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thursday April 3rd

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    thursday April 3rd

    mae all ...just a quick pop in ..see how the missing millions are....hope all ok today...we have still got this pollution crap here and it is blowing a hooley ..ideal for an early morning bimble ...gotta go ...all the best to everyone

    Russia wants to join Europe.

    Whether we like it or not.

    I see the Russian army is now conducting drills on Finland's border.

    Or as Putin calls it, "window shopping."

    I'm glad the Sahara dust is arriving in Middlesbrough tomorrow. It'll be nice to breathe fresher air for a change.

    My wife said to me, ' have you noticed that all the sparkle,the excitement and even the sex has gone out of our marriage ? '
    ' Can we talk about this at half time, ' I replied.

    We've got an eight foot dinnerlady at work.

    She's our longest serving employee.

    I was sitting in a strip club when an Oriental stripper came and sat on my knee, "You want some fun?" she whispered in my ear.

    "That depends." I replied, "What's your name, and how much you charging?"

    She said, "Penny, and sixty notes."

    "Well." I said taking her by the hand, "That seems quite reasonable Miss Notes. Shall we?"

    After a night's heavy drinking I found I couldn't get my TV to work.

    So I got a bus instead.

    Be careful out there today everybody, it's the hottest day of the year.

    Mind you don't scald yourself on that f.cking rain.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    thursday April 3rd

    Oh well at least Mick got the right day before he went off on his jaunting. Unlike me yesterday. Duh.
    We are enjoying the last of daylight saving and late sun-sets by staying indoors and working! No choice I am afraid.
    I am actually looking forward to the time change this weekend as it means it won't be dark for so long when I get up. That makes the mornings warmer too.

    The thread sure is quiet lately - I won't list those missing in action but hope you are OK.

    Det - I guess you are gearing up for your garage sale this weekend. We are off to a play with a friend and daughter is off to a movie night with a bunch of her friends. Its been so weary lately and she needs some fun thats for sure.

    Sam - your description of the farmer's market sounded woeful and Lav, you don't seem to be getting any good weather yet.
    But have you noticed that the "S's" (SF and SL) say very little about crappy weather - it must be true what they say about California methinks!

    Have a good Thursday and keep well, happy, sane and sober - and laugh at least 10 times today!!!:biglaughmonkey:


      thursday April 3rd

      Good morning Abbers,

      That's Mick & TT so far - hello to the missing as well

      Mick, where is that smog coming from?
      Maybe you mentioned it before, not sure.
      The air quality is good here if you don't count the allergens produced by all the farms & all the methane produced by the cows :H

      Still no lasting nice weather here TT but at least it's now snowing! I had an email last night from a friend who lives in the upper Midwest portion of this country where they are getting up to a foot of snow today - how sad is that?

      My daughter postponed yesterday's visit until today so they will be arriving at lunchtime. I don't bother going to the gym when they the girls are coming - my granddaughter runs me ragged :H

      I will do plenty of laughing today :H
      Have a great AF Thursday everyone!!!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        thursday April 3rd

        how do all
        A quick pop in also....
        going to DC today for another market so I got to get off my duff and feed everybody. Of course, it looks like rain! Oh well, this summer we may be screaming for it.

        Hope everyone is doing well. Have a happy happy.
        Liberated 5/11/2013


          thursday April 3rd

          Mae everybody,i'm ashamed to show my face here because of my chronic relapsing,but i figured if Det had the balls to post after his last derailment,then hell i can have the balls too,i don't know why i keep doing it,it is killing me,emotionally,financially,spritually,physically,y et any little annoyance and i'm back at it,heavier than ever,and i appreciate all the support here,i feel like i've taken all of you for granted,as i told TT in a p.m,i'm sure it gets tiring hearing the same old story from me again and agin,especially cuz you guys are doing so well in long term abstaining,i told TT i'm sure you want to slap me and say "grow the feck up"! i need a plan,any suggestions?i just want to thank all of you for the support you've given me,it wasn't wasted,i just don't want to ever bring the thread down with my assholism again,i love you guys-thank you
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            thursday April 3rd

            Welcome back Pauly and I mean that.
            I think I gave you my advice in my PM but will share again with the others. We can do a lot here I hope and really want to support but as I said I think you need some face to face counselling with an expert. There does seem to be a lot there that you need to address - I hope I am not off-beam. This might help you to then draw up strategies that are going to work for you and protect you as a whole person. As Lav (we all do but Lav stresses this) this is about all round healing and ultimately happiness (not the swinging from the chandeliers kind but goodness knows what is possible in time:H) - more a happiness about being comfortable in your own skin and with the world (crappy as it is so often) around you.

