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Thursday tenf ov April

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    Thursday tenf ov April

    mae all how are we today then?sun is shining in this part of the world ..dont know what thats all about..typing this on the main computer so xcuse any mistakes ....(my story!)
    got quite a bit done in the garden yesterday,back for more today,did the fence but never finished the gate....ok then on we go with the show...brilliant response to the thread yesterday ..and some really sagely words from turn again.

    tea n coffee on the go

    hiya tt...wowee lotsa stuff going on with you...have the fixed the rotten sills yet?that sounds like a good trip.. need to keep us up to speed when you are away of where abouts you are ..if you can..non drinker? hmm sounds better than a reformed alky ..maybe an alfre (pronounced alfray) alcohol free..sounds a bit frenchy and posh..oh yes Im an alfre!!

    hiya Det...and hows the world from your window today?ok ..?yes those were wise words and we all deal with al in different ways...its finding that way and sticking to ifs or travelling today?

    hiya are you today?think you are fright...from an early age al plays a large part in our lives ....from early doors onwards in life ...starts off as a copying exercise,then we enjoy/pretend to enjoy it, using it as a tongue and whatever else loosener (an uninhibitor? such a word?) then as a coping mechanism ..and then finally as a way of life..which ultimately becomes a way of death...happy chappy aint I?:H so really its all about dealing with life without the easy option of blanking it for a while.

    hiya sl...hows you today? glad all went well with the that turn of phrase lock down! if there was an incident in the nick when I worked in them ...we would lock visions of that! doesnt give too great an impression of the school :H hows the al front ?still doing well I see ..good for you.oh and will keep you some sweet peas

    hiya Pauly ...hows you doing today as a non drinker? ok ? gooooood..whatcha up to then?

    hi no sugar are you doing? hows the alfre front? love that avatar ..wheres that about?

    good morning Lav...and whats the world brought for you today ..apart from this coffee?any house wreckers turning up today?

    Hiya chef ..and how are you today? ok ? thanks for the gen on the name..yes you are right ..exercise is a must ...unfortunately for me the mo ..cant get my head together over it..ass kicking time from Monday pour moi

    hiya bear are you?well there are 2 cracking pieces of advice on yesterdays post ,so I aint going on and on...all I will say before you decide a course of action ..sit down and be totally honest with yourself ..what DO YOU want.. not our one except you ..once you have done that then plan out a strategy ..its all here on this forum..just add grit!

    Turn ...woweee how are you doing ...lovely to see you..just read your post again..thats 3 times now!!yes somewhere along the line the penny drops and you think what is all this about?its just getting to that mind set..dont you be stacking to that computer now and gettin all goggle eyed!!!:hateputer:..great to see you getting near the thou you live anywhere near Nome where they make that gold diving programme and all its inherent problems?

    hiya ppqp ..hows you today ?ok I hope ...remember "little boxes!"

    right folks this puter keeps saying restart so Im off before I lose this post!!take care and have a good fellow alfres
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Thursday tenf ov April

    Mick, I had Tips do Wednesday a hundred times yesterday, coz he got it wrong - and then this shocker from you this morning; so, you know the drill :H:H:H. And shouldn't it have been Fursday?

    Have a lovely day in your garden!
    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


      Thursday tenf ov April

      Greetings all from She Who Does Not Drink (SWDND) - OK too long:H

      What are you on Mick? Something in the tea this morning? Yep, rotten wood all gone here- so has a chunk of my bank account. Unlike most people who quit AL and save money - I have done the reverse - I now pay more attention to my surroundings - comfort and visual impact - and so I am definitely spending more on things I never used to. So this sort of backs up Turn's experience

      SL - I am so glad your Dad's op went OK. Where does he live? I lost you on the school lock-down what did you mean?

      Hope all is going well Lav after your hectic party. Its definitely overkill here with the Royals - even for the Royal watchers. Tonight a new state portrait of the Corgi's Mum is being unveiled - now that will be interesting

      Det - I never had a mix up with medication the way you did - but in my evil former life I once went to the fridge to grab a bottle of iced water to quell my dehydrated throat and hangover - took a big gulp - it was gin. Really horrible.
      But I did swallow my Mum's heart tablets (digitalis) when I was a kid and nearly died - apparently. First stomach pump at 3 years old.

      Bear - lots for you to think about. Be strong and determined!

      Hope everyone else is being good and I'll catch you later - Friday is almost here .

      I asked my family if they wanted their Easter Eggs before we go to Hawaii - or to get some there. A resounding - BOTH!!! :H


        Thursday tenf ov April

        Morning everyone, up ready for another day off,week off work and had huge list of stuff to do to sort house out. Now rethought that and am doing one or two small jobs and sharing bigger jobs with OH over next week or too,I'm going to be fitting bath sealant and taking big stuff from the garden to the tip.

        Today I'm doing laundry,feeding friend's cat and cleaning downstairs windows and taking my cat to vet.Tonight is skating practice,footwork skills,getting quite scared by some of new moves and hits in roller derby and I'm increasingly worried re injury,been a few leg breaks recently.putting it to back of my mind,still love the sport and team.

        Lazing v cats ATM,thinking and plotting my approach to getting and staying sober,not dwelling on past,apart from what I've learnt,and starting from today.Majorly what I've learnt is to trust my gut,and not to debate or discuss this with my friends,to keep exercising and to not engage with drinking watch them float in and out but not engage with them,that's a CBT technique I've used for managing my also stay in today and focus on the gains that I will get from being sober.

