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af Sunday 2 April

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    af Sunday 2 April

    MAE people of the sober persuasion! Wednesday evening here now and I am taking a break before returning to my work. Thanks everyone for asking after my daughter – she’s been physically unwell and on top of that has had a bucket load of school assignments – very stress inducing. So I just tried to be as calm and supportive as I could. Partner is back and he is depressed – so that's fun. Glaziers put a new window in but damaged the wood surround – so I have to chase them up on that. There’s a ‘real’ job that I do as well.:H

    So SF- you will be looking into other options. Are they likely to be in the same field that you work in now? I do hope its not too stressful and that something turns up that you feel inspired about. Hope your son gets through the crap at school. I am grateful that my daughter is in a good social environment at school – we had hassles a few years ago and switched schools because she was very unhappy with the peer environment. But that's all gone now.

    Yes, Lav and SL – work in the health sector is demanding. I don’t work in this area but have friends who do and they are very naughty at neglecting themselves. But then us alkies are quite the expert at having done this in the past – isn’t that right Mick?

    Hope you have survived the terrible twos Lav. I was very lucky with that - my child didn't have a two-year old temperamental phase - in fact, she was a very sunny and calm toddler. Swings and roundabouts I guess (bad analogy).

    You, Mick - have been through your share of crises – Falklands and the Strangeways riot.

    Hi there also to all others – Sam, Det, Yah, Pauly, Bear and the secret lurkers.

    I will leave it to Mick to make the brew and serve the jokes.
    Have a great Wednesday and keep the posts going.