            At the very least and at the very most you have to quit AL - you know this and we know this. All abusive drinking is just that - abusive and destructive and it only gets worse with time. In your case it seems to be binge drinking, induced by family crises around you. Its also been linked to hormonal and/or other bodliy changes as well. Experts may help you deal with those issues but you must have the support to quit AL. Binge drinking is very dangerous at all ages - but this on/off pattern will not be doing your body and mental state any good.

            You are not dragging this thread down - we are all vulnerable here. You also support us too and we need you. So keep checking in every day.
            Am sure others will have more advice but you just take care and think about how you can make these life-changes.

            I am up early - its Friday morning already - time to make some coffee.


              thursday April 3rd

              paulywogg;1644542 wrote: assholism
              Love this!
              Pauly - I have felt exactly the same, I stopped posting here as everyone holds their AF status strongly and I felt bad for perpetually letting the team down - needed to work out that I was only letting myself down. I also needed to be selfish and do what I had to to quit, and this thread gave me the most strength (the loamers came in next). I needed this thread, so I visit it daily and try to post daily - it works for me. I needed to be somewhere that took quitting seriously. I feel like a vistor here still, and am waiting for some more time to be a full grown member - but I think as long as you are serious about quitting, you are welcome here...:l:l
              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                thursday April 3rd

                scottish lass;1644685 wrote:
                am waiting for some more time to be a full grown member - :l:l
                does that make you a teenager in the recovery world SL?:H


                  thursday April 3rd

                  TT - a toddler, but hope not to fall down any more:H
                  FYI - re weather, we have had weeks fo rain, but still are in a serious drought with 50% of what is needed!! It has been cold and wet - but supposed to improve soon - wait till the summer when I start to whine about it being over 100!
                  “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                    thursday April 3rd

                    I'm with you SL,i need this thread because the people here are who i NEED to become,happily living sober,itry to do as they do,and live life,i just gotta grow some balls and stay off the booze!!!
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      thursday April 3rd

                      Pauly...I think you are projecting what "we might say" from what you are actually saying to yourself.

                      I fell so many was outright pathetic. Many here can vouch for me in that department. However, I kept coming back because this is where I wanted to be. Sobriety is not easy, but trust me when I say.....being a drunk is much harder. Nobody can take your sobriety from you....except you.

                      It is so easy to say "one more time"......then it turns into freaking years. And that is what it turns into. A never ending...."one more time". I can't say that sobriety is all roses.....but, it much better than the pile of poop I was living in.

                      Thanks everyone for the support on the job situation. I go in and out of being freaked out. Almost like getting sober. If I kept drinking what did I have to look forward to? The same crap. Stay in same job.....same crap. Actually I have more options than I thought....funny how once you free yourself from the chains, that you can see more clearly that freedom was there all the time


                        thursday April 3rd

                        Glad to hear that SF - having freedom & options is truly living well

                        pauly, you really should just go to the Tool box (like we tell all the Newbies), start on page 1 & read & read until you come up with ideas to help you cover all your drinking triggers.
                        I can tell you from first hand experience that getting some help leveling out your hormones really helps. I had to actually work my way through an online program to help be break the negative thinking habit I had picked up from my chronically miserable husband. Moods & altered thinking patterns are definitely contagious
                        In other words, you have to prepare yourself, physically & mentally if you truly want to succeed.
                        Your sobriety has to be the #1 priority in your life. Be selfish & be stubborn, borrow some of my Lavanittude I know you can do this but you have to be willing to put in the work. We'll all be here for support!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          thursday April 3rd

                          whew! just home from the road and totally exhausted. now doing last minute prep for garage sale...
                          zoom zoom.

                          Pauly, this sure isn't an easy thing, but when it becomes worth kicking the boozage, we do. sorry if that sounds overly simplified, and we're never out of the water that's for sure. I know I'll be fighting this fight for my remaining lifetime.

                          back to garage sale....

                          be well everyone!
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)