        I also need to bat out the 'I'm not that bad' thoughts,do I wait until something really awful happens and hope that I can still stop then?Madness logic if applied to any other situation,why wait for something terrible to happen?

        Thanks for being here,off to relax with cats and do some slow low key housework.
        one day at a time


          Thursday tenf ov April

          Fursday Fursday FursdayFursdayFursdayFursdayFursdayFursdayFursdayF ursdayFursday
          FursdayFursdayFursdayFursdayFursdayFursdayFursdayF ursdayFursdayFursdayFursday
          FursdayFursdayFursdayFursdayFursdayFursdayFursdayF ursdayFursdayFFursdayursdFursdayayFursdayFursdayFu rsdayFursdayFursdayFursdayFursdayFursdayFursdayFur sdayFursdayFursdayFursdayFursdayFursdayFursdayFurs dayFursdayFursdayFursdayFursdayFursdayFursday
          FursdayFursdayFursdayFursdayFursdayFrusdayFursdayF ursdayFursdayFursdayFursdayFursdayFursdayFursdayFu rsdayFursdayFursdayFursdayFursdayFursdayFursdayFur sdayFursdayFursdayFursdayFursdayFursdayFursdayFurs dayFursdayFursdayFursdayFursdayFursdayFursdayFursd ayFursdayFursdayFursdayFursdayFursdayFursdayFursda yFursdayFursdayFursdayFursdayFursday

          here you are dtd!!!
          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


            Thursday tenf ov April

            :H:H:H:H Mick! Suppose you expect me to count the words now, don't you?
            14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


              Thursday tenf ov April

              Did a count by searching and replacing - you actually did it 105 times!
              14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                Thursday tenf ov April

                Good morning Abbers,

                You're on a roll this morning Mick :H :H

                No house wreckers scheduled for me today but the guy who is installing the new AC unit is due here very soon. The unit has been sitting in a box in my garage waiting for Spring to arrive. So, today is the day

                bear, I have learned to kill the negative thoughts & that's how I've survived the past 5 years. Dwelling on stuff (and people) that you cannot control is pointless & a huge waste of time.
                You do what you need to do & we'll all be here for support!

                SF, there's no end to the different ways people torture themselves, honestly!

                TT, I'll take an Easter egg if you have an extra :H

                SL, glad your Dad is OK.

                Speaking of school lock downs -
                The big news around here is the horrific school stabbings in a high school in the western part of my state yesterday. Why does a 16 year old boy lose control & show up with two kitchen knives & stab 21 people at his school? Instant insanity?? Who the hell knows?

                Hello to Det, PQ & everyone. Hope we all have a great AF Thursday!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Thursday tenf ov April

                  Mae everybody,"afre"has a nice ring to it Mick haha,this week has flown by for me for some reason,its been hot too 90 but i love it! i tend to run colder than everyone else so i can handle the heat,day off tomorrow,not sure if ill go do anything,probly just clean yippee,well gotta get my kid to school have a nice thursday my peeps
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                    Thursday tenf ov April

                    nah dtd..your task ..should you accept is to tell me how many time I misspelt or missed something out of the word
                    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                      Thursday tenf ov April

                      morning all - checked in with Dad and he did well overnight, so all good there!
                      Looking forward to the sweet peas Mick, my mum always has a good showing.
                      Lav - interesting that home improvement is not the home wreckers:H
                      TT - I am also spending my "saved" money - I saw turns note about how much she had saved, and I wondered where all my savings had gone, and realised I had happily spent them!
                      School lock down - they had a bomb threat, and in situations like this they lock down (yes, just like prison!) and until things resolved no one allowed in or out. The thing that got me was there was no info in or out, and with the stabbings that Lav mentioned, it was just not a good situation - it was all a prank, so stress for nought....
                      TT - went to Hawaii many years back and took eggs in my suitcase, and did a easter egg hunt there - gosh I had energy when the kiddies were little!
                      Bear - I had the "I'm not so bad" thoughts for many years until I gave up, and gave up. I am hoping it sticks this time, it is feeling great - but I have no clue as to why it is working now....hope you can get there too, it is so liberating...
                      “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                        Thursday tenf ov April

                        Mick;1647288 wrote: nah dtd..your task ..should you accept is to tell me how many time I misspelt or missed something out of the word
                        I see nuffink rong wif yer spelling Mik :goodjob:
                        14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                          Thursday tenf ov April

                          dtd ..xactli mi fotz 2 :H
                          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                            Thursday tenf ov April

                            Mick;1647336 wrote: dtd ..xactli mi fotz 2 :H
                            :H:H:H:H (but then you know what they say about fools who never differ!)
                            14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                              Thursday tenf ov April

                              Thanks for explaining about what happened at your school SL.
                              Yes, the awful news about the high school stabbing made headline news here Lav.

                              We dont get this sort of thing in our schools (touch wood) despite NZ being a violent society and having high youth suicide rates. Its a different culture/mind set - with schools and security. The only preparedness the students get is for a natural disaster.

                              I don't think its just because we have fewer really big schools either - as they have big schools in the Europe - but seem to have fewer mass attacks than in the US.
                              I could be wrong though.

