. Even today when I find myself in a negative thinking mode I stop it before it does any damage. I'm just not going there again
                      Have a great visit with your daughter this weekend, sounds like fun!

                      Cyn, hope the aches & pains are under control now. I just mentioned to someone at Curves on Monday that my knees are hurting more now than they did all winter - strange. I think the prolonged cold & dampness has been a big issue for a lot of us. My daughter has had problems lately too which I think will settle down once we get some sustained decent weather.

                      Hello to Dill, Papmom & anyone lurking. Have a great AF Wednesday!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Abundant April AF ~ week 1

                        Hello all - late check-in for Hump Day. Thinking of you Dill, I hope the meeting (was it today?) went well...

                        Lav and Star - that's exactly it, the automatic thinking part. ANTS! I love it! I had a good wrangle with them this morning and afternoon. I finally put on my hiking boots (I've been trying to get a lot of miles in before going on this crazy trip to walk on the Cornish Coast). I was so cranky that I did 2 miles before I got myself settled down. Maybe it was the 25-mile-an-hour winds. Anyway, I logged 4 miles today - the farthest yet. I thought of Sooty when I reached the house and said to myself 'well, that's done and dusted'. We'll see how I'm doing tomorrow...

                        Lav - how sweet that EB is concerned about being ready for Kindergarten - that's a new one! How lucky he is to be so close to you - next year will be a big change for you both. My goodness how fast the years have gone.

                        Wishing all a good evening -
                        to the light


                          Abundant April AF ~ week 1

                          Cyn, when are you going on your trip? Do you think you'll run into the cliff walking Sooty? Anything is possible, right?
                          You can watch Daniel Amen's TED talk on YouTube 'Change Your Brain, Change Your Life'.
                          He has lots of sensible ideas on taking care of your brain & yourself!
                          Glad to hear you're getting some great exercise
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Abundant April AF ~ week 1

                            Formerly known as redhibiscus


                              Abundant April AF ~ week 1

                              Good morning...

                              Lav, you are talking about CBT, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Recognizing and being aware of what you are thinking is a big first step, then filling your mind with more positive thoughts is key. It DOES take practice and I have been practicing. I will try to get a chance to watch that Ted talk. How fun to spend the afternoon with your grandson, he sounds so cute and smart.

                              Cyn, I walked yesterday too, but with someone so it went fast. I do walk alone in my neighborhood, we have a park with a track and that can be fun to have a destination and to see other people and kids on the playgrounds. I need to be with other people and get out of the house daily or I tend to get to into my head, not a good thing. It is so weird how our thoughts go negative on us when they can just as easily go positive. We all have very blessed lives: enough to eat, homes, health, relationships. We have it all, of course some problems like all humans, but in the big scheme of things, we are very lucky.

                              Dill, hope your day went well, looking forward to hearing from you. The weather here was so warm, in the 60s it was great.

                              Hi Pap

                              To all, have a great AF day.
                              Formerly known as redhibiscus


                                Abundant April AF ~ week 1

                                Hey Star, I posted to you over on the new week 2 thread!

                                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

