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Wednesday 2nd April..not Sunday tt!

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    Wednesday 2nd April..not Sunday tt!

    mae are we today then ?ok I hope success ...stone arrived last night at 4pm ....shifted it by 8 last night backs aching but not sore...if that makes sense.hopefully that will help the water issue too ...rabbits are impressed with it..

    ok on we go ...lets have a brew afore we start

    hiya tt has you been today?wow seems like you have got a wee bit to deal with today?tell oh to get a smile on sounds like you could do with a the window fitter coming on Tuesday to replace the double glaze window thats blown...its 6 ft by 8 glad it was under warranty!!!hope all is well for you.

    hiya Lav ..hows you ..ok? and so to the end of the terrible twos?just pray that it doesnt turn into the traumatic "trees"! so here you are ...brew time

    hiya SL .hows you today then?no they wont be uncharted know where you are going theres a full crew with you too..!youll be fine ..just remember if you get the urge for a drink the pneumonic TRADE.....
    Think about what you are trying to achieve remain drink free

    Reason with yourself ...why do I want to what good will it do me will I feel going back to a day 1 situation..who will I be letting down ?myself included..what harm am I doing long term

    Ask yourself it worth it..what will I achieve for even just 1 glass of wine

    Discuss it with yourself /friends if possible.. jump on this site tell people how you feel...but make yourself the promise to do nothing until you get at least 1 reply

    Ease yourself out of the situation that put you there in the first place.if its in a shop ..just go out..if in company ..excuse yourself and nip to the toilet.etc

    youll be fine..just stay committed to it

    Hiya wish you all the best....hope that one of your options work out for you....strangely enough I was talking to my next door neighbour last night,and he is doing exactly the same...he is starting his own client database from home ..same scenario loads of bs and pressure. keep your chin up and dont let it get you down ..tho it sounds like you wont.

    well there are lots of people missing whether it is because folks are too busy, or other reasons I dont know...if you are out there take care and stay safe n sober.Pauly ppqp and everyone else

    thats the stone laid !!!

    Camellia bush is now out in full bloom ..other plants starting to come through

    mists this morning

    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Wednesday 2nd April..not Sunday tt!

    Good morning Abbers!

    I'm sitting here at 8 am, swigging coffee & trying to figure out what day it is - Wednesday or Sunday :H I could have sworn it was Hump day :H

    Greetings TT!
    My head is often going in two different directions at once
    Way too many distractions will do that to us!!!

    Mick, very nice pics!
    You are way ahead in Spring blooms & progress!!! Hope your back improves soon

    SF, I'm actually happy to hear you are moving on from that stressful job situation, good for you!
    We owe ourselves some peace in this lifetime, good for you.

    SL, it takes a long time to turn off the 'on duty' mode but it's possible. I was forced into doing it almost 14 years ago when I hurt myself badly & completely accidentally. You can't keep running on exhaustion & fumes - I found out the hard way

    I was pretty tired after a fun filled day with the boys yesterday. Today it's the girls turn, lucky me
    Wish it wasn't going to be raining but oh well.

    Greetings to everyone & sending wishes for a great AF Hump day!!!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Wednesday 2nd April..not Sunday tt!

      Morning all. Been missing in action due to too many irons in the fire, and trying to get it done between weather "events". Went to DC on Sunday for a farmers' market and that was about the most miserable time I've spent in awhile. Blowing rain that eventually turned to snow. Got home in the late afternoon and played at a coffee house. That was fun, other fiddlers so I opted to play guitar. Fun,fun.

      Grass is finally turning green and not a moment too soon. It's been a long winter, I'm hoping for a moderate spring and summer.... yeah, right.....

      Mick, I enjoy seeing your gardening set up and where you live looks really picturesque.

      Morning to you Lav, hope you're doing well and the chicks are laying away. Curious if you mix crack corn in with your laying mash?

      waves to all and hope everyone is doing well.
      Liberated 5/11/2013


        Wednesday 2nd April..not Sunday tt!

        Hi TT (from Sundays post - better not be Sunday - I am off this weekend and wish to enjoy some of it!). Sorry about your daughter - I struggle with wnating my girls to enjoy this time of life and balance all the pressure - it seems to be way too much, luckily my two are fit and healthy (knock on wood) as any holdbacks would put them so far behind...Stay strong and reach out.....and so sorry the other half is pissy - that does not help at all!
        Mick - wise words as always - and I promise to wait for a reply if (when) I need to post. I am feeling strong just now, and that worries me - well have to worry about something! I feel as if this is working, so waiting for the boom to fall...the Christmas gift is in the garage and holds no appeal at all - if someoen was to tell me that this would come, I would not have believed. Do not fear, I am looking to get it out of there - found out about a hospice fundraiser, so seeing if they will take it - so many places will not take wine I am finding out!
        Your stone looks lovely!
        SF - good for you. I am a little jealous - my work is causing me grief - the problem is I love our mission and am totally 100% behind the work we do - just want to be allowed to do it...a new beginning for you SF could bring sop much happiness.
        Talking of new beginnings - I am feeling so positive, that I started to nose around Yikes - not admitted this to anyone else, but it has changed how I feel about myself and the need for self confidence. I feel that just starting to think of that sort of thing and knowing that I am in a place to start to think shows just how far I have come.
        I have a big smile today - tis wonderful!
        Happy hump day all - the weekend is on the way - yahoo!
        “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


          Wednesday 2nd April..not Sunday tt!

          OK- so I double checked & it is indeed Wednesday :H :H

          My daughter postponed her visit until tomorrow so I'm just putzing around & trying to stay out of trouble.

          Sam, the weather was definitely freaky on Sunday
          The rain has noved out of here for thetime being but I think it may be back later tis evening.
          I don't mix the crack into the mash for the hens. I generally throw a scoop of it into the yard for them & let them have fun doing the hunt & peck thing. Besides - who wants their crack mixed in anything? :H They must be happy because I gathered 28 eggs yesterday from 30 hens - not bad!!!

          SL - good luck man hunting
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Wednesday 2nd April..not Sunday tt!

            hiya everyone ...out early doors just posting the noo..we have got that pollution blowing around at the mo ...thats why its so to bed ..up at 4 so toodle pip ebberybuddy

            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

